Search results

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    What does "tipco" mean?

    As in "Rancho Tipico"... I'm guessing it means "typical", but when I put it into a translator, it comes back "tipico". Thanks. Tom
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    "Bad" Words?

    Hi all. How about letting us in on some of the not so nice expressions, so we'll know what people are calling us? For example, I've seen the term "ladrone" used at times on the forums. What does that mean? What is a "tigre"? Tom
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    Playa Dorada Questions

    I've read a few times here on the board that "locals" are allowed into the Playa Dorada complex. If that's the case: Why are there guarded gates at both entrances? Are the guards at the main entrance Politur? Why do I see hotel employees walking from the hotels all the way out past the gates...
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    Get Together at Rocky's, February 13th

    Hi all. Some of the people who post on Debbie's Dominican Republic Travel Page (some of who also post here) are getting together at Rocky's in Sosua for a "mini-fiesta". It's on Sunday, February 13th. Drinks are at 6:00 PM, dinner after. Anyone who's going to be in the area is welcome to join...
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    Dorado Club Hotetur

    Hi all. I've done a search for information on this resort and haven't come up with much. Does anyone have any recent information about this hotel. good or bad? Tom
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    North American Newspapers

    Hi all. I've never been to the north coast. Can anyone tell me if newspapers from Canada and the US are available in Sosua, and how current they are when they arrive? Thanks. Tom
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    DR Radio Station Links

    Greetings from Canada's cold and rainy capital. I like to listen to Dominican radio via the web, kind of a "DR fix" every day. I use to tune in. There are a lot of links there, but a lot of them don't work. I like CIMA 100, but it, like a lot of the links provided, is less...
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    The Winter That Would Not Die

    The weather forecast is calling for 5-10 cm of snow tonight and tomorrow, with wind gusts up to 50 kmh. Arrrgghhh! Enough!!! :cry: Ever hear that Jimmy Buffett song "Manana": "It's so goddamn cold it's gonna snow until June". I think it's possible....
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    Question from a New User: What Do You All Do in the DR?

    Hi. I've just joined the board. I've only been to the DR once; Punta Cana 2 years ago. We're heading back there next month, God and potential Air Transat strikers willing. ;-) I had no idea there were so many ex-pat North Americans living in the DR. What do you all do for a living down there...