Coronavirus Covid-19 Bulletin #941/ 15 October 2022


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

The 4-week Covid-19 positivity rate continues to drop and now is at 1.44%, with the 24-hour positivity at 1.44% as of Covid-19 Bulletin #941 dated 15 October 2022.

The number of Covid-19 registered cases in the Dominican Republic for Bulletin #941 was 17, down from 20 on the previous day. The seven-day average (confirmed lab-reported cases) is at 33, and the downward trend continues. The number of active cases is now at 241, down from 250 on the previous day. The seven-day active case average is 274.

Except in hospitals, every day less people wear facial masks in the Dominican Republic. Nevertheless, in recent days, given a known common cold that is getting around, more people have been resorting back to their face masks as a preventive measure.

As per Bulletin #941, with the deadline of 15 October 2022, the Ministry of Public Health has registered 647,222 PCR or antigen-confirmed cases...

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