The Dominican Republic will host the Third ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium in 2024. The DR was chosen when participating in the second global symposium on the air navigation industry, from 30 May to 1 June 2023 in Seoul, Korea, with civil aviation authorities from around the world.
The event was attended by 193 countries. Experts from member states analyzed proposals for integrating the air navigation systems of the various countries so that they can absorb the growth in flights and passengers, which are projected to double in the coming years.
The meeting had the support of ICAO technical cooperation offices, known as the ICAO World Aviation Forum (IWAF), the ICAO Aviation Cooperation Symposium (GACS) and Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS Symposium. These highlight the latest digital tools, key initiatives and collaborative efforts of the Organization to support aviation resilience, innovation and operational solutions in cargo and passenger air transport.
The Dominican delegation was head by, José Marte Piantini, president of the president of the Civil Aviation Board.
At the Symposium, the Dominican Republic presented its experience in the panel “Challenges facing civil aviation in terms of implementation support and resilience.” Héctor Porcella Dumas, director general of the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC), made the presentation.
Others on the Dominican delegation to the ICAO symposium were Antonio Yapor Alba, member of the Civil Aviation Board and alternate representative to ICAO; Julio Peña, Dominican ambassador to ICAO; and Federico Cuello, Dominican ambassador to South Korea.
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ICAO 2023
6 June 2023