Transparency International says DR is one of the country’s with highest corruption ranking


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

The Dominican people voted for a change in the ruling political party in the 2020 general elections. The perception was that corruption levels had escalated to all-time highs after 16 consecutive years of the same political party.

Despite the change in the ruling party and new government, the Dominican Republic has a long way to restore transparency. The Dominican Republic is ranked 137th of 180 countries in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2020 ranking just released on 27 January 2021.

The Dominican Republic’s score (28 of 100) tied with at the bottom of the list with Paraguay (28), and only above Guatemala (25) Honduras (24), Nicaragua (22), Haiti (18), Venezuela (15) in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The score primarily reflects the past government that ended in August 2020. The challenge of the new administration is to lead the...

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Sep 7, 2012
Let's hope that Abinader's efforts actually improve things and the DR can rise from its position of disgrace.
Have you not seen the MANY videos posted daily of police brutality? Using the curfews as a reason to completely disrespect the Dominican citizenry? Try driving from Santiago to Puerto Plata over the mountain , turistca , road. There are often times 2 PN on the uphill side from Santiago in the same spot (not if it is raining of course, stopping cars and looking for a little assistance for lunch.
Corruption in the D.R. runs deep with too many years history to easily change it. I blame the Spanish who accepted "some" corruption, just don't take too much. Look at all ex Spanish colonies and you will find that it exists.


Jan 21, 2006
Have you not seen the MANY videos posted daily of police brutality? Using the curfews as a reason to completely disrespect the Dominican citizenry? Try driving from Santiago to Puerto Plata over the mountain , turistca , road. There are often times 2 PN on the uphill side from Santiago in the same spot (not if it is raining of course, stopping cars and looking for a little assistance for lunch.
Corruption in the D.R. runs deep with too many years history to easily change it. I blame the Spanish who accepted "some" corruption, just don't take too much. Look at all ex Spanish colonies and you will find that it exists.
Cops stopped me on that road one time and kept me waiting for 30 minutes, "checking my papers".
Felt like I was in a Nazi Germany war movie.

Usually I hand over a few pesos and go on my way but these guys were nasty and I decided to wait them out..
They even went down the "how long have you been in the country path to try and make the I was an illegal overstay argument.
Been stopped many times but never with such nasty determined aggressive cops.


Feb 20, 2016
Have you not seen the MANY videos posted daily of police brutality? Using the curfews as a reason to completely disrespect the Dominican citizenry? Try driving from Santiago to Puerto Plata over the mountain , turistca , road. There are often times 2 PN on the uphill side from Santiago in the same spot (not if it is raining of course, stopping cars and looking for a little assistance for lunch.
Corruption in the D.R. runs deep with too many years history to easily change it. I blame the Spanish who accepted "some" corruption, just don't take too much. Look at all ex Spanish colonies and you will find that it exists.
Yes I have contributed to their lunch money on one occasion, as the pn made it clear to me they would find something wrong with the papers on my that point you can pay them or have your car arrested and put in jail, as they put it.......As for ex spanish colonies...ever think what it would be like today if the king and queen of England had been the ones to hire Columbus, and not the Spanish?...........


Sep 7, 2012
Yes I have contributed to their lunch money on one occasion, as the pn made it clear to me they would find something wrong with the papers on my that point you can pay them or have your car arrested and put in jail, as they put it.......As for ex spanish colonies...ever think what it would be like today if the king and queen of England had been the ones to hire Columbus, and not the Spanish?...........
We take the bad with the good. I will still take dealing with the P.N over dealing with a highway patrol cop in the states (or almost any other) any day of the week, especially if I am guilty of something. I once asked a cop in the D.R> to hold my beer while I searched for my I.D., which he kindly did for me.


Luck is for the unprepared
Jan 23, 2021
Have you not seen the MANY videos posted daily of police brutality? Using the curfews as a reason to completely disrespect the Dominican citizenry? Try driving from Santiago to Puerto Plata over the mountain , turistca , road. There are often times 2 PN on the uphill side from Santiago in the same spot (not if it is raining of course, stopping cars and looking for a little assistance for lunch.
Corruption in the D.R. runs deep with too many years history to easily change it. I blame the Spanish who accepted "some" corruption, just don't take too much. Look at all ex Spanish colonies and you will find that it exists.
Corruption is of all times..... Even here in Europe, the only difference is that in the DR it happens conspicuously and here a bit more sneaky, I think that (sneaky) is actually much worse.
I visit the DR a few times a year for shorter periods, and police is regularly put on the side of the road, but play the game calmly ..... After all, I can't change it. anyway

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
You guys have all the bad luck. I have never been asked for anything in a police stop, touch wood. Of course the female wasp sitting next to might be a factor. Actually she is very friendly and diplomatic with police boys, as she calls them. The DR has always been high on the corruption index. Cases like Odebrecht don't help for sure. The usa IS 25 on that list and my country of Canada used to be 4 but thanks to Trudope is now 11th. Good governance is hard to get.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
You guys have all the bad luck. I have never been asked for anything in a police stop, touch wood. Of course the female wasp sitting next to might be a factor. Actually she is very friendly and diplomatic with police boys, as she calls them. The DR has always been high on the corruption index. Cases like Odebrecht don't help for sure. The usa IS 25 on that list and my country of Canada used to be 4 but thanks to Trudope is now 11th. Good governance is hard to get.
They only gauge perception of corruption, not corruption per se. Perception is almost always above or below reality and many times it can be way off, but hardly ever is it at the exact level.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Many of the long time members on this forum know how I feel about the corruption down here.
I think so long as this country is run by Dominicans... corruption will continue to be a very big problem.


Sep 27, 2017
Many of the long time members on this forum know how I feel about the corruption down here.
I think so long as this country is run by Dominicans... corruption will continue to be a very big problem.

Do you really trust Canadians? :sneaky:


Sep 10, 2011
I was in the back seat of a car recently pulled over for a random check. Then I pulled out my phone and pretended to be videoing the event, we were only detained less than 2 minutes. These guys don't want to be fired for harassing drivers when they are trying to shake them down for a few pesos. With a camera phone they know they can be identified.


Jun 5, 2011
I was in the back seat of a car recently pulled over for a random check. Then I pulled out my phone and pretended to be videoing the event, we were only detained less than 2 minutes. These guys don't want to be fired for harassing drivers when they are trying to shake them down for a few pesos. With a camera phone they know they can be identified.
That’s a tricky one mate!


Self-imposed banned🫢
Oct 9, 2014
We take the bad with the good. I will still take dealing with the P.N over dealing with a highway patrol cop in the states (or almost any other) any day of the week, especially if I am guilty of something. I once asked a cop in the D.R> to hold my beer while I searched for my I.D., which he kindly did for me.
Our Dominican neighbor said he was once stopped by the police for driving while drunk...And all he did was ...give his car keys to the policeman and basically said “ ok, you drive me home ” ...the policeman drove the car ...they had a nice chat on the to his house 20 minutes later...gave the policeman 500 pesos . Goodnight. Case closed . “Don’t try this at home !!!”.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Our Dominican neighbor said he was once stopped by the police for driving while drunk...And all he did was ...give his car keys to the policeman and basically said “ ok, you drive me home ” ...the policeman drove the car ...they had a nice chat on the to his house 20 minutes later...gave the policeman 500 pesos . Goodnight. Case closed . “Don’t try this at home !!!”.
I wouldn't go so far as to say this is common, but I know of a couple of times this happened as well.

I had a cop stop me once years ago when I was driving in my Wrangler who was going to arrest me for running a light. We ended up stopping at a colmado for a beer.


Jun 5, 2011
The smaller the town or village, the better. Two years ago I was stopped in GH, I drove through red, the officer asked for my DL, which I never carry.
My wife, she is 😆, said “I have one!”. Handed it over, and off we went.
  • Haha
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