
Will Domingo Contreras take the National District?

Polls had indicated Mayor David Collado (Modern Revolutionary Party) would win a reelection bid. But after he decided not to run for the position again, his successor Carolina Mejía was given the shortest of campaign times to convince voters she is best to continue in the capital city government.

Billboards of Carolina Mejía and long-time aspiring city government mayor, environmental activist Domingo Contreras dot the capital city with around two weeks for election day. Contreras is running for the ruling Dominican Liberation Party (PLD).

Other contenders are Hugo Beras for the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD); Johnny Ventura for People’s Force (FP), Bartolomé Pujals for Country Alliance (AlPais); Michael Miguel Holguín, for the Socialist Green Party (Pasove) and Marcel Font Frías for the Institutional Democratic Party (PDI).

Sigma Dos poll released on 29 January 2020 states that Domingo Contreras is likely to win. He has 37.1% compared to 31.5% of Carolina Mejía. Johnny Ventura is the runner up with 13.9%. Hugo Beras of the PRD has 2.6%.

The same poll says Abel Martínez in Santiago is most likely to be reelected. He has 64% support of eligible voters compared to 26.3% closest contender, Ulises Rodríguez of the PRM.

The Sigma Dos poll was carried out 18-20 January 2020 with 1,243 eligible voters, and a +/- 2.8% margin.

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El Caribe
Z101 Digital
Listin Diario

30 January 2020