
Court orders Claro to share phone-tapping data with Judge Miriam Germán

Judge Diana Moreno, of the 8th Penal Hall of the First Instance Court of the National District, ordered Claro telecom to share with Supreme Court of Justice judge Miriam German Brito documentation on the tapping of her mobile, acknowledging the victim’s constitutional right. The judge gave the company 10 days to comply with the request.

The judge had submitted a habeas data, whereby all persons have the right to judicial relief to obtain and access information about themselves registered in public or private records or databases. The order was given after the telecom had refused to deliver the data to Germán Brito.

Judge Moreno ruled that the refusal by Claro violated the judge’s constitutional right to access the information.

A Santo Domingo West judge had ordered the taping upon request by the office of the Attorney General. The taping was by order 2018 AU 09661, dated 24 November 2018, by the Jurisdicción de Atención Permanente del Distrito Judicial de Santo Domingo Oeste.

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El Nacional

28 March 2019