
Rainwater drainage reinstated at Isabel Aguiar Avenue

A hidden stormwater drainage system was recovered by the Ministry of Public Works at the Isabel Aguiar Avenue nearby where the pavement was lifted during the torrential downpours of 18 November 2023. The infrastructure was recovered at the Isabel Aguiar Avenue between the entrance to the El Café neighborhood, in the Herrera sector, in the Santo Domingo Oeste municipality of the Santo Domingo province.

In a press release, Public Works said that the drainage was not working because it was clogged and covered by several layers of asphalt.

According to the explanations of engineer Santo Paulino, of the Tanumis Group, SRL, the contracting company in charge of the work, the system collects all the rainwater that comes from the Café de Herrera and the Isabel Aguiar, from 27 de Febrero to the 12 from Haina, to direct the waters to the open sea.

Asphalt was removed by milling more than six inches of the road which had been weakened by the large amounts of water, exposing the important drainage gallery, obstructed by the placing of asphalt layers over the years.

The contractors uncovered the rainwater drain that has four large 42-inch pipes.

The Ministry of Public Works reported that Grupo Tanumis SRL rebuilt the sidewalks and containers in the affected area and reconditioned the manholes and scuppers.

Likewise, the contractors recovered all the existing filters and repaved Isabel Aguiar Avenue, restoring vehicular and pedestrian mobility and the commercial functionality of that important area of the Santo Domingo province.

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Diario Libre

20 December 2023