
Universal medical insurance for Dominicans almost here

In less than six months, the Abinader administration has met the goal of enrolling two million Dominicans to the government’s National Health Insurance (Senasa). President Abinader had announced the goal in his inaugural speech on 16 August 2020.

The Senasa health plan is better than many private health insurance plans because it provides more coverage for costly diseases.

For the occasion of the enrolling of Senasa affiliate #2 million, President Luis Abinader was accompanied by Santiago Hazim, director of Senasa and First lady Raquel Arbaje. “This is a collective achievement and a major conquest for the country,” said President Abinader.

Senasa now has more than 6.8 milion members, of which 5,762,249 do not pay into the system, and 1,185,326 make regular contributions off their pay checks.

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14 December 2020