
Paseo de los Indios renovated in Mirador Sur Park

President Luis Abinader attended the inauguration of renovation works at capital city’s Mirador del Sur Park. A major donation by the Propagas Foundation made possible the renovations and new children’s playground area.

Mayor Carolina Mejía and the president of the Propagas Foundation, Rosa Margarita Bonetti, accompanied President Abinader at the inauguration.

The renovations of the Paseo de los Indios and the Plaza Educativa Cultural del Mirador Sur encompass an area of 42,000 square meters between paths and landscaping. Murals and the sculpture of Indian chieftain Enriquillo were restored. Two Taino children’s sculptures were added and a sculpture of woman chieftain Anacaona, cast in Italy.

A 50 square meter map of Hispaniola was added. It shows the five chiefdoms into which the island was divided — Maguana, Jaraguá, Higüey, Maguá and Marién, and their respective chieftains were Caonabo, Bohechío, Cayacoa, Guarionex and Guacanagarix.

José Ramírez Conde and Amable Sterling made the murals. José Ramón Rotellini created the Enriquillo sculpture. Augusto Rotellini delivered the two Taino children’s sculptures.

Margarita Bonetti highlighted the importance of recovering this area in the Mirador Sur: “The idea is that we can connect with our origins and that children and young people can learn, through the enjoyment of knowledge, in a fun way and sheltered by nature, always highlighting our identity.”

Mayor Carolina Mejía gave thanks to the Propagas for the contribution.

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Diario Libre

23 February 2023