Acropolis Center...doing..?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
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One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Right on the money, so to speak.

Just a couple of days ago we were talking to the Swiss guy who has the largest colmado here. He said they rob him blind and he's right there.

He has an interesting set-up: 2 or 3 guys working the counter, filling your order. Then in the middle of the colmado is the cash register and the owner or manager is sitting there. Guy calls out the items you're purchasing, manager/owner gives the total, you pass the money through the guy to the owner, and change comes back.

So no workers have their hand in the 'till' at all.

Lousy set up!

All he needs to do is to use a per-item profit/share with his employees at the counter instead of set wages. The more they sell, the more they earn. This motivate employees is so many ways and creates a firm bonding between them and the "owner".

It also creates a competitive atmosphere between the employees as each will look to outdo the other two.

There are plenty of ways to control inventory and account for sales/loses as well.

Using inventory control to "teach" the employees that they should always keep enough stocks of that their clients need each day, is a very effective way of macro-managing inventory and keeping tabs on theft/loses without making them feel or outright "seen" being "watched".

90% of biz owners, let alone managers, don't know how to properly manage a biz or much less their employers. That's why there's a very limited % of really successful businesses VS hit and misses in the real world.

The reason why most biz in the DR don't use a modern system of sales/inventory is due to how they approach tax evasion.

Even a colmado could use a Windows XP based POS/Inventory software with a battery backup for up-time. They don't because it's more profitable (in their heads) to evade taxes.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Um... you've got your malls all mixed up. Blue Mall is getting the Hard Rock, not Acropolis. Blue Mall is slated to be a business Hotel/Hard Rock/high Class shopping area for well to do business travelers.

Agora has plenty of parking space. It's 4 levels of stores, with 8 levels of parking, plus a huge underground parking are as well. No shortage of parking there.

Acropolis was the spot until Blue Mall opened. Blue mall killed Acropolis until Agora opened, then Agora killed Blue Mall. Acropolis, Blue Mall, and Agora are geared towards upper middle class, while Sambil is geared more towards regular middle class types.
Galeria 360 is having a hard time finding it's identity. The mall is not much more than an extension of the Americana de Departamentos. I've been there a dozen times, and I still have a hard time remembering what stores are there besides Fudruckers and the usual multi-mall occupants. (claro, orange, etc)


I'd always wondered at how you guys think of DR biz in general...

In your countries of origin 80% of foot-traffic is window shopping. In the DR 80% of foot-traffic is there to shop as their very reason for the visit. So you can have about the same average sales from lesser foot traffic compared to that of higher foot traffic places due to that fact.

That's why the majority of "Malls" in the DR are not shut down as the big boxes where you come from.

They can be old, but they still make a profit with that less traffic.

Foot traffic in DR Malls is directly related to how many stores/biz are offering their wares at each location. The higher the count, the more the traffic. But if you think that because they can have more traffic they are somehow doing more as individual biz than other smaller Malls, then you're mistaken!

The density needed to copy the foot-traffic and biz patterns of your countries of origin here in the DR, still is down the road, close but not there too soon.

The primary thing to have in mind when picking a Mall to set up shop here in the DR, is to think "location".

Who's your target clientele? What's the economic strata you need to attend to as the bulk of your biz? Density/proximity/growth potentials... etc...

These have more to do with an experienced biz person or hired help, than what Mall is hot or dead...


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Acropolis will be the new Plaza Central! For the old timers who visited Plaza Central back in the day know that it was the place to go once upon a time. Now with Blue Mall, Agora mall and Sambil .... Acropolis is at the bottom of the list. 10 years ago when I first moved to the DR Acropolis use to be the place to be and be seen. Now 10 years later I only go there because of Outback, Hooters or Friday's just to get a taste of home. Even the Movie theatre is outdated compared to the other upscale mall movie theatres. So if you plan on opening a resto or FF joint look elsewhere.


Nov 18, 2002
Palacio de Cine has been tossing the idea around of building a free standing theater complex at Nunez de Caceres and Romulo Betancourt for the last few years, but that hasn't got off the ground
It seems they started building that.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Donde esta nuestro Pichardo ?


Was I lost?

