Pennsylvania Hospital Wants to Deport an Undocumented Dominican Woman in a Coma

Joseph NY2STI

Well-known member
Mar 22, 2020
Had she been in her home country her husband would be planning her funeral right now. I'm sure at some point the illegal alien husband expressed his gratitude that the hospital saved his wife's life - at no expense to him - but the tragically hip author neglected to mention it. And the media can't understand why no ones trusts them.
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Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Normally your "immigration" status is not known to the hospital, unless they are uninsured/under insured. Then the hospital may be trying to get state Medicaid to help pay the costs. This is then how the "immigration" status becomes known. I have actually seen this happen where a patient was sent back to the Dominican Republic for continued treatment. The hospital weighed the cost options and decided in the end it would be cheaper to get the person a med flight back to the DR. They felt that the med flight would be less costly than having the person remain in the ICU for an unknown amount of time.
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Jun 28, 2003
If you read the "Mission Statement" of the organization it emphasizes a purely US political statement. This story is over the top "political" and not DR related other than it happens to be the country the hospital is sending her to. Putting someone out at the curb in any country for not paying the going rate of care ( not including emergency care) is not new news. Unfortunately .
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Apr 11, 2004
Maybe you "patriots" missed this:

Rivas told Prism the hospital pressured him to “disconnect her,” and after he refused, he says he was given the following options:

Joseph NY2STI

Well-known member
Mar 22, 2020
Maybe you "patriots" missed this:

Rivas told Prism the hospital pressured him to “disconnect her,” and after he refused, he says he was given the following options:

I read that. What I didn't read was a statement from the hospital that saved the life of his wife, i.e., the other side of the story. The author is a novelist with an agenda, not a journalist.
Jan 9, 2004
Another headline written as “clickbait.”

Only the federal government can deport anyone, or the individual or their legal guardian can self deport.

By law, hospitals are only required to stabilize a non paying patient’s condition, not continue to provide free medical care, but most go beyond their legal and ethical responsibility.

A further point, anyone, legal or illegal can get some form of health insurance and for whatever reason she did not, but the hospital treated her and, as was noted above, likely saved her life.

Many hospitals and this case is not unique, will pay to provide medical transport back to their home country.

If the Dominican government was as concerned about their citizens well being that live abroad as they are about getting them to vote in Presidential elections, their embassy and the over staffed consulates would be reaching out to find a solution.



Apr 11, 2004
Another headline written as “clickbait.”

Only the federal government can deport anyone, or the individual or their legal guardian can self deport.

By law, hospitals are only required to stabilize a non paying patient’s condition, not continue to provide free medical care, but most go beyond their legal and ethical responsibility.

A further point, anyone, legal or illegal can get some form of health insurance and for whatever reason she did not, but the hospital treated her and, as was noted above, likely saved her life.

Many hospitals and this case is not unique, will pay to provide medical transport back to their home country.

If the Dominican government was as concerned about their citizens well being that live abroad as they are about getting them to vote in Presidential elections, their embassy and the over staffed consulates would be reaching out to find a solution.

So it is your learned opinion that hospitals can just "disconnect" the person {KILL} because it is their right to do so? CARRY ON................

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
If she was in the DR she would not have even been seen in a hospital before she showed her insurance and made a large cash deposit too, and 'Rivas' would have found her in the hospital entry way once her insurance limit was reached.

There is no doubt medical care is too expensive in the US but if you go there illegally then want to complain that you deserve free everything, you won't get many working people's sympathy, just the liberals in DC. Maybe the open border advocates could chip in to pay for her care ?

In the end it is not the hospital that 'eats' it - it will be them raising rates on legit responsible patients or the padding of others' insurance bills to make up for the scofflaw. Meaning responsible people pay.

End of life is a brutal experience, especially for loved ones of the dying - I do feel Rivas' agony, but he is it but one of hundreds of thousands of uninsured people making demands.
My US insurance with Medicare is costing me $600+/month and I don't use it while living here - That's a big dent in my income and I could live much better if I knew I could just claim poverty and go to the US for free end-of-life treatment and forgo insurance for the next 15 years.


Apr 11, 2004
You pay $600 a month for Medicare? If you are over 65 with a good Medicare Advantage plan you only pay the Part B premium..................And NO co-pays.........
Jan 9, 2004
So it is your learned opinion that hospitals can just "disconnect" the person {KILL} because it is their right to do so? CARRY ON................

Nowhere is it mentioned or suggested that hospitals can just disconnect and KILL people because it is their right. The only mention of killing comes by her husband who claims if she is put on a plane back to the Dominican Republic she will die. Comatose patients can be safely transported via air ambulance. He was given other options as well.

But this piece is not really about her medical treatment, if you read it closely. It is really about immigration policies sensationalized by an organization that is merely using her condition/plight as a tool for their own gain. The shame, if any, is that they have used her, her husband and the medical condition as a tool for fostering their real agenda.



Apr 11, 2004
Nowhere is it mentioned or suggested that hospitals can just disconnect and KILL people because it is their right. The only mention of killing comes by her husband who claims if she is put on a plane back to the Dominican Republic she will die. Comatose patients can be safely transported via air ambulance. He was given other options as well.

Rivas told Prism the hospital pressured him to “disconnect her,” and after he refused, he says he was given the following options:

You have a reading comprehension problem????


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Dominican public hospitals can't turn away (much less ask for deportation) any illegals. The entire treatment is paid for by the Dominican government (giving birth is the main one, but really covers everything.)

Now, why exactly is the hospital in Pennsylvania (with access to considerably more resources) trying to do what DR public hospitals can't do?

With all the pressure the DR gets from the USA regarding illegals, completely disregarding that the country works with a lot less money, that a hospital in the USA now wants to deport a Dominican in coma due to her illegal status and to cut cost doesn't leave a good taste in the mouth.

It sounds like that US representative that recently went "to see" the Dominican-Haitian border should instead be going "to see" a particular hospital in Pennsylvania. I bet they have beds and ICU's, medicines, etc available for anyone that arrives in their emergency department. Shucks, I get it, the hospital can't have the added costs, so shove it to Dominican hospitals which are overflowing with cash.
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Jan 9, 2004
Rivas told Prism the hospital pressured him to “disconnect her,” and after he refused, he says he was given the following options:

You have a reading comprehension problem????

I read it very clearly and thoroughly. And, I require more information than this far left propaganda site is offering.

He “alleged” the hospital pressured him to “disconnect her.” Disconnect her from what? It does not say what. What it does say is that she had other options and none of them allude to killing her as you have boldly and incorrectly stated.

The only reference comes from her husband who states sending her back to the Dominican Republic via air ambulance would KILL her. I have to question his ability and medical knowledge to make such a claim as lots of patients are sent via air ambulance to other facilities to be closer to home or provide more specialized care.

I understand why he made the claim as she would be deported, self or otherwise, back to the Dominican Republic and then be barred from re-entry. Unfortunately, both of them now have a lot at stake…….that I am sure they likely did not imagine when they entered the country illegally.


chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
You pay $600 a month for Medicare? If you are over 65 with a good Medicare Advantage plan you only pay the Part B premium..................And NO co-pays.........
Yes but it is income based and it is not fixed cost. If you had a large income year be prepare3d to pay through the nose


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Taking a med flight would not "kill" the wife. The husband may be thinking about the care or lack of she would receive if sent to the DR. Not to mention the cost of care. This happens a lot more than people realize.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Taking a med flight would not "kill" the wife. The husband may be thinking about the care or lack of she would receive if sent to the DR. Not to mention the cost of care. This happens a lot more than people realize.
Well it sounds like she will not recover. You think her wishes would be to return to her home soil for a final resting ?
And you are right - it will not be free in DR, like the Pennsylvania Hospital is providing.

Death and illness are sad when you are close to someone, but unfortunately we all go there with loved ones, and then, yep, it's our turn.
I just hope my end is not some prolonged prodding in a sterile hospital room with drool soaking my uncomfortable pillow while staring at the ceiling waiting on a warm sponge bath from the nurse with the open-buttoned uniform.

"I'll take massive fatal stroke for $1,000 Alex"