

Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Since it’s come up recently, I have to ask……

How many of you like concon? Mr AE loves it, I don’t eat it, and don’t get the attraction. Plus it gets stuck in my teeth. For a long time, I used a rice cooker (No concon!) because I was a concon failure (usually burnt).

Then LaProf told me about Persian Rice Cookers. I bought one (PARS brand) on Amazon. Game changer. Mr AE gets his concon fix and I get the fluffy inner rice.

So, is this a Dominican thing, or do some foreigners like it too.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Never really appealed to me. I make it because my spouse and son like it, but I do not eat it. I may look into the Persian Rice Cooker, probably would be a lot easier.
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Facepalm Supreme

Active member
Dec 29, 2022
Santo Domingo
I could take it or leave it. It does have nice texture but I only like eating it if I am the one who cooked the rice. That said, I normally cook my rice in an arrocera- rice cooker and so there is rarely if ever any around to eat.

I am a much bigger fan of cooking extra rice on the days that I cook rice and then cooking fried rice the next day (really just a part of the process of reheating the rice).

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I make Paella almost every Sunday for dinner and have got it down to a science. Once I've got it boiling it's 20 minutes, and 26 minutes gives me just the right amount of con-con.


Aug 26, 2012
Since it’s come up recently, I have to ask……

How many of you like concon?

So, is this a Dominican thing, or do some foreigners like it too.
It is not just a Dominican thing.
My first experience eating concon was with a group of Mallorquinnes.
Paella cooked over a bonfire on the beach during the construction of Hotel Carabella.
There was much discussion about the excellence of the concon achieved over an open fire.
I can take it or leave it.
I do make use of leftover rice the following day or two for a good fried rice or sometimes even a rice pudding.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
Definitely not just Dominican. Long ago when my late husband was an attending at an ER in a hospital that participated in a residency program of the local medical school he became friendly with a doctor from Iran. We socialized and eventually we were invited to dinner in their home. That dinner is when I learned about Persian rice cookers.

When I encountered con-con in the DR, I thought to myself that it reminded me of the rice we had in the home of that Iranian couple.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Yes, but only if it comes out whole.
I dont like bits and pieces of concon, especially not mixed with other stuff.

I want to eat it like bread or like casabe, ie break a piece off and eat it with my fingers.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
Definitely not just Dominican. Long ago when my late husband was an attending at an ER in a hospital that participated in a residency program of the local medical school he became friendly with a doctor from Iran. We socialized and eventually we were invited to dinner in their home. That dinner is when I learned about Persian rice cookers.

When I encountered con-con in the DR, I thought to myself that it reminded me of the rice we had in the home of that Iranian couple.
I dated an Iranian girl once and the family members fought over the concon,they called it something different of course but I don't remember what that was.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2012
I like it when it’s done the way mi suegra makes it. She doesn’t over do it and it’s just a few crunchy grains.

Other times I’ve tried it, it’s like chewing on chicken bones and disgusting.

So I guess for the typical Concon, I pass.

Thanks for posting that rice cooker again, I was just looking back on threads where it might have been originally posted.

ese tipo

Apr 12, 2019
Had a Santiaguera stop by and we ate a at Puerto Rican restaurant and their version is "pegau" the literal rice that is stuck to the bottom of the pot.
She was in tears as con con is comfort food that brings about serious nostalgia. Taste and texture being 2 strong senses, needless to say best $2.25 she spent in a long time.
I could take it or leave it, but it does have some culinary check marks.Much like the fond that gourmets swear is where the flavor is, con con does have a nutty crunchy flavor that basically come from overcooking I do miss those days when it was like a drug for me."Gettin old" I guess.