Dating a Dominican guy for the first time

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Oct 5, 2016
I recently started a relationship with a Dominican guy, his very sweet, Christian, and loving. I'm mixed with Mexican, Salvadorian, and Portuguese. I've mainly dated African American guys and have never dated within my own race or Hispanics.
I'm just curious as to what to expect on his family side, his talked about me meeting his parents and I'm a little nervous. I've heard Dominican parents are very particular with the girls their children date.
Do you have any advice on meeting Dominican families?
Thank you!


Apr 3, 2011
Well I'm not a cynic but experienced for many years. No do not bring a lot of cash or gifts. if you do they will expect it every time. The Parents are not particular as they are in on the many deceptions.

Advice: Enjoy the visit and the food, do not be gift bearing and understand that the relationship is temporary.

cc would say:cccccccccccccccccc


Jan 1, 2002
I would chime in and say that race has nothing to do with this.
The Important issues are (1) where did you meet this fellow; (2) Is he working? (3) Can he speak English? (4) Is he as educated as you are?

If this was a hookup at a hotel here in the Dominican Republic, there is a 99.9999~% chance that he is what we call a "sanky-panky"; or what is called a "boy-toy" in other places. Good bod, great dancer, wonderful for laughs, splendid to be on a date with. Sankies are well known and come in all colors and sexes....they are also experts at getting funds from their "One True Loves".

Now if you met this fellow in the US, you cut the odds against somewhat. But you still need to keep your heart and your funds closeby.
Certainly do not sweat a meeting with the family, since they could not care a bit. If you are a US citizen, be very careful that your guy has his residence or his own citizenship. If he is a Dominican on a tourist visa--BEWARE!...
The act of meeting parents does not mean a thing unless this guy
's last name is one of the Dominican Top Ten Families, which I doubt very much...but it could be, if he is college educated in the States, has a great job...etc.

Generally speaking, you will get a lot of crap here on the board, but you can ignore it.

And I do hope to God that this is not a sock-puppet.



Oct 11, 2004
Its been a while since I posted but I couldn?t resist this one. I tried so hard to write this without casting all with the same brush ? hence my use of many and most. I agree with much of what HB has said and will add on... 17 years both living and visiting DR here are some of the things I have seen with girls dating guys here (not in the US but in DR:

1. Unless they come from a highly educated well off family ? they wont care who you are and will except you as their own because that is just how they are

2. They will get close to you and then ask for financial help ? especially using elderly grandparents being sick as an excuse or young children ? they don?t have money for the school uniform so the child won?t be able to go to school if you don?t help, that is another common one

3. They will all act like they love you and be nice to your face regardless?. It doesn?t matter really who you are --- all the while knowing his dirty little secrets? You will NEVER be ?in the circle?.

4. Look out for girls that he says are sisters or cousins ? sometimes they are not. In reality they could be a girlfriend or even wife. This happens A LOT ? I have seen it with at least 2 girls I know. The girl will often know and lie to your face.
I have been with my Dominican guy for 4 years and have been through my share of ****. I have TONS of friends here and have even had male friends ask me to lie to their American and Canadian girlfriends for them.

Yes - there are Sanky?s but there are also a lot of what I call opportunists. I would say that there are more opportunists then Sanky?s. A guy doesn?t have to be a hotel worker or speak English to take advantage of you.

Try to find out the most that you can!! Join him on all social media and then start adding his friends as friends and look through their pictures. Make your own friends in his barrio that he is not close with but that may also see an opportunity and so may leak information to you. Know where he goes, where he works and who he hangs out with. Pay attention to everything.

I knew a guy 15 years ago that wanted to date me. He introduced me to his ?family? ? I didn?t end up dating him because I met someone else in the States, however years later he sent me a Facebook request? stupidly... I was able to see that the family he presented as his own WASN?T EVEN his own family. This guy spoke 3 languages and presented as educated and a hard worker. I also learned at that same time he was married to a girl in England who was pregnant.

Be prepared if you date a guy here to have your guard up and to deal with lots of lies. For hundreds of friends I have here I can only think of 2-3 that I would say are really ?good? guys.

Sweet, Cristian and affectionate doesn?t bear weight here. Most are sweet and affectionate ? that is how most guys here are?. At least in the beginning. Also Cristian and Catholic are the perdomanent religions and some guys appear religious even when they are not ? Como estas? Bien gracias a dios?. Tu vas a trabajar manana? Si dios quieres.

Eyes wide open is my advice to you.
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miguel james

Nov 6, 2012
I think everyone needs a little bit more information on how you meet 'Mr. Right', and when are you planing on coming back to meet the parents? If you don't mind what was the pick-up line that really got you thinking this is 'Mr. Right' or was it his eyes...Good Luck!!!


Jun 5, 2011
I recently started a relationship with a Dominican guy, his very sweet, Christian, and loving. I'm mixed with Mexican, Salvadorian, and Portuguese. I've mainly dated African American guys and have never dated within my own race or Hispanics.
I'm just curious as to what to expect on his family side, his talked about me meeting his parents and I'm a little nervous. I've heard Dominican parents are very particular with the girls their children date.
Do you have any advice on meeting Dominican families?
Thank you!

So your concern is meeting his family? At least that is what I understand. They will be nice towards you, be carefull when they start speaking about money, Visa and their needs. Don't worry, people are people.
The Christian ones I would worry about more. If you are older not that attractive and out of shape and he is half your age, ripped and hot he is a sanky and has 40 other girls on the go.*
The whole family will lie for him and his friends as well. His sister or cousin is usually his gf or wife.*
If you met him in Sosua or any tourist areas forget about it!*

From the others. *
The best sankies don't ask for any money...they just wait for you to insist etc. *
Don't trust anyone gringo or Dom here and it will save you a lot of grief and $$$!


Apr 3, 2011
Possible Sock Puppet or the internet is down en el campo at the family home.


Aug 15, 2006
Why even bother with this B.S?



Jan 7, 2016
I recently started a relationship with a Dominican guy, his very sweet, Christian, and loving. I'm mixed with Mexican, Salvadorian, and Portuguese. I've mainly dated African American guys and have never dated within my own race or Hispanics.
I'm just curious as to what to expect on his family side, his talked about me meeting his parents and I'm a little nervous. I've heard Dominican parents are very particular with the girls their children date.
Do you have any advice on meeting Dominican families?
Thank you!

A bit confusing which of you is not human and is of some other race. Which race would that be if not human? I've been curious what race someone is dating if it is other than human?
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