2017 Travel News ArchiveTravel

Pullmantur cruise ship departures from Santo Domingo

Photo: Metro RD

Pullmantur Cruceros’s Zenith is docking at Sansouci Terminal of the Port in Santo Domingo, making it an attractive option for Spanish-speaking tourists both from the Dominican Republic as well as abroad. The ship has capacity for 1,800 passengers in 700 cabins and caters to the Latino market. The cruise is attractive for thousands of Latin American tourists that travel to the Dominican Republic for a beach resort stay and now have the option to visit the Colonial City and then embark on a cruise to the English-speaking Caribbean.

Spanish is the main language spoken on the cruise ship. Also, the cuisine and entertainment highlight the Latin American experience.
The two-time Michelin star chef, Paco Roncero, has developed menus inspired by the classic and modern gastronomic pleasures that truly reflect the broad cultural experience of the Dominican Republic for all those who board the Zenith cruise ship in Sansouci.

The season began on 21 October 2017 and continues through 22 April 2018. There will be 25 stops at the Port of Santo Domingo for the cruises that offers two itineraries of seven nights – Caribbean Islands and St. Lucia and Caribbean Islands and Barbados, both visiting nine islands in the Caribbean.

Read more in Spanish:

28 November 2017