What’s happening on 27 February?


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

27 of February is Independence Day in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican independence was declared on 27 February 1844. This year, the national holiday falls on a Thursday, making for a long weekend for many.

Independence Day is also the day when the President of the Republic gives the state of the nation address, a summary of the annual reports prepared by government departments and agencies. This will be President Danilo Medina’s eighth annual report, and his last, as the 2015 Constitution establishes, he is only allowed to run for two terms. For the date, the traditional military parade is scheduled for the sea-fronting Malecón in Santo Domingo.

Parallel to the government-organized events, a major protest event is organized by young groups at the Plaza de la Bandera, adjacent to the Central Electoral Board (JCE), the Ministry of Defense and the Constitutional Court. The young people are protesting the disruption of the municipal election on 16 February, demanding a clear explanation and transparent and fair elections for the rescheduled date on 15 March.

The demonstration is apolitical, with political propaganda not welcome. On Tuesday, 25 February, Karim Abu Naba’a was expelled from the protest area as a non-grata person. The young politician is the son of a long time importer of asphalt. He appeared recently in a video distributed by the Domingo Contreras campaign for National District mayor promoting the construction of a race track for Formula One events.

Those that are welcome to join, include contemporary singer Juan Luis Guerra and Rita Indiana, whose “El Castigador” 2017 video has gone viral again. Hector Acosta (El Torito) will sing the national anthem to mark the start of the event. Others that have said they will perform in the demonstration are Pavel Núñez, Eddy Herrera, Vakero, Yiyo Sarante, Raymond Pozo and many others are part of the event named Trabucazo 2020. The name is about the Matías Ramón Mella rifle shot that triggered the National Independence in 1844.

Pot-banging has been a regular from 8 to 8:10pm in anticipation of the demonstration.

Major shopping stores will be open. Casa de Cuesta is advertising a 50% sale starting on Wednesday, 26 February 2020, as of 7pm. There will be a 50% on many items, plus a 15% for those using Banco de Progreso American Express credit cards and 20% for those using the American Express store card. Jumbo stores of the same CCN Group are also offering a 50% sales price and 15% on those using Banco del Progreso Amex cards. Corripio stores are advertising major discounts on Whirlpool appliances with discounts of 35, 50 and 60%. Bravo supermarkets is rounding off the prices of items for savings at the stores that are open 7am to 12 midnight on 27 February. Home Gallery furniture store is offering 50% in all the store and 70% on lamps.

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26 February 2020
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