Come to the DR and get away From Covid19 and Protesters burning the cities down


Jun 28, 2003
There are some on this forum board that would like to say "Please don't come to the DR. " "Shut the airport down!" "Stay where you are and don't bring your infections here". There is even a guy here that says "I own property in the DR and EVEN I will not return until 2022."! Adios amigo.
Nothing can be further from the truth or further from good advise. If you are looking to get away from that crap hole they call NYC and the rioting, looting, killing you should get on a plane sooner than later and visit a country with some of most beautiful beaches in the world. Wake up to a glorious sunny day. Walk the beach. Pick up some shells while you contemplate life. Think about BLM matters to many people and doesn't matter very much to you since it's today's current fashion "statement".
We wear mask here also, believe it or not. I saw more people without masks in NY than in "this third world country". In the DR, no mask, lock them up. In cities in the states where you might live...lock up the police is more of the mantra sung today.
I'm a big fan of the DR as you can imagine. I live here now but, understand , I was born and bred in NY. I don't have a horse in either race so I get to voice my unbiased opinion. Get out for a little vacation. Suck up some fresh air on the beach. Eat fresh fish for lunch with a bottle wine, or a "cold one" as we say. Eat it again for dinner. Make love. Chill out. Quarantines are great, they bring us closer.
There will be millions of people here soon so don't wait. Come early and if you read negative comments here you'll understand...they just want the place for themselves. I can understand.



Jul 10, 2004
Don't worry, if they keep the new policy of having a CV19 quick test before you board or get one done upon landing, nobody will come.

The quick test is not available to those in NY so imagine a plane load of New Yorkers each waiting 13 minutes for the machine to provide a negative result. A day , over 24 hours, it would take for one plane and one machine.

And all those false positives from quick tests will really get the airport rockin....

Jun 10, 2008
There are some on this forum board that would like to say "Please don't come to the DR. " "Shut the airport down!" "Stay where you are and don't bring your infections here". There is even a guy here that says "I own property in the DR and EVEN I will not return until 2022."! Adios amigo.
Nothing can be further from the truth or further from good advise. If you are looking to get away from that crap hole they call NYC and the rioting, looting, killing you should get on a plane sooner than later and visit a country with some of most beautiful beaches in the world. Wake up to a glorious sunny day. Walk the beach. Pick up some shells while you contemplate life. Think about BLM matters to many people and doesn't matter very much to you since it's today's current fashion "statement".
We wear mask here also, believe it or not. I saw more people without masks in NY than in "this third world country". In the DR, no mask, lock them up. In cities in the states where you might live...lock up the police is more of the mantra sung today.
I'm a big fan of the DR as you can imagine. I live here now but, understand , I was born and bred in NY. I don't have a horse in either race so I get to voice my unbiased opinion. Get out for a little vacation. Suck up some fresh air on the beach. Eat fresh fish for lunch with a bottle wine, or a "cold one" as we say. Eat it again for dinner. Make love. Chill out. Quarantines are great, they bring us closer.
There will be millions of people here soon so don't wait. Come early and if you read negative comments here you'll understand...they just want the place for themselves. I can understand.

I don’t think it is really the DR or us here on dr1. I think its international pressure including the US.
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May 29, 2013
There are some on this forum board that would like to say "Please don't come to the DR. " "Shut the airport down!" "Stay where you are and don't bring your infections here". There is even a guy here that says "I own property in the DR and EVEN I will not return until 2022."! Adios amigo.
Nothing can be further from the truth or further from good advise. If you are looking to get away from that crap hole they call NYC and the rioting, looting, killing you should get on a plane sooner than later and visit a country with some of most beautiful beaches in the world. Wake up to a glorious sunny day. Walk the beach. Pick up some shells while you contemplate life. Think about BLM matters to many people and doesn't matter very much to you since it's today's current fashion "statement".
We wear mask here also, believe it or not. I saw more people without masks in NY than in "this third world country". In the DR, no mask, lock them up. In cities in the states where you might live...lock up the police is more of the mantra sung today.
I'm a big fan of the DR as you can imagine. I live here now but, understand , I was born and bred in NY. I don't have a horse in either race so I get to voice my unbiased opinion. Get out for a little vacation. Suck up some fresh air on the beach. Eat fresh fish for lunch with a bottle wine, or a "cold one" as we say. Eat it again for dinner. Make love. Chill out. Quarantines are great, they bring us closer.
There will be millions of people here soon so don't wait. Come early and if you read negative comments here you'll understand...they just want the place for themselves. I can understand.


Party on Garth.



Jun 28, 2003
Don't worry, if they keep the new policy of having a CV19 quick test before you board or get one done upon landing, nobody will come.

The quick test is not available to those in NY so imagine a plane load of New Yorkers each waiting 13 minutes for the machine to provide a negative result. A day , over 24 hours, it would take for one plane and one machine.

And all those false positives from quick tests will really get the airport rockin....
I’m not worried Windy. 😀Remember this is a board of opinions. I have come around to accept this. At the same time one should think hard, fast and logically about many of the opinions expressed here (including mine). I just don’t see doom and gloom for the DR. I don’t see how expats pay little mind to a tourist alliance with the government that will support that sector in all respects. They are not going to shut down an international airport for a year or two as you suggested. Are they? In a very short time science and medicine will put an end to this chaos and the DR will be back bigger and better than ever. Do you think that those hotel people are ignorant of the short term future? I don’t. Follow what they do and I think you will see the future of the DR right in front of you clear as can be.


Apr 29, 2014
Johne, with more drugs, more beds , more medical equipment and a place to put all of that to treat patients, it is possible for the DR to get a grip on this situation but not if they continue to do nothing of substance to address the situation.


Jun 19, 2009
There are some on this forum board that would like to say "Please don't come to the DR. " "Shut the airport down!" "Stay where you are and don't bring your infections here". There is even a guy here that says "I own property in the DR and EVEN I will not return until 2022."! Adios amigo.
Nothing can be further from the truth or further from good advise. If you are looking to get away from that crap hole they call NYC and the rioting, looting, killing you should get on a plane sooner than later and visit a country with some of most beautiful beaches in the world. Wake up to a glorious sunny day. Walk the beach. Pick up some shells while you contemplate life. Think about BLM matters to many people and doesn't matter very much to you since it's today's current fashion "statement".
We wear mask here also, believe it or not. I saw more people without masks in NY than in "this third world country". In the DR, no mask, lock them up. In cities in the states where you might live...lock up the police is more of the mantra sung today.
I'm a big fan of the DR as you can imagine. I live here now but, understand , I was born and bred in NY. I don't have a horse in either race so I get to voice my unbiased opinion. Get out for a little vacation. Suck up some fresh air on the beach. Eat fresh fish for lunch with a bottle wine, or a "cold one" as we say. Eat it again for dinner. Make love. Chill out. Quarantines are great, they bring us closer.
There will be millions of people here soon so don't wait. Come early and if you read negative comments here you'll understand...they just want the place for themselves. I can understand.


While I appreciate your cheer leading for DR,I don't need quarantine to get closer to anyone, masks are annoying as hell and I am unsure of the effectivenes the way most people use (and re-use them) here.

I don't think receiving millions of people is a good idea for Dominicans and the fragile Dominican healthcare system so that a few spoiled gringos can enjoy the glorious beaches, a cold one and/or get laid.

Having said that, it's nice to jump into MY pool after a day of work.

You seem tense.:devilish:

BLM :cool:


Jan 30, 2012
y'all dont need to worry about my old fat azz coming. Ain't nobody looting and rioting in the streets where i live. hell, we only got 2 traffic lights in the whole town. I am 5 minutes from some of the best beaches in the country, and my freezer is stocked with fish that I have caught. The only BS that I put up with, is the mutt not obeying, and jumping into the canal.
Nah, I'm good.

Son of a sailor

Active member
Sep 30, 2019
the DR would be wise to limit international travel to avoid more spreading of the virus, but i fear the peso its what the leaders are more concerned with at the moment, also thinking of the DR as a third world country really doesn't fit to me either, fits better with their neighbor.
Oct 11, 2010
"Come to the DR and get away From Covid-19 ? ? ?"

Interesting title, Johne. But let's be realistic here.



Not sure if anyone told you yet, but the Dominican Republic is the EPICENTER OF COVID-19 in the Caribbean, currently 64,156 total cases with an INCREASING amount of daily cases and daily deaths.

And since your little story specifically compares that "crap hole", as you so eloquently describe it, New York City to the Dominican Republic, perhaps a closer look is in order.

Interesting how you claim that you voice your "UNBIASED OPINION" yet in the very same line you write "I'm a big fan of the DR as you can imagine." and several lines above that you call NYC "A CRAP HOLE".

Unbiased? Really?

I digress.

About that rioting, looting, killing you mention. I've been back to NY twice since the Dominican Republic abruptly opened their airports, (we see how well that is working out) and haven't seen a riot, looting or killing yet. I did see a lot of stuff on TV, actually saw a lot of stuff on TV down here in Shangri-La also, including yesterdays little incident in the famous barrio Borojol, but for me in NY, just great food and great fishing, out on Long Island.

Funny thing you mention masks, I also saw quite a few people not wearing masks in New York, me included most of the time. But I did see where it was required, indoors and where social distancing wasn't possible, just about everybody I could see did have one on, me included. It is a little disconcerting how down here it is as you state "In the DR, no mask, lock them up." Not sure how many people really want to "get on a plane sooner than later" to arrive here with the chance of getting locked up in a third world jail for not wearing a mask.

One last thing before I get into the numbers, about that walking on the beach and chilling out. Right now the Dominican Republic is under curfew, which means by 7:00pm and 5:00pm on weekends its LOCKDOWN. If your out, you could again, end up in a third world jail cell during that "little vacation".

Apparently we both have our own perceptions of the current situation in both New York and the Dominican Republic, but there are some telling numbers that may make some of those in New York a little apprehensive about vacationing right now down here in Shangri-La.

In the last seven days the Dominican Republic had a total of 9,729 newly diagnosed cases of Covid-19 in a population of approximately ten million

In the last seven days New York had a total of 5,018 newly diagnosed cases of Covid-19 in a population of approximately TWENTY million.

NY had HALF as many cases in those same seven days as the DR, HALF, with almost double the population.

In those same seven days New York tested 462,587 people, the Dominican Republic tested 27,451.

The DR tested six percent of what New York tested, 6 PERCENT. A JOKE.

The DR infection rate for that period is 35%.

The NY infection rate for that period is 1%.

And last, but certainly not least. The hospitals in New York, which provide a level of health care that is not even remotely attainable by the overwhelming majority of Dominican hospitals and clinics are fully functioning and operating normally with normal occupancies, certainly not the case down here in Shangri-La.

So if someone does "get on a plane sooner than later", arrives here in the DR and finds themselves infected with Covid-19 during their "little vacation", needing serious attention and treatment requiring any type of hospitalization, your advice to "come early" while I'm sure is well intended, might not be particularly prudent.

Perhaps the "guy" you mentioned who owns property here that is not planning to return until 2022 is making a wise decision, time will tell.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
"Come to the DR and get away From Covid-19 ? ? ?"

Interesting title, Johne. But let's be realistic here.



Not sure if anyone told you yet, but the Dominican Republic is the EPICENTER OF COVID-19 in the Caribbean, currently 64,156 total cases with an INCREASING amount of daily cases and daily deaths.

And since your little story specifically compares that "crap hole", as you so eloquently describe it, New York City to the Dominican Republic, perhaps a closer look is in order.

Interesting how you claim that you voice your "UNBIASED OPINION" yet in the very same line you write "I'm a big fan of the DR as you can imagine." and several lines above that you call NYC "A CRAP HOLE".

Unbiased? Really?

I digress.

About that rioting, looting, killing you mention. I've been back to NY twice since the Dominican Republic abruptly opened their airports, (we see how well that is working out) and haven't seen a riot, looting or killing yet. I did see a lot of stuff on TV, actually saw a lot of stuff on TV down here in Shangri-La also, including yesterdays little incident in the famous barrio Borojol, but for me in NY, just great food and great fishing, out on Long Island.

Funny thing you mention masks, I also saw quite a few people not wearing masks in New York, me included most of the time. But I did see where it was required, indoors and where social distancing wasn't possible, just about everybody I could see did have one on, me included. It is a little disconcerting how down here it is as you state "In the DR, no mask, lock them up." Not sure how many people really want to "get on a plane sooner than later" to arrive here with the chance of getting locked up in a third world jail for not wearing a mask.

One last thing before I get into the numbers, about that walking on the beach and chilling out. Right now the Dominican Republic is under curfew, which means by 7:00pm and 5:00pm on weekends its LOCKDOWN. If your out, you could again, end up in a third world jail cell during that "little vacation".

Apparently we both have our own perceptions of the current situation in both New York and the Dominican Republic, but there are some telling numbers that may make some of those in New York a little apprehensive about vacationing right now down here in Shangri-La.

In the last seven days the Dominican Republic had a total of 9,729 newly diagnosed cases of Covid-19 in a population of approximately ten million

In the last seven days New York had a total of 5,018 newly diagnosed cases of Covid-19 in a population of approximately TWENTY million.

NY had HALF as many cases in those same seven days as the DR, HALF, with almost double the population.

In those same seven days New York tested 462,587 people, the Dominican Republic tested 27,451.

The DR tested six percent of what New York tested, 6 PERCENT. A JOKE.

The DR infection rate for that period is 35%.

The NY infection rate for that period is 1%.

And last, but certainly not least. The hospitals in New York, which provide a level of health care that is not even remotely attainable by the overwhelming majority of Dominican hospitals and clinics are fully functioning and operating normally with normal occupancies, certainly not the case down here in Shangri-La.

So if someone does "get on a plane sooner than later", arrives here in the DR and finds themselves infected with Covid-19 during their "little vacation", needing serious attention and treatment requiring any type of hospitalization, your advice to "come early" while I'm sure is well intended, might not be particularly prudent.

Perhaps the "guy" you mentioned who owns property here that is not planning to return until 2022 is making a wise decision, time will tell.

Just wondering if you realize just HOW BAD your MATH is ....
If you re read the highlighted alone , you would maybe realize it ..
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Enjoying Life
May 7, 2016
y'all dont need to worry about my old fat azz coming. Ain't nobody looting and rioting in the streets where i live. hell, we only got 2 traffic lights in the whole town. I am 5 minutes from some of the best beaches in the country, and my freezer is stocked with fish that I have caught. The only BS that I put up with, is the mutt not obeying, and jumping into the canal.
Nah, I'm good.
Both my dogs got skunked this morning :rolleyes: :LOL: Nice day at cottage ruined... A moose just walked by I swear he was laughing at me, I will remember that in October!
Oct 11, 2010
Just wondering if you realize just HOW BAD your MATH is ....
If you re read the highlighted alone , you would maybe realize it ..
Well, let's check . . .

DR Tested 27,451
NY Tested 462,587
5.93% = Percentage of tests performed compared to NY

DR Positives 9,729 of 27,451 tested = 35.44% Infection Rate

NY Positives 5,018 of 462,587 tested = 1.08% Infection Rate

Am I missing something?
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Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
Well, let's check . . .

DR Tested 27,451
NY Tested 462,587
5.93% = Percentage of tests performed compared to NY

DR Positives 9,729 of 27,451 tested = 35.44% Infection Rate

NY Positives 5,018 of 462,587 tested = 1.08% Infection Rate

Am I missing something?
you are missing a LOT
as u are challenging not just every medical expert , but also basic Math.

Fact the DR only tests SICK people .. and refuses to even test the Family members of those SICK people , Fact

( see prev posts by a member here who verified exactly that ).. or maybe you are accusing the poster of lying too ?
therefore only the seriously SICK people are being tested.
its a medically accepted FACT that approx 81% of the INFECTED population is ASYMPTOMATIC.
and NY positives are WAY higher ..
your math is complete trash
and if you copied and pasted it , all the worse ..

the only ALMOST accurate Stats and even those are proven FUDGED are the DEATHS from COVID, per population of 100K.
at least those are solid #s .. .. as you cant fake a death
but you can still list it as Covid, on the death certificate, even when it was not Covid related .. which is a problem as it skews the Numerator .

Here is where you will really go NUTS
A 35% infection rate would actually be GOOD, if it were accurate
.. because whatever shakes out will prove how LOW the Mortality rate actually is .( somewhere under 1% )

testing only really sick people, and then extrapolating that # to the Entire Population, is not just fuzzy math , its just bad math .
Oct 11, 2010
you are missing a LOT
as u are challenging not just every medical expert , but also basic Math.

Fact the DR only tests SICK people .. and refuses to even test the Family members of those SICK people , Fact

( see prev posts by a member here who verified exactly that ).. or maybe you are accusing the poster of lying too ?
therefore only the seriously SICK people are being tested.
its a medically accepted FACT that approx 81% of the INFECTED population is ASYMPTOMATIC.
and NY positives are WAY higher ..
your math is complete trash
and if you copied and pasted it , all the worse ..

the only ALMOST accurate Stats and even those are proven FUDGED are the DEATHS from COVID, per population of 100K.
at least those are solid #s .. .. as you cant fake a death
but you can still list it as Covid, on the death certificate, even when it was not Covid related .. which is a problem as it skews the Numerator .

Here is where you will really go NUTS
A 35% infection rate would actually be GOOD, if it were accurate
.. because whatever shakes out will prove how LOW the Mortality rate actually is .( somewhere under 1% )

testing only really sick people, and then extrapolating that # to the Entire Population, is not just fuzzy math , its just bad math .
JD, Relax.

The numbers and percentages I posted are correct.

5.93% Is the proportion of tests carried out by the Dominican Republic compared to NY over those seven days, that's it, accurate, concise and crystal clear.

The 1.08% and 35.44% infection rates, are the positive infection rates for PERSONS TESTED, as can clearly be seen by just "doing the math", and not TOTAL POPULATION INFECTION RATES.

These are some of the few infection rates that can be accurately and concisely represented based on the numbers provided by the respective governments. The population infected rates are based on approximations, which my numbers are not. The numbers I posted represent ACTUAL RATES, not estimations, approximations or extrapolations.

All your claims about "testing only really sick people", "fuzzy math", "extrapolating the # to the entire population" and the rest of your reply have no place here.

My numbers represent, simple, provable percentages, based on THE ACTUAL NUMBERS PROVIDED. Not estimates, not extrapolations, not "medically accepted" approximations, not trying to guess what is on death certificates, not on who is refused a test and who is not able to obtain one. JUST THE NUMBERS PROVIDED, THAT SIMPLE.


overall tests performed in the DR, 9,729 tested positive, 35.44% positive infection of total tested.

462,587 overall tests performed in NY, 5,018 tested positive, 1.08% positive infection of total tested.

5.93% of tests performed by the Dominican Republic compared to New York, NY 462,587, DR 9,729.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Just accept it. Too many people are getting sick too quickly here in the DR. The country can't cope. Doesn't matter if we are talking about testing, or hospital beds or medication there just isn't enough to go around and people will/are suffering.

It really saddens me, they started out well in March but opening everything backfired. We left, fearing exactly what’s happening, and I had convinced myself that we overreacted. My first clue that something had changed was when my BIL was turned away from three private clinics in Santo Domingo weeks ago, when there was nothing in the news. Now I’m glad we’re not there. I hope you, and everyone else, stays safe.