There Goes the Neighbourhood - Hell's Angels Bunker North Coast

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Dec 7, 2006
Ok, on second thought, my "might not be a bad thing" comment, is only in the context of intimidating local criminals - i.e. they might have second thoughts on which expats they want to target. But this also has alot of negative connotations that go beyond any of their activities. For starters, their presence was somewhat under the radar, at least from a law enforcement perspective. Now that they have started a chapter, I wonder how many Canadians will be scrutinized upon returning to Canada, being searched, ect. I know that I, as a young guy, when I tell a customs officer I am coming from the DR automatically get told I'm going to be searched, more than half the time anyways. But I'm thinking that this can get even worse, having a branch of a Canadian crime organization based there, could mean that such things as sponsorships, visas, tax audits, personal investigations, etc. could increase for your regular Canadian, just because the HA have set up shop, I seriously hope not, but something tells me this could be a consequence.

As for my initial statement of them "might not be a bad thing", I doubt that their will be any increased violence because of their presence, however, there might be an increase of shady expats in the North, but there's nothing new there. I don't think they are there to trade drugs to locals, they are most likely to use it as a transit base, aswell as perhaps traffic to expats and tourists - as for human trafficking, US State dept, estimates that about 50 000 dominican women are trafficked each year, HA run strip clubs, 2 and 2 together tells me that there is a good chance they'll be involved in that.

Hopefully now that they have put themselves under the radar, they will have an eye kept on them, and that it won't affect law abiding Canadians, nor the locals.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Yes, the human trafficking angle is a probable one. Friends of mine who frequent Costa Rica say that girls in a bar there are as likely to be from the D.R., Colombia and Venezuela as their own country. Whether this is voluntary or not I can?t say, but selling sand to beachbums isn?t very proftable. So I don?t suspect additional drugs are entering the local scene because of these bikers.


Dec 7, 2006
Sorry, the Barracos are a MC, not a gang per-se. And I have not spoken to any - so I cannot comment on their character. As for "the boys", not all are bad guys, there are several very intelligent members that are lawyers, accountants, have university education, etc. And then there is the muscle component. They are not a streetgang, they are more of a mafia, they work like a buisness, and help mutual interests among members - they have many legal businesses. It's the dabbling in the underworld where things get blurred, I'm sure that there is a large chunk of members who are not involved in the underworld, and are busy with the legal front of the organization. So I'm not going to say that they are all bad news, however, being a younger Canadian, that at one time worked for an intelligence branch of the governemnt, I'm not going to talk to them, it's not in my best interest - I don't want to be suspected of doing anything that I'm not doing.


Oct 7, 2003
The last two years, there has been a major crackdown on the Hell's Angels in Canada, virtually shutting down clubhouses, major sting operations. They are everywhere, infiltrated small businesses that are having a rough time, and setting up small chapters in the most out of the way, and least expected areas. Like Northwestern Ontario - in the middle of nowhere!

For example, a town just 1/2 hour north of us (Sioux Narrows - a resort town of 200 people). They bought into one of the smaller fishing camps there, as they were having financial problems. They found it because they had one of their retreats in Kenora,On (a town of 12000 people). The highway is a fun ride for motorcylists, and they decided to come down and shake up the locals. They had police escorts there and back (not that they wanted them, but the OPP were not letting them out of their sight for the whole weekend), the next thing you know, the fishing camp is expanding, trying to buy up other properties, owners going away for numerous trips to the Carribbean, Florida and Mexico. Months before, the banks were going to foreclose on them. To make a long story short, 8 months later, the owners are in jail for running drugs over the Canada-Minnesota border, along with money laundering, etc. One week later, 5 people from Fort Frances, which is 1 hour away from us (town of 10000) who were close with the owners of the camp, were all arrested and thrown in jail for drugs, mj, ecstacy, vicodin, and a meth lab. They are all doing time still, except for the owner of the camp, who informed and is now on the run for his life. One guy was never caught - has a outstanding warrant for him, and has never been seen again. We now have a regular posse of Hells Angels running through town, and not happy campers they are.

The next sting operation closed the clubhouse and put 23 members of the HA in jail in Thunder Bay, On - our nearest larger city.

My point is - they are running out of places in dear old Canada to set up shop! They are possibly setting up clubhouses in a lot of offshore areas, not only the DR. It may be short-term until all the heat settles down, or it might be a new trend for them. One knows, it is very easy to continue business nowadays from anywhere in the world via internet etc.

The concern I would have is - you don't know who they are going to get to, the owners of the camp were just regular people, not bikers, she was the postmaster/mistress for Canada Post (government position) in Sioux Narrows. he grew up in the small town and served in the army in his younger life. Any business that is experiencing financial hardhips in the DR could very well become easy prey. The trust factor regarding ex-pats will become seriously marred as you will never know who is involved and who isn't with their new method of operations. Remember - rapists and serial killers can look and act like any normal person, not the monster that we portray them as - so can a Hells Angel.

Beware - these people can and will destroy innocent lives - I have seen it with my own eyes!

Marlie - sorry for the long post!


Aug 9, 2006
Do you have a lot of crystal meth problems in the DR...yet.

Yes, the human trafficking angle is a probable one. Friends of mine who frequent Costa Rica say that girls in a bar there are as likely to be from the D.R., Colombia and Venezuela as their own country. Whether this is voluntary or not I can?t say, but selling sand to beachbums isn?t very proftable. So I don?t suspect additional drugs are entering the local scene because of these bikers.

Do you have any of crystal meth labs in DR? Hell's Angels are behind most of the meth laboratories here in Canada. Very easy to make it at home, $150 CDN investment can yield up to $10,000. It's made from very easy to obtain ingredients. It's highly addictive. It's very cheap to buy.

Hells Angels control booming crystal meth: report

I've seen it with my eyes too marlie. :( Beautiful niece on the Jennie Crank diet.


Dec 24, 2007
There's been a wise guy convention going on in Sosua the past three weeks. Every day I see at least a dozen HA cruising town. Last night forty to fifty at the Gregoria.
I'm rethinking purchasing real estate in Sosua.:pirate::pirate::pirate:


Dec 24, 2007
If these guys start producing crystalmeth in this country all hell will break loose. Your investments won't be worth sh!t. The police have to get a handle on this..... now.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Good point. I didn?t even consider that possibility. And it can be produced right in someone?s shed from start to finish and is extremly addictive. Anf the major component is sudepherine(sp), readily available in pharmacies here over the counter. That would be nuts to have a bunch of motoconchos and working girls around Sosua whacked out on the stuff for days on end, looking to get enough pesos to get more before the crash. but great for the dental business, as apparently the stuff is murder on the dientes....


May 12, 2002
If these guys start producing crystalmeth in this country all hell will break loose. Your investments won't be worth sh!t. The police have to get a handle on this..... now.

Meth labs in the DR ?

They should rethink it over.

If there is one thing that DR doens't take lightly is drugs.
They are in the wrong country and are in for a rude awakening.


Jan 10, 2002
crystal meth killed my brother last year. in the prime of his life he committed suicide. put holes in his brain, literally. i don't want to see this crap in dr. it's bad enough what damage the "normal" drugs have done there in the past year. dolores, how do we get this in the local press there so that there is real pressure on the authorities to boot these guys out? should be a positive thing to do with the electorate in an election year. dominicans have no clue what these guys bring to the table.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Well, this site is a decent start regarding public awareness. I think a good article in Hoy about bike gangs here in the D.R. would do some good. I think so far we are only speculating what they might be up to, but the possibilities of meth here are really very scary. Regarding police and drug enforcement, from my experience with some very high ups in POP, I would say the Mrina de Guerra commandante in POP would be a much better bet to put on the heat. The police and even fiscals that I have dealt with are way too opportunistic.


Mar 4, 2004
I would advise anyone going to bat against the drugs business here to know (really know) the pedigree of the person to whom one is speaking. It strikes me that some of the most unexpected people can be involved, sometimes in just one section of the business (e.g. laundering, not necessarily import/export). My advice would be use a hispanic investigative journalist from outside the country if you have a story to get 'out there' & please exercise wisdom. But speculation is not a story, you'll need some evidence. And until there is some, might not people be panicking a little prematurely? There are enough drug issues already here to be tackled without concentrating on what 'might be'.


Apr 4, 2002
crystal meth killed my brother last year. in the prime of his life he committed suicide. put holes in his brain, literally.
My deepest sympathies, Jasper.
That wrenches my heart out, as I'm sure it did to you too.
I feel for you, man. Big time.


Aug 9, 2006
My condolences Jasper. My niece is now off the stuff but disabled and has to have injections every two weeks because of the continuing problem with psychotic episodes. I'm just thankful she's alive because very, very few people get off this drug. It's not like other drugs where they hit a low point and ask for help. You can only reach them when they have a heart attack or psychotic episode that requires hospitalization or get sent to jail.

I hope that the Canadian ex-pats have a good relationship with the Canadian consul and that they can help facilitate international cooperation between the appropriate authorities. Canada and the Dominican Republic have a bilateral treaty for police cooperation, I hope the RCMP will share information with them. It's scandalous if our criminals are relocating to the Dominican Republic.


Dec 7, 2006
These criminals have a large bank-roll, don't be surprised if the local authorities are benefitting from their presence, I'm sure they're willing to pay more than the local criminals.


Oct 7, 2003
Yes, we may be a little presumptuous at this time, but isn't it better to be proactive than reactive.

One step would be to alert pharmacies (if anyone on this board has any clout with any pharmacists, that would be all the better) and get the main ingrediant, psuedoephedrine, off the shelves. In Canada, and a majority of the States, there is now a limit on what a person can purchase of this. One package, which is now over-the-counter only. It is a small step, but every step along the way will eventually counteract this problem.

One concern I would personally have is the real estate factor. It is estimated that homes that have contained meth-labs are costing upwards of $100,000.00 to clean up before they can be put on the market again. It is now required in Minnesota that if a house had contained a lab, it must be disclosed, and marketed as such. If it is not, the original homeowner faces a multitude of fines for not disclosing the facts. Children, pets and some adults have become violently ill, sometimes fatally, because of the chemical residue and fumes that have permeated the walls, flooring and duct work.

Buyers Beware!

FYI - here is a list of ingredients - be aware of your surroundings and of persons purchasing these products.

The following is a list of ingredients commonly found in methamphetamines.

Dangerous Chemicals Common Products

Lithium Alkaline Batteries
Red Phosphorus Matches
Salt Rock Salt
Methanol Car Fuel System Cleaners
Sulfuric Acid Drain and Grease Cleaners
Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine Sudafed
Alcohol Paint Thinners
Veterinarian Products Allergies Products

Here is a link to a website that will cover the basics on how to spot a lab and what to do if you come in contact with one.

Meth Lab - How to Spot a Meth Lab

Now back to the original topic - ;)



New member
Jun 16, 2007

I suppose it would be unfashionable to suggest anything positive about the Canadian Hell's Angels on this thread.

I'm sure all of you who know them better have it right.

But I can only say that I have been around lots of them for some years in and around Cabarete, have never seen them fight each other or anyone else in public, have never seen them loud, drunk and obnoxious at bars,or on the beach, unlike so many gringo tourists, and actually had two of them back up their car to let me through yesterday after they inadvertently blocked me in.

Maybe it's all a ruse to keep the heat off, but as long as they keep to themselves, as they appear to do, and behave better than most foreigners when around women and children,it's hard to get too worked up about the evil Angels. I certainly wouldn't be hanging in bars where Angels from Oakland or San Berdu were drinking, not for five minutes!

Must be a French thing.


Dec 7, 2006
I personally haven't had any problems with the ones I've seen in Cabarete - they are just some big dudes who look pretty damned intimidating - that doesn't mean they are actually harming anyone.

As for the ones i see in quebec/ontario, they're always being photographed by the cops. And again, are big and intimidating - haven't seen anything. But I have heard stories. That's all from my experience.
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