expat married to a dominicana advice


New member
Jun 1, 2006
HI, I have been married to a dominican woman for over 2 years and I moved to the states after a few months of starving and unemployment. I am an expat and she begs for money everyt ime we talk. I am working and gaining a middle class american salary and after sendning her her monthly pay and putting in the savings to visit the dr every 2 o 3 months for a week. I am broke. SHe does not hold conversations anymore, all she does is complain that I say the same thing when i talk and she stays in silence. I really really love her and have been hooked on her since i first laid eyes on her at mercado in DR. What would you do? Does anyone have any advice?


Apr 4, 2002
HI, I have been married to a dominican woman for over 2 years and I moved to the states after a few months of starving and unemployment. I am an expat and she begs for money everyt ime we talk. I am working and gaining a middle class american salary and after sendning her her monthly pay and putting in the savings to visit the dr every 2 o 3 months for a week. I am broke. SHe does not hold conversations anymore, all she does is complain that I say the same thing when i talk and she stays in silence. I really really love her and have been hooked on her since i first laid eyes on her at mercado in DR. What would you do? Does anyone have any advice?
Clearly she no longer loves you and you should rip it off like a BandAid.
The longer you wait, the worse it'll get.
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On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Bring her to the States!!
That way as soon as she has her permanent papers she'll divorce you and find someone with more money to marry......:(


Apr 4, 2002
Bring her to the States!!
That way as soon as she has her permanent papers she'll divorce you and find someone with more money to marry......:(
Or get a new boyfriend in the US and refuse to divorce the OP, go on welfare, which the OP will have to pay for until he finally commits suicide.


Jan 2, 2002
Just stop calling her, don't even go to visit her anymore. Find a new girl, in fact find a new girl every time you go to DR. I am sure you will easily fall in love again.


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
You're obviously her 'cash cow', so stop sending money and save your money to improve your lot in life - like buying a place in the DR or America and finding a good woman who would love and want to build a better life for both of you. When the money stops flowing, she'll find another one in the mercado to fill the vacancy.

There are more than 150M women in NA, can't you find one!!!!? Some guys in Utah have 10 and 12. There are many right here in NA, so get out there and find one. Stop moping!!!!

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Methinks your best bet would be to come back for a visit without letting her know you're in town.
Then maintain a VERY LOW profile while sneakly following her and her activities for theperiod of time you are here.
DO NOT hire a private investigator here to do your investigating of her because he will probably contact her for "hush money" in addition to charging you outrageously for his "services"(?).
If you find that she is diddling you and wants only money to cover her activities, then take whatever action is indicated.
Do yourself a favor and read Rudyard Kipling's "IF". There is a lot of very good advise in that poem.
Bottom line--- Cut your losses and get on with your life.

Texas Bill
Jan 5, 2006
Then maintain a VERY LOW profile while sneakly following her and her activities for theperiod of time you are here.
DO NOT hire a private investigator here to do your investigating of her because he will probably contact her for "hush money" in addition to charging you outrageously for his "services"(?).
Don't waste your time and/or money. There's a number of us here that can tell you what's going on for free! ;)


Jul 25, 2007
I have an American friend who is actually a Private Investigator here(and member of DR1) and in the US that is trustworthy and can get the scoop on what is happening. You won't have to worry about the typical Dominican ploy of the PI negotiating with the "target" after negotiating with the client.

Send me a private message if you are interested.


On Vacation
Oct 7, 2006
I have an American friend who is actually a Private Investigator here(and member of DR1) and in the US that is trustworthy and can get the scoop on what is happening. You won't have to worry about the typical Dominican ploy of the PI negotiating with the "target" after negotiating with the client.

Send me a private message if you are interested.

Chip tu vas a poner este pobre hombre a gastar cuartos sin necesidad, ya se le dijo la verdad.........


Jun 3, 2006
If that woman does not care that she puts her husband through all these hardships in order to support her - that means she does not love him. Why waste time and money on someone who could not care less????


Jul 25, 2007
If that woman does not care that she puts her husband through all these hardships in order to support her - that means she does not love him. Why waste time and money on someone who could not care less????

Good point. However, given the fact that this guy started a thread about a topic that is so self evident (re the wife is a gold digger) I figured he is having a hard time accepting it. There is nothing like a few photos of one's better half with another person that will cause one's love to shrink up literally and go away.

I have been through this myself and with other family/friends so it is understading that sometimes people need a little convincing.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Que baboso......

HI, I have been married to a dominican woman for over 2 years and I moved to the states after a few months of starving and unemployment. I am an expat and she begs for money everyt ime we talk. I am working and gaining a middle class american salary and after sendning her her monthly pay and putting in the savings to visit the dr every 2 o 3 months for a week. I am broke. SHe does not hold conversations anymore, all she does is complain that I say the same thing when i talk and she stays in silence. I really really love her and have been hooked on her since i first laid eyes on her at mercado in DR. What would you do? Does anyone have any advice?
I CAN NOT believer you guys are NOT seeing the "big picture" here.

All you guys are doing is punishing that poor woman without knowing all the details.

SOME of you guys are probably (note; PROBABLY) smarter than I and I really can NOT understand how in hell you could NOT figure out this guy is a BABOSO looking for sympathy!.

OK, let's see what I have gathered from reading this post:

1- The guy went from the best country in the world to a third world country to starve. Not only he was starving but he also wasn't able to support his wife!.

Chances are that this guy met her while on vacation, married her, saved a few dollars, relocated to the DR without PLAN B and as soon as the money ran out and couldn't get a job, left to the US, leaving his wife to starve by herself!.

2- Have you guys thought that maybe, JUST MAYBE she asks for money because he doesn't want to send it to her or only sends whatever he wants?. Maybe she asks him every time they talk because he promises her to send it and then doesn't send her anything.

3- Can you blame her for not wanting to talk to him on the phone?.

Come on man, the guy left her behind to starve (his words) and then expects her to be "happy happy" with him after having to beg him to send her some money.

Of course she will complain he says the same things. I bet she complain because all he says is that he doesn't have money to send her, over and over again.

If I were her, not only would I NOT stay in silence on the phone, but I wouldn't even take his calls after leaving me behind to fight the battle by myself!!!!.

All this guy is doing is trying to be a victim when in reality the only victim here is the person he left behind!!!!!!!!!.

Think about it guys, how much money does a man needs to send his wife in the DR to support her?.

If this guy can't support someone from a third world (ok, developing country) country, then he had no business marrying someone from there, or any place else for that matter!!!!.

I just dislike a fricking man trying to be the victim and making it seem like his wife is the one with the problems when in reality he is the one with the darn problems since he didn't do his homework before marrying someone and relocating to the DR. AND THEN LEAVING HER BEHIND TO FIGHT THE BATTLE!.

Baboso, grow some balls and take care of your wife and stop looking for sympathy.

You should be ashamed of yourself not only for trying to be the victim, but also for implying that your wife is the one with the problem when in fact YOU left her behind with God knows how many problems and debts.

If you are not ashamed, it's ok because as a man, I am ashamed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Btw: I expect you to come back and say that you are a nice man and that you do this and that for her and that she has no reasons to ask for money money because you send plenty and that I don't know what I am talking about.

Btw2: I hope they have no kids together!. If they do, that would be a shame!.

And as always:



PS: have a good weekend, all. Wahahahahhaha!
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