
Temístocles Montás: PLD has not authorized talks for reuniting Fernández with the PLD

The president of the ruling Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) Temístocles Montas says Dominican ambassador to the United States Jose Tomas Perez has spoken for himself when he suggested PLD voters back either Gonzalo Castillo or Leonel Fernández in a second round, depending on who received the most votes.

“It is an issue that has not been discussed in the PLD. There is no official position of the Political Committee in regards to that issue and therefore, I reiterate, it is a merely personal matter of comrade José Tomas that does not reflect the position of the PLD leadership,” said Temístocles Montás.

Pérez, a member of the PLD Political Committee believes that his party should advance an agreement with Fernández, leader of the People’s Force (FP), so that in case the results of the 5 July elections force a second round, the party will back the candidate that receives the most votes in the first round.

He made the remark when interviewed on Hoy Mismo on Channel 9, Color Vision.

“The reality is that the PLD is now in the first place in the electoral preference of the Dominicans,” said Montás, guaranteeing that the entire leadership of his party is working “to win in the first round”. To win in a first round, 50% + 1 of the vote is needed.

Montas said that the PLD presidential candidate, Gonzalo Castillo has been doing an extraordinary job as the shining star in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.

The last time Montás spoke up was to claim that the opposition had sabotaged the 16 February municipal election. An Organization of American States investigative committee would later declare the e-voting glitch was due to mismanagement by the Central Electoral Board (JCE).

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28 April 2020