Profile of Haiti's "Barbecue"


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Well, ever since I first saw him (always in photos) and having read many descriptions of how Jean Jacques Dessalines looked (by people that actually met him, needless to say some of the statues and busts of him in Haiti makes him appear as some sort of a handsome man, but every first hand description make mention of his ugliness to the point it would impact people and intimidate others in his presence.) I always thought they both look very similar.

Who knows, Barbecue might even be related to Dessalines since he impregnated Haitian women up and down Haiti. It’s said Dessalines literally had a girlfriend in every town, e-v-e-r-y town. He had status, access to great weslth and was known to be brave. It’s well known for many women those qualities trumps ugliness and despite he had an explosive personality falling into rage for the slightest thing. Those qualities actually make some women see them as handsome, even if after they fall out of love they wonder how they ever thought that. Lol

That last part reminded me of what Hipólito Mejía once said. He was a close friend of Peña Gómez and most people agreed handsome he was not, yet Hipólito mention that there were countless times when young and very beautiful women would literally throw themselves at him, even sit on his laps and mentioned they thought he was handsome.

Listen to this woman speaking of Johnny Ventura. I think most people agree he was quite a singer and had much talent when it came to dance moves, but to say he was handsome is pushing it a little. Yet…


Given that, it wouldn’t surprise me if Barbecue has a bunch of Haitian woman falling for him. He could very well have no need for prostitutes (unlike some no -Spanish speaking people roaming around Sosúa.) Just saying…
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
Jimmy is a problem which quickly could be taken care off by professionals.

Yet as nature abhors a vacuum, the space would be filled eventually.
As in previous Haitian history.
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Jun 26, 2012
Nals, popularity and power trumps good looks:

It's rumored that Trujillo had many women; PLD stalwart, Euclides Gutierrez Félix, has had his share of young chapiadoras; and if Romeo Santos wasn't a bachata crooner, he'd be just another typical Dominican, and exhibit 'A' for wawawaísmo extraordinaire, with women assuming he's just a motoconchista, and paying the least amount of attention to his piropos.

Heck, even Fidel Castro had Canadian ladies* foaming over him. Barbara Walters found him charming and sexy, too.

Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett. And while Roy Orbison was the polar opposite of a young Armand Assante in terms of subjective good looks, his beautiful singing voice and popularity rendered women breathless, as he whispered sweet nothings into their ears.

Barbecue can do whatever he wants, since "when you're a star, they let you do it."
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata

Concerned Citizen


UK & US Based Father, Conspiracy Realist/Coincidence Analyser, Data Interpreter, Reject Woke Ideology, Pronouns- Fu*k/Off, WEF -
,Vax-Free, STOP GeoEngineering

Just more idiotic trash posted on x and re-posted.

The problem of unsubstantiated hype and misinformation in social media.
Why would moderator JD jones even re-post this trash.

Time for corrupt Haitians to stop whining, stop blaming others for their corruption and incompetence.
Arrange their own affairs, don't give them a penny more.

Intelligent people are aware of social media manipulation.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Concerned Citizen


UK & US Based Father, Conspiracy Realist/Coincidence Analyser, Data Interpreter, Reject Woke Ideology, Pronouns- Fu*k/Off, WEF -
,Vax-Free, STOP GeoEngineering

Just more idiotic trash posted on x and re-posted.

The problem of unsubstantiated hype and misinformation in social media.
Why would moderator JD jones even re-post this trash.

Time for corrupt Haitians to stop whining, stop blaming others for their corruption and incompetence.
Arrange their own affairs, don't give them a penny more.

Intelligent people are aware of social media manipulation.
Gee golly, I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me? Are you friends with the Clintons?
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
The news is reporting they just choppered in more Marines the embassy. That is probably the only safe place in the Country.

Jun 10, 2008
The news is reporting they just choppered in more Marines the embassy. That is probably the only safe place in the Country.
This is a place where I think the Americans would be welcomed as liberators.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Heck, even Fidel Castro had Canadian ladies* foaming over him. Barbara Walters found him charming and sexy, too.
The thing about Fidel Castro is that he smelled. He had the habit of spending several days without showering.

Reminds me of a woman I know that once was introduced to a nice guy, but since she didn’t like him among the people of her confidence called him “hediondo” despite he didn’t really smelled, at least no more than what is normal for many guys. Then many months lster I heard my sunt talking about this. The woman had fallen in love with a Cuban and obviously he had more money. He liked to smoke lots and lots of cigars and you know what that means in the smell department. My aunt said in an ironic tone “al otro lo llamaba hediondo, pero de este que es un hediondo de verdad no dice nada.” Lol


Jun 26, 2012
My aunt said in an ironic tone “al otro lo llamaba hediondo, pero de este que es un hediondo de verdad no dice nada.” Lol
Proof positive that in some cases, money and status trumps everything: Jediondo, pero con cualto.
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Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
Just nuke the shit hole called Haiti. It would solve countless problems and prove we have working nukes.
The videos and stories coming out of Haiti just prove they are barbaric savages. Why would any country want them.
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2016
The thing about Fidel Castro is that he smelled. He had the habit of spending several days without showering.
Smells to me like propaganda from one of his adversaries. There was a news cycle last year when the same thing was suggested about another leader, just to be annoying.