All about Dominican stray dogs.


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Spit what?

Probably "chewing tobacco" a disgusting habit found in the deep south mostly in the USA. I "pinch" of whole leaf stlye tobacco is place inbetwen the cheek and gum and then the siliva is activated and transports the stuff into the bloodstream. It then makes the "owner" display his manhood by "spitting". You have seen these "spitoons" in old western movies of the Wild Wild West.

I have seen- i used to be a surgical assistant in the medical corps- young healthy men in there 20's develope cancer in theri tongues and gums within 6MONTHS of starting this habit and have to have the entire quadrant of their jaw surgically removed- NOT KIDDING.

Not only is it no fun to watch but it is really dangerous to the user.