A Celebration


Apr 4, 2002
If memory serves me well, today is the anniversary of Rick Snyder's departure from the material world.
This man is worth mentioning and remembering (for those who don't already know) as he lived a good life, had a good heart and IS a good soul.
I wonder if he still looks in on us, from "up there"........:chinese:


Nov 22, 2007
Of course, I didn't know Mr. Snyder personally but have heard him mentioned on a couple of forums...
God Bless his soul...


Oct 26, 2004
If memory serves me well, today is the anniversary of Rick Snyder's departure from the material world.
This man is worth mentioning and remembering (for those who don't already know) as he lived a good life, had a good heart and IS a good soul.
I wonder if he still looks in on us, from "up there"........:chinese:

Good on you for remembering Rocky.

Although I never had the pleasure of meeting him, I found his posts most interesting and insightful.

May his loved ones celebrate his life and enjoy beautiful memories.


Apr 4, 2002
May his loved ones celebrate his life and enjoy beautiful memories.
He came up here for a week or so, a few years back, and stayed with us.
He had his son with him, perhaps 9 or 10 years old.
Now anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not especially fond of kids, specially noisy ones, but this kid was super kool and was a pleasure to be around.
I expect that he was that way, as a result of how his father was.


Oct 26, 2004
He came up here for a week or so, a few years back, and stayed with us.
He had his son with him, perhaps 9 or 10 years old.
Now anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not especially fond of kids, specially noisy ones, but this kid was super kool and was a pleasure to be around.
I expect that he was that way, as a result of how his father was.

Not surprising...the apple doesnt fall far from the tree! I am sure he instilled many good values in the young lad that he will carry with him forever.


Apr 28, 2006
Here is one of his last gems....as he aptly used to say "for our reading pleasure". RIP Rick.

It was during a conversation concerning the topic of idiots this morning that I referenced a person to a portion of post #41 whereas it said, ?Everybody knows things are better today than ever?. We then went into a medley of the malaise that seems to be prevalent in the Dominican society and looked back at the history of the country. While examining the historical make-up of this country which has been dominated over the years with so many transgressions against the people as a whole I compare it to other sectors of the world as to what is and has happened. An ever present resounding of the phrase ?basic human rights? keeps being repeated in all corners of the world to include here in the DR.

It is the basic human rights that seem to have played such an important part in the forming of so many nations and their collapse as well. It appears that when societies are introduced to, and form an expectance of certain rights that a state runs afoul with its people if it fails to adhere to that which is expected or outlaws such.

In the short time that I have lived here I have seen a marked improvement in the increase of many basic human rights along with the publication of these rights in all aspects of the media coupled with the passage of laws that expand different segments of those rights. Of course it?s the ability of the state to insure that those rights are upheld that seem to determine in which direction a state takes in its continued ability to exist. All of which reminds me of what American Justice Davis Davis said in 1867 when he stated, "By the protection of the law, human rights are secured; withdraw that protection and they are at the mercy of wicked rulers or the clamor of an excited people." It is the establishment of these rights and the lack of enforcement or withdrawal of same that seems to bring on a ?clamor of an excited people?.

From other areas of the world such as Pakistan, Pakistan's suspended chief judge Iftikhar Chaudhry said, ?Nations and states which are based on dictatorship instead of the supremacy of the constitution, the rule of law and protection of basic rights get destroyed?. I?m not saying that the DR is a dictatorship but its history of failing to uphold the supremacy of the constitution, the rule of law and protection of basic rights could very well eventually lead to a ?clamor of an excited people?.

When looking at this country I call home I am continuously reminded of that which I have been exposed to around the world both in developed and undeveloped countries. With all the help that is provided by so many ONG?s around the world and if a state truly acts in a fashion to supply basic rights to its citizens then there is no just reason that those citizens should be crying for those rights and services that are expected. All of which brings up another quote which was made by Hubert Humphrey;

"The moral test of a society is how that society treats those who are in the dawn of life -- the children, those who are in the twilight of life -- the elderly, and those who are in the shadow of life -- the sick, the needy and the handicapped."

The DR is not a ?new? country as it relates to that which should be available to its citizens. It has had more then enough time to insure that all segments of its society have such things as running water and decent education along with a health system to provide to all its citizens among others things. The daily exposure to so many projects that were started and never finished, and also have nothing to do with basic services, never cease to amaze me which is compounded by the estimation of how much money went into that which was never completed. The same holds true to buildings that were completed and have throughout the years have stood idle rather then being used as even a temporary school or medical clinic. Even here in my little town of El Seybo we have cases of both and I see and read about them in other sections of the country almost daily.

As long as the health and welfare of a society is continued to be placed below the desires of a few then the country will fail to prosper as a whole and through time nobody should be surprised if there should be a ?clamor of an excited people?.



Jan 1, 2002
Rick was a crusader in his own, quiet way....
Thank you Rocky for remembering his passing.
God speed, Rick....



Sep 17, 2004
I would also like to thank you for the reminder Rocky. It is a testimony to Rick's wisdom that his words have had an effect on people like myself who never met him in person.

Last September after traveling to Miches, I passed by Rick's home town of El Seybo on my way back to La Romana and felt compelled to pull over and stop by the sign on the highway for a moment of contemplation. As I am in the process of thinking about and planning where I will live when I move to the DR, I now include the consideration of access to emergency medical services. I'm sure Rick did too, but it was obviously worth the risk to him to live the life he had chosen.


Jan 25, 2008
I did not know Rick, but from what i have read, he was a pretty amazing person, Hoever Dominican Boy, know him and had this to Say" Very Sad News


My stomach turned over when i read this i have sent many P M to rick something of intrest to him ,always PM back thanking me and saying he will add to his favorites he will be missed by all. May he rest in peace VINCE1956