Candelier...dale candela!!!



...dicen que en Capotillo tienen un sancocho preparado para cuando destituyan a Candelier...claro, los delincuentes estan financiando ese sanchocho. Yo soy una Dominicana ausente y en Julio vuelvo de mudanza a mi pais con mis hijos, pero tengo un miedo tremendo debido a la delincuencia desenfrenada que afecta nuestro pais. Me da pena pensar que me siento mas segura en New York que en Santo Domingo, y por eso estoy 100% de acuerdo con la manera que Candelier esta enfrentado la delincuencia, con mano dura, el que vive en la parte alta y no es delincuente, que se tranque en su casa cuando hay disturbios y no le pasara nada.
No creo en eso de que "venia de su trabajo con una biblia abajo 'el brazo..." y le pegaron un tiro. Nosotros los Dominicanos tenemos derecho a sentirnos seguros dentro de nuestras casas y fuera de ellas, Candelier...dale candela!!!


Truer words were never said!!

Thank You Marilyn. You just made my day!!

GIVE THEM HELL.....Candelier.

HE IS BAD NEWS to criminals. Maj. General Pedro De Jesus Candelier is one remarkable individual who would never go to sleep as long as this country is in danger of becoming another Colombia, regardless of opposition from the so called "human right" organizations, Politicians, or Capotillo. He is a highly educated and disciplined soldier that can not be bought. A fearless lion who would give his life for his country without even blinking an eye.

I have a dandy little daughter that I wish would grow up without being deprived of the tranquillity that grownup Dominicans enjoyed during their childhood. I hate to see this country turn into another Honduras or Guatemala and loose it's tourists, investors and admirers because of high crime rate. I hate the taught of having to move away to raise my child. I love this country and it's people and I want to stay.

Candelier...dale candela!!! My prayers are with you.


Can't be weak with tough gangsters...

Even though I don't believe Candelier is a saint, I really strongly agree that we need a strong police, especially knowing the tigres are even more tigres nowadays, and if you give them a mellow-politically-correct police force, they'll just take advantage of it to put more drugs/thieves/violence in the street...


Re: Truer words were never said!!

sounds like a hym to a heroe.let's hope he is really the "PATRIOT" who puts "la Patria" over partybooks.
maybe the first step to presidency?


Re: Truer words were never said!!

Remember, I never said anything about Candelier that might make him look like a patriot or a saint, what I did say is that the level of delinquency in our country has reached an all time high and has to be stopped. I know our country has had its share of abuse by people in power and we tend to be a little bit wary of Chiefs of Police or anyone in power, but we have to recognize that criminals need a "mano dura" a strong hand. We certainly don't want to be another Colombia or Nicaragua, we don't want the beauty of our country to be marred by disturbances and guerrilla type gangs. Our houses look like jails with bars covering every possible entry, and you wouldn't dare visit your neighbor for a cup of coffee without locking the whole house, we are prisoners in our own home.


Violence + violence = "a body count story" to lead (open) the nightly TV news shows.

When a nation's police forces see them self's above the law and unrestrained as to their actions then there isn't any order of law in the long run. It sort of turns into an "inmates in charge of the asylum" situation. What is the price of unfettered violence? Innocent bystanders will die when the police allow a situation to get out of control. Lets face it, the police in the RD have the upper hand when entering a barrio to make an arrest, they should be the ones calling the shots, no pun intended. If they are out gunned who's at fault? Are the bastard criminals at fault for using excessive fire power? I don't think so, the police command structure is at fault, poor planing always yields pi.. poor results. If a police action results in the DEATH of a police officer then who's fault is it, easy question difficult answer. Is it not the responsibility of those directly in charge of the action to protect their men first and foremost?

Since this is a thread pertaining to Candelier, I think it should be linked to a new post farther down the board. The message addresses the power that the general has and a reason or two why he stays on as chief of police. . .

Click on the link to view the aforementioned post and also the "police thread". . .


. . . CES

CLICK ON: > > >


Creo que no pensaras asi cuando sea a uno de tus hijos que un policia le de una pela, o lo cojan preso en una redada, o le den un par de tiros solo porque miro mal algun policia, o porque su novia le guste a algun policia. Al rato entoces la policia sale diciendo bueno lo matamos en un "intercambio de disparos". Ya veras cuando te pase si sigues pensando que candelier es un idolo! Por eso es que no progresamos, por la ignorancia! Mientras los dominicanos sigamos pensando que el robar en empresas e instituciones del estado no es nada malo, que el gobierno es solo del partido que gano, que la policia puede hacer lo que le de la gana sin ninguna consecuencia, y otras ideas atrasadas asi, nunca vamos a salir del atraso metal en que vivimos. Las sociedades desarrolladas son aquellas donde la regla de la ley predomina. La policia no es la ley, sino solo un instrumento para hacerla cumplir.
Yo como dominicano puedo decir que las pocas veces que yo me he sentido con miedo en RD han sido por la policia mas que por la gente comun.


Re: Truer words were never said!!

i know,but only a patriot (like him or not)who puts country above all can achieve something for the better.i am in favor of the mano duro otherwise things would get out of control.


criminal violence - counterviolence=keep body's counting(of victims that is)
it's not so much the firepower but how it is used.try to analyze and understand(not so easy)how these low life rotten elements function and think.only because you let yourself get robbed does not automatically garantee your safety.after all you still could identify them.(many dominicans tell me this)
clearly the police needs more and better training in many fields but also the laws need to be updated to modern the moment the police seems the lesser evil.let them do their job and then change their status.but it's gonna take a while.

true happening

about 3 years ago in a good residencial neighborhood in santo domingo.into the parking space of a condo building pulls a car with 3 guys in it.2 get out out and enter the it turns out later knocking on every apartment door but luckily nobody opens.the building servant ask the guy in the car to get out of the parking space as it is reserved for the people of the block.
argument start being exchanged and tempers and voices keep growing louder.the 2 guys who entered the building come back and one of them pulls his gun and shoots at the employee and then they took off.
well he was lucky and did not get hit.investigation of the matter brought out that there was a gang of "Nice People with lots of smiles?" attacking apartements on broad daylight in that fashion.
police was no where to be seen but cleaned the area as these kind of attacks stoped within a very short time.if these "llre" than had to taste some lead so it was only what they were asking for.

the way these guys worked was knocking on the doors and those who open got the gun held in front of them or if there were no bars than entering without invitation to rob and violate.

this story is no hearsay it is an eyewitness report.


Bien notado!

Truillo send out Balaguer to kill the sisters Mirabal, later as a president he eliminated all possible counterparts - and still he has the support of over 20 % of the people!

Now they are idoling Chandelier, who has stolen in the big, to be the hero!

This is the true Dominican Republic - ignorance all over the reality! How can there be progress? Defending a politic, where lots of civilians have to suffer? Innocent people getting shot in riots sitting reading newspaper???????? (What if this was your father??????)

I do agree, that criminals have to be caught, the sample above but shows once again, that the criminals have their connections (or contracts) with the police - so a cleanup would have to be done on either sides - and consequently! And for this, I am afraid Chandelier is not the person!



Debo llamar a los bomberos?

I assume that the opinions of each and every one of us is based more in our personal experiences than they are based in scientific(?) analysis of the situation; again, I am just guessing here. I also assume that each and every one of us has been at some point of our lives victims of either the police, the criminals, or both.

It is no secret to anyone that we have a mediocre police force. Policemen are underpaid, overworked, under-trained, and basically left to survive by their own means. I want each of you to honestly answer this question: Would you put yourself in the line of fire for the salary paid to policemen? I don?t think any of you would. You get what you pay for.

So far I have been the victim of both police (macuteo) and criminals (mugged and my apartment robbed), so the second outweighs the first. I am sorry if many innocent people are caught in cross fire, but what about us, the common citizen? How about the many people killed, raped, maimed, robbed, stripped of their dignity by these hardened criminals? As long as justice is not served in the court room ?material for another post(?)- let the police do whatever is necessary to protect us.


Dear CES:

Have you ever been in Capotillo? Vietnam? Gualey? If you have, you know that the cops don't have the upper hand when they go in there, the macheteros do. While you make sense when you say that violence + violence = a body count story, you have to realize that this is no ordinary situation. Criminals are out of control, it's similar to a riot in a jail. I'm not happy people are dead, but I'm not happy either when I read the news about people being terrorized in their own homes, in front of their children by drug addicts who won't think twice about killing someone to get money for drugs, it's not good for us Dominicans and it's not good for tourism, our bread and butter.


Err on the side of human rights

It is better to let 20 guilty persons go free than to wrongly convict ONE innocent man.


Ignorancia es un termino muy fuerte y hay que pensar bien cuando acusas a otro de ignorante. Cada cual tiene derecho a su opinion. Cada suceso es un hecho aparte y se debe analizar como tal. Cuando un policia abusa por las razones expresadas por ti, debe ser castigado debidamente. Pero recuerda, el poder es abusado siempre, lamentablemente. Yo vivo en New York, y siendo una mujer profesional, he sido victima de abuso verbal de la policia de aqui sin justificacion ninguna, imaginate los abusos que han sufrido los latinos en NY, muchos los han matado a golpes, y yo no veo a Human Rights investigando esas muertes. Yo no creo que Candelier sea un santo, ni siquiera lo conozco, lo que quiero es ver mi pais libre to criminalidad, ya sea de los mismos militares o de los civiles. Y si es necesario que vuelva Trujillo, entonces, que vuelva y vuelva...


Para Duarte

Ok, los policias son un lote incapaz y ladrones. Se que es asi, tambien lo e probado... Pero que crees ? Que se puede dejar camino libre al tigrage ? Que se puede dejar tranquillo los barrios donde se vende drogas, armas y se organisan los asaltos y robos ? Tu crees que eran angelitos los que fueraon matados ? Piensa dos veces !!! candelier puede ser malo, pero, el es necesario ahora en el pais !!!


Let's not be idealists...this is real life

Idealism was never a good idea, look what Castro did to Communism...



Please explain what Castro and communism has to do with the basic rights of a citizen in a democratic society.

Are you saying the Dominican Republic is either under rule of a Dictator and all "rights" are suspended, or that summary executions should be allowed if the Police feel justified.

Either way, the society that supposedly "protects" the people becomes worse than the criminal element they supposedly protect.

Why not just get rid of the judges and the court system and let the Police execute justice on the street?