Apartment Hunting....


New member
Jan 17, 2014
I have been looking for an apartment for the last month or so. Through my experience I am now preferring to rent from an expat than Dominican. I won't go into all my reason's (I'm sure you know them anyways), but after having my Dominican friend talk to the owners and then I arrive and they raise the price everytime, I'm looking for convenience.

1. Would prefer a landlord who speaks english.
- I speak spanish, but for some reason whenever something is broke I can't understand any of their spanish nor they my english. This usually lasts until rent is due.

2. Don't want to move too far from malecon. Atleast walking distance.

3. I'm looking for 2 bedroom for when I have friends and family in town.

4. I prefer with furniture, but will get without.

What I currently have:
2 bedroom, 1 bath in secure building 1/5 block from malecon. Walking distance to La Sirena.
All utilities included and paying 15,000 pesos.

----> I'm starting to think that I'm not going to find a better deal.

As always, your wisdom is always appreciated...


May 19, 2013
$15,000 pesos including Electric? That is hard to believe. If that is true, I could run A/C 24 hours at 68 degrees!

Your apartment sounds like you are right by Blue Mall
Apr 13, 2011
The way Dominican landlords rent apartments was one of the first things that I had to adjust to - and still adjust to at times.
Typical apartment is rented out as only a shell - only the walls, doors and whatever presently exists. I was used to unfurnished apartments meaning no furniture, but here it means no furniture and no appliances. Then - if there are any plumbing problems, then the renter has to get it fixed. Many have had open wires in places - and it is the renter that needs to get electrical outlets, covers, light fixtures... the owner has only installed enough to use the apartment in a very basic way. All utilities are the renters, which is ok - the twist is that you need to make sure that the previous renter did not leave any unpaid bills or the new renter inherits those bills (not the owner of the apartment). And while searching for apartments, you will see many that have been vacant for a LONG time, but they are not willing to compromise to a reasonable rent level so that it will be occupied.
I could vent for a long time about the people who call themselves "abogatos" for apartments - yet most barely have enough knowledge to be an entry level real estate agent, not a lawyer. And if you rent in a complex, make sure to attend as many of the "meetings" as you can, because whenever something breaks on the complex - all the renters have to put together money to get it fixed (your maintenance money does not cover those repairs and the owner will not fix it). But be wary of who fixes it, because you could end up having the same motor fixed three times, paying each time, when a competent person could could have fixed it the first time (and only once) for only a few pesos more than the other guy wanted the first time...

Thanks for letting me vent a little - because I understand your frustration as you search for an apartment.
This is not true for all apartments in the DR, but it does seem true for many.
I do not know if renting from an expat will be better or not - maybe if the expat owner also lives in the DR full-time, then maybe. But, there are some good people and good apartments out there... In the DR, there are just a few more questions that you have to ask beforehand, because typically the only "management" they want to do after is collect the rent (and they try to come around to collect before the due date...)
Apr 13, 2011
If you have all utilities included and are only paying 15,000 pesos per month, then stay where you are at. As MiamiDRGuy mentioned, you could run your ACs 24/7 on that kind of deal!!!! (at least until the landlord stops paying for electricity or changes the contract on you...)


New member
Nov 25, 2013
its a bit out but im getting installed in 15 days in hainamosa santo domingo 2 bedroom, 1 bath , real size kitchen , living room and balcony. 5500 pesos per month, extra for luz y agua. shared gated garage with owner included. im pretty happy. nice renovations have been done


New member
Jan 22, 2012
excellent price

I think you should stay there extremely great price for a 2 bedroom apt at your location , deal with the owner
I have been looking for an apartment for the last month or so. Through my experience I am now preferring to rent from an expat than Dominican. I won't go into all my reason's (I'm sure you know them anyways), but after having my Dominican friend talk to the owners and then I arrive and they raise the price everytime, I'm looking for convenience.

1. Would prefer a landlord who speaks english.
- I speak spanish, but for some reason whenever something is broke I can't understand any of their spanish nor they my english. This usually lasts until rent is due.

2. Don't want to move too far from malecon. Atleast walking distance.

3. I'm looking for 2 bedroom for when I have friends and family in town.

4. I prefer with furniture, but will get without.

What I currently have:
2 bedroom, 1 bath in secure building 1/5 block from malecon. Walking distance to La Sirena.
All utilities included and paying 15,000 pesos.

----> I'm starting to think that I'm not going to find a better deal.

As always, your wisdom is always appreciated...


Nov 18, 2002
$15,000 pesos including Electric? That is hard to believe. If that is true, I could run A/C 24 hours at 68 degrees!

Your apartment sounds like you are right by Blue Mall

1/5 block from malec?n and close to la sirena....he's obviously not in Santo domingo


Jan 14, 2007

That's a great deal...
If you are comfortable, you should stay there ...:cool:
There is always "something" everywhere.
Last edited:


New member
Oct 6, 2011
its a bit out but im getting installed in 15 days in hainamosa santo domingo 2 bedroom, 1 bath , real size kitchen , living room and balcony. 5500 pesos per month, extra for luz y agua. shared gated garage with owner included. im pretty happy. nice renovations have been done

5,500 Pesos??? Whatttt?? Mucho tigueres? I gotta see pics+neighborhood pics..please..please.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
4,500 pesos a month for my apartment with refrigeration and 24hr water (not heated) My electric on average is 350 pesos
a month.

Two bits of advice for you sir:

Perhaps you should try finding an apartment through a member of your local church as I did.
I got a very good deal this way. The landlord is very attentive and has all repairs done in a timely manner without asking me to cover the cost.

Learn to adapt and live life as a local. You will realize just how inexpensive it is to live in here on the north coast and it will give you a chance to get to know your neighbors. Not all Dominican neighborhoods (ghettos as westerners like to call them) are
dangerous choatic places to live. I have lived in several Dominican neighborhoods in Santo Domingo, Nagua and the last 2yearshere in Los Charamicos. Coming from New Orleans, LA I know what its like to live in very close proximity to rough areas where sometimes bad things happen.

HINT: Bad things happen everywhere in this world, common sense will take you far in life.
Nothing but good times to be had around here partner.


Apr 30, 2011
Cristo, you are in Los Charamicos? You are definitely are living as a local there! Can't beat that price you pay!! lol


New member
Aug 1, 2006
my last place was behind the restaurant chino on los coabas, it was called "costa azul". 2 br, electric included, furnished for 11,000 per month. alot of gringos put their "girlfriends" there. it was very quiet until some neighbors got a few dogs and it got too annoying for me. could be different now. good luck


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
How dare you call their "girlfriends",..."DOGS"!
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The "HOLDER" afterall!

I think you meant ?stray dogs?.
As I?m sure you know, there are several similarities between them.


New member
Jan 17, 2014
I'm sorry. I keep forgetting to mention that I am in Puerto PlataI have been looking all around and have found some cheaper, but like MJ SANTO said they are totally vacant and not as secure including nothing. I am starting to think that I am not going to find a better deal.


New member
Aug 1, 2006
OK silkey, have you checked out Pueblito? It is a bit east of town just past the Isla gas station. Lots of vacant places there many furnished and as low as $175 a month for a studio I am aware of that will be available soon. Many gringos including quebeckers etc.. PM me and we can meet there and I'll show you around if you wish.
Der Fish

once the deportations start?


New member
Sep 7, 2010
15,000 pesos with electricity and cable included that is a pretty good deal if you are in a good location. I pay 350.00USD for a small studio apartment with ocean view and used to pay back 2009 10,000RD for a one bedroom in El Cacique half a block away from Avenida Italia.