
Winners of the 29th Biennial of Visual Arts

The Ministry of Culture presented the awards to the winners of the 29th Biennial of Visual Arts. Aniova Prandy is the winner of the Grand Prize, for her work “The Sugar Maafa”. She received a cash award of RD$1 million.

Other winners are Carlos Despradel, Juan Carlos Guzmán, Guadalupe Casasnovas, Leonardo Durán, Dustin Muñoz, Mari Carmen Orizondo, Juan Grisanty, Elvin Díaz and Nathalie Landestoy who received cash awards of RD$300,000 each.

Honorary mentions were handed to Cromcin Domínguez, Ricardo Arsenio Toribio, Ottmar Suero Javier, Genaro Reyes (Cayuco) and Johnny Bonnelly.

The selection jury this year was made up by Amable Sterling, Plinio Chahín and Puerto Rican Irene Esteves. The Awards jury members were Paula Gómez, Omar Rancier and Leopoldo Maler.

The winning work, “The Sugar Maafa” depicts slavery during the colonization and is an effort to tell the story of the African holocaust.

The 29th National Biennial of Visual Arts is organized by the Ministry of Culture and is open until 17 December 2021 at the Museum of Modern Art.

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Ministry of Culture


2 December 2021