
Largest drug haul in past three years

The National Drug Control Agency (DNCD) says the 1,435 packets seized in a 15-hour joint operation of the DNCD, the Dominican Armada, Air Force, intelligence agencies and the Public Ministry off the south coast of Peravia province contained 1,472.45 kilograms of cocaine.

The shipment had come from Colombia and would be shipped to Europe where the drugs have a street value of US$63 million.

After receiving intelligence reports, the DNCD agents and military personnel pursued occupants of a 30-foot speedboat. The traffickers managed to evade the siege and entered a wooded area near the town of Boca Canasta in Peravia province.

Immediately, tactical and reaction teams from the DNCD and the Armada deployed an area search operation at the entrance to the Llano near the Agua Estancia beach. Two SUVs and a pickup were intervened with 58 bales containing the 1,435 packets of cocaine.

In the frustrated international drug trafficking operation, four Dominicans were arrested. The authorities are on the trail of other members of the criminal structure to arrest them and bring them to justice.

This is the largest seizure of drugs carried out on Dominican coasts in the past three years.

El Dia reported that state prosecutors at the Public Ministry say they have sufficient evidence linking Navy Major Gil Pérez Valdez with the drug trafficking operation. The officer was arrested hours after the seizure in the National District.

Major Gil Pérez Valdez was suspended and handed over to the Public Ministry after being detained by the DNCD with arrest warrant 02131-2023.

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El Dia
El Dia

27 December 2023