
Re: True, but...

True, I misquoted you. You did not explicitly say "all." Here's what you said:

>>>I would question any Dominican woman's intentions, it has been my experience that they are quite racist in there choice of a man.<<<

You said "any Dominican woman's". However, the way you phrased it, you might as well have said "all," since "any" implies that any Dominicana picked at random would display questionable intentions, and that could only be true if all had this inclination...

I seriously doubt that I am the only reader of your statement that understood it this way.



Re: Please read this one Jim

Yea, I know who it is. However I would be surprised to see a posting from him that would get Roberto or anyone else on his case. If there is one, please show me. Would be interesting.


KEITH: Here's the deal


I really don't care to get into a drawn out discussion over this subject because it matters little to me if you disagree with my opinion. However, it is fair to ask me on what I base my opinions. My answer is the same as yours;years of experience. I have been visiting the DR for 10 years and living there 6 months a year for 3 years. I know a cross section of the society. I occasionally hang with the rich and powerful- I had dinner with Hipolito this winter, and know many corporate types. I work with middle class dominicans and live mainly out in the country near Mao. My current girlfriend is dirt poor from a dirt poor little country pueblo. I am very familiar with chivos and chickens, no indoor plumbing,water from the drum in front of the house, electrical outages every night, hatred of Hatians and love of Bachata.

I have been single virtually my entire life. I have dated and talked extensively with countless dominicanas over the years. I am not proud or ashamed of this-its just what is, and these experiences are what I base my opinion on. I know very little about and endless amount of subjects, but I do know a great deal about dominican women. I am not sure why we see the situation so differently. One guess; if you spend most of your time in the capital and I spend most of my time in the country(and dread visiting the capital under any circumstances), perhaps this difference is worth noting. El campo and la capital are two different worlds.

Prefering to marry up the color line is subtle.Its not an everyday conversation piece for dominicans. And I am not implying this social attitude is always adhered to. "Prefering" comes from the verb prefer and thats all it is,a preference.

Personally, I could care less what color Dominicans prefer. It's their culture and they can think whatever they want. I find the U.S. far more obsessed with color than Dominicans. Kozy


Re: Please read this one Jim

Hello Roberto, Eddy etc. Yes you are confusing me with someone who is not him. If I was hiom and i'm not I would not say the following..would I? You seldom see comments from me but please note I am definitely not Jim H., the self proclaimed king of late night life. You should not confuse me with the Gringo Sanky of the south coast (who else could have such itimate knowledge of extreme late night life there and the goings and comings of the very few hookers, sankys and the comings and goings of these not easily identifiable persons at the small hotels along the south coast strips and who else could be such an expert in the short 6 years and 85 trips he has been coming here compared to some of the people like Richard who he has been tearing a strip off on a constant basis. "jealousy perhaps"?. Anyway the point is its not me. Too bad, he was doiing so well with legitimate comments and replies to persons needing information on a variety of subjects but he seems to have gone a little overboard. Maybe a six month vacation "off the rock would help"
I still will admit however that on points not relating to night life ( always a personal interpretation at the best) I would be right there asking Jim H. for his input.

Jim Hinsch

Re: From Jim Hinsch to Jim H. (American@codetel)

"You should not confuse me with the Gringo Sanky of the south coast"

Gringo Sanky? Yeah, the rich tourists ladies are falling all over me (not!)

"who else could have such itimate knowledge of extreme late night life there and the goings and comings of the very few hookers, sankys and the comings and goings of these not easily identifiable persons at the small hotels along the south coast strips"

Who else: Late night bar and restaurant owners, their employees, motoconchos, street vendors on the strip, frequent late night patrons, police, putas, sankys, polaroid photographers, flower salesmen, shoe-shine boys, an occasional bag lady and/or street drunk, musicians that play in the bands and their friends and workers, and not a whole lot of anybody else. I fall into the "frequent late night patron" catagory.

Who would not: Anybody that does not have lots of first-hand experience in it (people usually in bed by 2am which includes most people with day jobs, people with night jobs with the exceptions listed above, people that don't frequent it).

"jealousy perhaps"?

Jealous of what?


Re:There is no H.

If you paid attention you will see my posts are not Jim H. but just Jim. I have no H. nor have I ever used an H.
Robertos inquiry was about Jim.

Jim Hinsch

Re:From Jim Hinsch to

Whatever. My post was/is to you:

"You should not confuse me with the Gringo Sanky of the south coast"

Gringo Sanky? Yeah, the rich tourists ladies are falling all over me (not!)

"who else could have such itimate knowledge of extreme late night life there and the goings and comings of the very few hookers, sankys and the comings and goings of these not easily identifiable persons at the small hotels along the south coast strips"

Who else: Late night bar and restaurant owners, their employees, motoconchos, street vendors on the strip, frequent late night patrons, police, putas, sankys, polaroid photographers, flower salesmen, shoe-shine boys, an occasional bag lady and/or street drunk, musicians that play in the bands and their friends and workers, and not a whole lot of anybody else. I fall into the "frequent late night patron" catagory.

Who would not: Anybody that does not have lots of first-hand experience in it (people usually in bed by 2am which includes most people with day jobs, people with night jobs with the exceptions listed above, people that don't frequent it).

"jealousy perhaps"?

Jealous of what?


Re: Natasha!....I'm simply assuming its his good l

It all depends on the women, but most campensinas are looking for a easy ride. I met a girl married to an Englishman, who has no clue she has her own Dominican boyfriend when he's back home.

Zippo Popo

Re: Natasha!....I'm simply assuming its his good l

It's a dirt job but somebody has to do it


Manny Baez

Yes....I do believe DR women are faithfull. The problem are the Dominican Men.....specially the "cibae?os".