Skarle Mujica allowed to post bail; awaits trial for involuntary murder


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

Skarle Mujica Zapata, the 27-year old Venezuelan woman accused of involuntarily running over 33-year old Julio César de la Rosa Peralta on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 was allowed to post bail for RD$1 million as her case is heard in court.

In statements to the press, she lamented what had occurred and gave her condolecences to the family. She said she would not make more comments for the sake of the investigation and the deceased family members.

She will be released from the Casa del Conductor temporary jail once she pays the bail that is usually 10% of the total bail placed by an insurance company. Her expired Venezuelan passport is retained.

In the Dominican Republic, Mujica Zapata worked as a model in several advertising campaigns for beer companies, banks, etc, but did not have legal residency here.

Julio Cesar de la Rosa Tiburcio, father of the deceased, is a well-known...

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