Will you accept the vaccine made available in the D.R.

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Student of the Arts.
Nov 6, 2020
Interested in what Dominican residents and citizens think. Personally, I don't trust govts . Someone is making a lot of money off this Virus.
Masks, testing, vaccines,millions of dollars are now Billions, and with a 2 shot campaign for 7 Billion people ( Gates and company want every person in the world vaccinated) we are talking Trillions of dollars. Conspiracy theories aside, a vaccine effective 95% of the time still leaves 350Million people vulnerable to something. I just don't know what?
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Jul 10, 2004
It depends.

It is going to take years to make enough vaccines and deploy them throughout the world.
Experts say about 3 years.

The alternative is government lockdowns/curfews and other violations of human rights.

Everything in life is a trade off. Anti vaxers won't get infected if enough people get a vaccine for the world to reach herd immunity.

I suspect CV19 is here, there and everywhere to stay.


Apr 29, 2014
Sure, if the vaccine is made available free of charge, is easy and convenient to obtain, has a good scientifically supported effectiveness and few undesirable side effects, why not? As long as the vaccine isn't worse or equal to the disease itself,

I'm in. I'm sure it will be quite awhile before any doses of an effective vaccine are available here. When they are I'm sure the govt will make it a bureaucratic and logistical nightmare to obtain. That's the way these things usually unfold here.
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I've already rolled up my sleeve.

I don't think there is much of a risk for me personally but even if there were, I am prepared to take it for the benefit of public health and the economy. I might even have volunteered for trials given the option.


Apr 29, 2014
I kind of feel the same way but first I'd being doing it for me and my family, the benefit to the general public is a secondary benefit I fully support.


Student of the Arts.
Nov 6, 2020
Appreciate everyone's thoughts. Ran into this article. This is the type of information that leads to angst if not mistrust.
And It begs the question: Why isn’t the MHRA saying any of this publicly?

UK Bids For AI to Process Expected Flood of COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Including “Direct Threat to Patient Life”​

While the media is telling us all that covid-19 vaccines are perfectly safe and “95% effective” the UK government has posted a bid and an award contract notice, seeking an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that can process the expected flood of covid-19 vaccine injuries and side effects.
Titled simply, “Supplies – 506291-2020” and found at this link on Tenders Electronic Daily, this contract award notice we originally posted on October 19th, 2020 and is summed up as follows:

The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.

The request for the AI system to process covid-19 vaccine reactions comes from the UK’s Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, the MHRA.

Further in the document, the MHRA describes an “extreme urgency under Regulation 32(2)(c) related to the release of a Covid-19 vaccine” and says that the expected flood of covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions will overwhelm its current “legacy systems.”

“If the MHRA does not implement the AI tool,” the MHRA explains, “it will be unable to process these ADRs effectively. This will hinder its ability to rapidly identify any potential safety issues with the Covid-19 vaccine and represents a direct threat to patient life and public health.”
The extreme urgency status of this bid is further explained:
Reasons of extreme urgency — the MHRA recognises that its planned procurement process for the SafetyConnect programme, including the AI tool, would not have concluded by vaccine launch. Leading to a inability to effectively monitor adverse reactions to a Covid-19 vaccine.

What’s clear from the description in the contract award document is that:

  1. The MHRA is expecting covid-19 vaccines to cause a surge of adverse events / side effects.
  2. The MHRA is fully aware that these adverse events will harm and kill many patients. They specifically warn of, “a direct threat to patient life.”
  3. The MHRA’s legacy systems are unable to handle the expected volume of incoming reports of covid-19 vaccine injuries, meaning the expected volume of such reports will be very large and unprecedented.
  4. The MHRA recognizes the “extreme urgency” of putting a new system in place to identify the adverse reactions of covid-19 vaccines.
  5. The MHRA states that if a new AI system is not urgently installed, it will be unable to identify many of the adverse reactions stemming from the covid-19 vaccine, and that this failure will negatively impact public health. (i.e. People will die.)
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Jan 9, 2004
Strictly analytically speaking, there are two major strains of the virus, Chinese and European, just as there are also different strains of influenza..............and thus different vaccines.

The efficacy numbers for the current covid vaccines manufactured by Pfizer and its partner Biontech as well as that of Moderns show a very high positive success rate in the trials. That however does not guarantee an equal success rate overall.

Lots and lots of continued experimentation still to come to hopefully tweak the vaccine for worldwide use and retain the highest positivity of efficacy and the lowest side effect consequences.

One need only look at prior vaccines, that were not ready for prime time and that caused lots of suffering and needless death, to remain skeptical. The swine flu vaccine and a polio vaccine are two that come to mind, the latter being referred to as the "Cutter incident."



Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Interested in what Dominican residents and citizens think. Personally, I don't trust govts . Someone is making a lot of money off this Virus.
Masks, testing, vaccines,millions of dollars are now Billions, and with a 2 shot campaign for 7 Billion people ( Gates and company want every person in the world vaccinated) we are talking Trillions of dollars. Conspiracy theories aside, a vaccine effective 95% of the time still leaves 350Million people vulnerable to something. I just don't know what?
Not trying to be rude but I wouldn't trust this government (or my own back home)
to tie my shoes. I don't do flu shots either. I eat right. I'm not overweight. I exercise.
I don't smoke. I don't use drugs and on average I get between 7.5 to 8 hours sleep a night.
I take vitamins daily and my stess is about as low as its been in 30 years.
Its called having a healthy immune system and the day I no longer have one.... I'll start looking at other options.
Many of my Dominican friends feel the exact same way.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I understood that adverse effects in vaccines usually show up in the short term: this happened with the influenza jabs that caused narcolepsy and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Does anyone know of any vaccinations that had adverse effects in the longer term?


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I understood that adverse effects in vaccines usually show up in the short term: this happened with the influenza jabs that caused narcolepsy and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Does anyone know of any vaccinations that had adverse effects in the longer term?
Aside from a few hundred thousand cases of paralysis in India a while back.... nope, not really.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Aside from a few hundred thousand cases of paralysis in India a while back.... nope, not really.
This is misinformation spread by anti-vaxxers.
According to a report by WHO, India was officially declared polio-free in 2014. Further, no evidence could be found which proved that almost half a million Indian children were given polio or suffered from paralysis due to vaccine-derived polioviruses. "Over the past 10 years, more than 10 billion doses of Oral poliovirus vaccines (OPV) have been administered to over 2.5 billion children worldwide, preventing more than 10 million polio cases during that period," reads another report by WHO. However, the World Health Organization does mention that it is possible to contract polio from vaccines but it is extremely rare. According to the agency 1 in 2.7 million oral doses results in vaccine-associated paralytic polio. Although there have been reports of contaminated vaccine even after the eradication of polio in India. The data from the WHO show that there were 17 cases of vaccine-derived poliovirus cases recorded in India between 2000 and 2017.

Jan 9, 2004
Misinformation spread by antivaxers and allegedly repudiated by the World Health Organization?

If you want misinformation that likely caused needless deaths......................how about the statement by the WHO early on tweeting what they were told by the Chinese that there was "no human to human transmission" caused by the covid-19 virus;



Jun 10, 2008
I will do it and especially if required for international travel. Many years ago I took several in Denmark before I started traveling a lot. They gave you a small yellow vaccine passport. Included Hep A and B for instance. I wonder if there will be something like that required for international travel.
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Jan 21, 2006
I doubt expats will need to make the decision to take the vaccine or not in the DR.

When every Dominican who wants the shot has gotten it the DR might offer up what is left, if anything.

To expats it will not be free and and could be very expensive.
Add in a very long wait to get to you at the end of the line.

Expats who want the vaccine sooner rather than much later will need to go back to their country of origin.

Resistance to masks and the other anti virus behaviors will find even less support as those who receive the vaccine will immediately think they are safe and no longer need to be cautious.

The good news for the anti vaxxers and deniers you do not need to do a thing.

Uncertain if there will be a cash pay under the table available as is the usual case here.

Just my guess as to how it will work out.


Apr 29, 2014
If the vaccine was being manufactured here I'd be concerned. But as long as the storage & transportation requirements are do-able here. I don't see a problem with a foreign made vaccine. The govt really would like this covid thing to go away and vaccinating everyone one the island may be a good way to to make significant progress in that direction. They should be making plans and announcements for how all this will work now - well ahead of time.
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