When you are at Playita, look directly across to Cabo Cabron. You can take a boat to the other side, where you can take a nice hike from about the middle of Cabron and walk east. If you continue to the end, there is a place called Tres Pozas. There are some natural pools there, assuming there was recent rain. You can also hike to the highest point in Samana by continuing past the last right turn before Rincon. If you go straight, the road will turn into dirt. From there it is difficult to explain, but if you message me, I can share the location with you. The views from up there are incredible. You can see out to the Atlantic, all the way back to Samana bay, Riincon and El Valle. The hike has a muddy beginning, and then it gets steep. You are also on the south side so it will be hot. As far as El Monte Azul, I saw Pierre in town, but when my wife messaged them for reservations, we did not get an answer.
Concerning Fronton, you can only drive as far as Boca Diablo, then you have to walk the rest of the way. Option B is to hike in from Las Galeras, and down over the mountain. That is the route I would recommend, Hire a local to go with you.
Another good trip is to take the ferry across to Sabana de la Mar, and go on an excursion to Montana Redonda. The ride up the mountain is wild, and the views on top are outstanding. Take a poncho for the fast moving rain clouds. The dominican food up there is very good.