About the nudists on Lincoln Avenue


Jan 5, 2002
It has now been confirmed that the nudists on Lincoln Avenue were arrested.

A big deal has been made about this by the press, the police and the government. But I found this amusing and simply something that happens normally in many other countries without much fanfare.

However, if one were to condemn these clowns for their "anti-social" behavior, I would have to consider who is condemning these crazies.

Does our police have the morals to arrest these guys? What with all the rapists, thieves, burglars, and all-out criminals in our police, showing your dick in public is not that big of a deal.

We have judges screwing their secretaries in the bathroom of our courts. Hell, even the best presdient of the U.S. in history Bill Clinton had his dick groomed by my favorite sucker Monica Lew..

So whats the big deal. My girlfriend told me how sorry she was she could not get to see the guy hanging from the jeepeta door.

So, General Marte, lighten up. Wih so much corruption, there is no law in DR anymore. We are on our own.

And the next time I cruise by Lincoln Avenue I am going to stick my weenie out somewhere.

Apr 26, 2002
Judging from the expensive new jeepeta and the color of the lads' skin, I'm guessing that they won't be treated too harshly anyway, Golo.

According to witnesses, we're making a big thing out of what was really next to nothing. So what if the police response was limp. Sometimes a flacid response to juvenile pranks is best anyway. As you know, class issues never come to a head in the DR. It's not like the lads were out shooting off guns or anything. There's no reason for the media to become engorged with the matter. But, of course, I'm not saying anyone should begin the erection of a monument to these boys either.


New member
Jan 2, 2002
It is just publicity!

It was in the news, they have to do something about it. Plain and Simple. They were arrested, they are probably out by now. Names? It is not going to be on the papers thats for sure. Welcome to banana republic, where the unbelivable becomes a reality.


New member
Apr 18, 2002
Nice Porfio

I can't be the only one who understood his humorous play on words. If people want to be nude in public, good for them. They allow prostitution, etc and then some young lads showing what God gave them in public, and they are arrested like a bunch of perverts. Who should be arrested are those "horrible tourists" who show way too much skin. Wrinkled, doughy, saggy breasts, thongs on 60 year olds who are 150 lbs overweight: oh lord, I won't be able to sleep at night now.


"Creature of Leisure"
Jan 3, 2002
Thats not the issue

The issue here is not the guys going around naked, it is that there were not police for hours, imagine getting kidnaped or so, no police around (I wonder what help would come from the police)(sighs)
It was an open challenge to the authorities, since by now they are probably out and in theyr way to the states for a small period.
It was definetely something funny and amusing.
I get more alarmed here in the beach each time I see an old german lady showing of her saggy tits.


Jan 8, 2002
Misguided Clowns

What these misguided clowns on Ave Lincoln are doing is wrong. Yes, the act does make some people chuckle. Yet, when you take time to ponder, it flies in the face of public decency and order, regardless of the sins of the government.

The area of Ave Lincoln seems to be a magnet for strange behavior, the drag racing has now upgraded/downgraded to exhibitionism. What?s next for the avenida evolution, to cruise the avenida firing pistol shots into the air?

You can only hope someone is going to sit-up, notice, and take positive action to rein in the negative behavior before it wends its way from victimless offenses to compromise itself with victims. Regards, PJT


Jan 18, 2002
Things did happen

Well the kids names have been released. The Land Cruiser confiscated and they are gonna face a judge this morning.

Then what happens is anyone's guess.........the case will slowly be forgotten and nothing more will ever be heard again.


Jan 8, 2002
Nothing more?

missing_dr said:
Well the kids names have been released. The Land Cruiser confiscated and they are gonna face a judge this morning.

Then what happens is anyone's guess.........the case will slowly be forgotten and nothing more will ever be heard again.

Six months in jail and a five thousand peso fine max? Regards, PJT


Mar 5, 2003
Re: Thats not the issue

I get more alarmed here in the beach each time I see an old german lady showing of her saggy tits.

Por favor, those are two different issues.


New member
Jul 10, 2002
My thoughts on the issue.......

Sorry but this I have to write in spanish....

Y a los que se exhiben desnudos de valores, ?qui?n los procesa?

La aparici?n repentina de exhibicionistas de clase alta y media alta en nuestras avenidas ha causado gran revuelo en toda la sociedad dominicana, y es entendible por tratarse la nuestra de una sociedad conservadora, que valora las buenas costumbres, y que, mal que bien, comparte los m?s elementales valores cristianos. Dadas las circunstancias me parece una medida correcta y sana el procesamiento de estos chicos con vocaci?n de stripers.

Ahora bien, m?s que la barah?nda que han provocado las acciones de estos j?venes y la respuesta de los agentes del orden p?blico, me preocupan las acciones de aquellos que se pasean no s?lo por nuestras avenidas, sino por nuestras instituciones p?blicas, nuestras instituciones financieras e incluso por los m?s ?exclusivos? c?rculos sociales desnudos de valores morales.

Son ?stos, los que desnudos de los m?s elementales valores de respeto, honestidad y decencia, representan el verdadero problema de nuestra sociedad. Esos que se cubre s?lo con el manto de la impunidad. A esos, ?qui?n los procesa?

Es penoso ver c?mo las autoridades se lanzan de inmediato tras estos j?venes, y sin embargo son incapaces de traer a la justicia a esos que ocasionan el verdadero sufrimiento a nuestro pueblo y que son la verdadera causa de la decadencia de nuestra sociedad. Y yo vuelvo y me pregunto, a esos ?qui?n los procesa?


New member
Jan 2, 2002
Re: Misguided Clowns

PJT said:
The area of Ave Lincoln seems to be a magnet for strange behavior, the drag racing has now upgraded/downgraded to exhibitionism. What?s next for the avenida evolution, to cruise the avenida firing pistol shots into the air?

Already happened, have you seen that big can of pintura popular in ave. lincoln and 27 de febrero? and the carmel signs? Both have been shot a lot of times....


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I agree with golo100 and most others on this thread about double standards, police inefficiency, corruption, inconsistency and so on, and that it was a harmless prank, but I still think there are elements about it that are a big deal: the fact that they can do this sort of thing and expect to get away with it. It is all symptomatic of the same malaise.

This incident got more publicity for obvious reasons, but those of us that live near Ave. Lincoln know that drag racing in the small hours is a regular occurence. I have heard that when the Police have stopped the kids involved they are silenced by responses such as 'do you know who my father is?' - so it is about time there was a clampdown, no matter who their papis are.

Lastly, I imagine they are having a chuckle over the publicity and the moralistic editorials yesterday and today. I know I would have! When they are established politicians or businessmen people will recall with fond amusement what they got up to in their 'wilder' days.



Mar 5, 2003
Re: My thoughts on the issue.......

jojocho said:
Sorry but this I have to write in spanish....

Es penoso ver c?mo las autoridades se lanzan de inmediato tras estos j?venes, y sin embargo son incapaces de traer a la justicia a esos que ocasionan el verdadero sufrimiento a nuestro pueblo y que son la verdadera causa de la decadencia de nuestra sociedad. Y yo vuelvo y me pregunto, a esos ?qui?n los procesa?

Exactamente. Los jovenes son inofensivos/sin importancia, es mas facil censurarlos a ellos. No es que no son capaces de procesar los culpables mas serios del pais, es que no tienen el valor ni la sabiduria para hacerlo.

In short... They will never go after the sharks.


Jan 2, 2002
I find this amusing. If this is the worse a kid can do, well it will be an experience to remember and laugh about.

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
Porfio_Rubirosa said:

According to witnesses, we're making a big thing out of what was really next to nothing. So what if the police response was limp. Sometimes a flacid response to juvenile pranks is best anyway. As you know, class issues never come to a head in the DR. It's not like the lads were out shooting off guns or anything. There's no reason for the media to become engorged with the matter. But, of course, I'm not saying anyone should begin the erection of a monument to these boys either.

Ha! Hilarious.....and I thought people were crazy when I lived down there.......:laugh: :laugh: :devious: :cheeky: :D