Christmas Eve Dominican Dinner


Active member
Mar 8, 2011
in the small neighborhood we live in there are 3 pigs ready for the spit.....can't wait to see.....Christmas day dinner for 12 +  turkey, all the trimmings. First time making bread pudding, ... Dominican, Cuban, American expats, and anyone else who shows up.... should be a hoot......


Oct 4, 2013
I'm another who will be celebrating Christmas feast on the 24th Dominican style with lechon, Moro de guandule, and potato salad with the entire family. I do every year make a few items of tradition from my own family Xmas dinner including crab dip and crackers as well as a huge Blackberry cobbler that all the children and myself enjoy after the pig feast. I wish to add that I enjoy Dominican Christmas and feel that it is more to my liking than is American Christmas with all of the commercialism, gifts, and wasted money. I just like the simplicity of Dominican Christmas.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
I nearly forgot our xmas tradition in the dr ....... not very food related, but a little bit.

As far as I can tell, there is not much gift-ing going on around my parts of the dr. Lots of drink and food and thats about it.
So on the 24th, in the evening we gather family and neighbours and have a open-presents sessions. Solely for the wee ones.
When I was a kid my aunts and uncles went overboard for us at xmas ( we only saw them once or twice a year ), mountains of presents.
Around 10 years ago, when my at-the-time-gf ( now my wife ) met the family, she was introduced to the special xmas treatment.......and was amazed.
Since that day,, instead of 1 or 2 presents per kid, she now wraps up dozens of presents. Nothing extravagant, mind you ( as its the dr, and there is loaaaads of kids, just toys and clothes.
But most of the fun is un-wrapping the gifts, no ?

So we had our xmas session last night.
Nothing like seeing small kids unwrapping presents !!!!!!

Oh, yes, the food part. Every1 small and big gets a mix-bag of sweets and nuts ;)


Jan 1, 2002
The HB clan is now spread far and wide, unfortunately. Our "family" dinner consisted of me, me wife, her sister and sister's ex and two children.
We had pretty much a PriceSmart-Nacional dinner: Roast chicken (PS), Kirkland spiral cut ham (PS), potatoe salad (sister), potatoes au gratin (sister), and green salad (from lettuce from Nacional), and apple pie (PS)..Oh yes, garlic bread.

We have been so wrapped up in getting the house up and running that there was not a lot of time for anything else. Wife has been a Trojan working on getting this place organized. We managed to get the children (my 2 grandchildren and her niece and nephew) their presents--like many here, simple toys and clothes for the most part. These we got wrapped at Lendioro's here in Santiago--beautiful! With dinner we had some really nice wines and then some egg-nog to finish.

All this was on the 23rd.

Then, on the 24th, wife had a 24 hour stint at her job (Movimed) followed on the 25, today, by an 8 hour hitch this afternoon.

So, last night I was invited to my son's (the ENT) wife's mother's house for dinner. Typical Dominican feast with lots of wine, Corona beer, and roast pork with all the Dominican trimmings. It was delicious, and the 25 or so folks there truly enjoyed themselves immensely.

Leftovers will finish the week.

We do extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to the entire DR1 family.

Most cordially,



Jan 30, 2012
Had the typical 24th w/ gf tios, tias, abuelas, and the lot. Roast pork, of course. and....................lasanga.
Overall, a nice, enjoyable gathering.