dominican webcam girls

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Aug 16, 2006
thomas901 - If and when you post again would it be possible for you to put some breaks in your text - like paragraphs. It is a bit easier on the old eyes, you know!



Jan 2, 2002
Hit the return button to start a new paragraph. It makes it easier to read a long post.


New member
May 4, 2008
for my information? i know what goes on. yes, she has sex toys and she will put them in any orifice the customer wants to see them in. but at least she isnt out screwing any man that comes up to her for 50 bucks like half the women i met when i went there. i have never seen so many prostitutes in my life. that right there should tell you its not very easy for an undecucated girl to support herself on her own in dr. another thing...the prositutes i saw didnt look to be on hard drugs like all the prositutes in the states.. their not doing it for drugs..their doing it so they can EAT. not everyone is lucky enough to find a good job they can live on.


New member
May 4, 2008
id also like to add i didnt go on these sites looking for a girlfriend lol ....i never expected that. i know cam girls will tell you anything you want to hear to keep the cash flowing. i know how it all works. i sit at home and play poker all day on the computer. thats my job. im good at it. i was bored at home while working and got on there just to talk to some pretty girls and joke around a bit. the rooms are free to go and chat in. if you want the girl to strip you have to take her private and pay. they also have men on there for all you ladies lol


Apr 4, 2002
i tell her she can depend on me if she needs some extra money but she never asks. i paid for her to go to the dr.
I, like many others, find it difficult to read such a long post all crammed into "one breath" and I'll even admit to not reading it all, as I got stuck at the above phrase. (in bold)
Does this woman/chica not already live in the DR?
And if so, how and why did you pay for her to go to the DR?


New member
Mar 5, 2007
I am not sure where this rant came from but.....

for my information? i know what goes on. yes, she has sex toys and she will put them in any orifice the customer wants to see them in. but at least she isnt out screwing any man that comes up to her for 50 bucks like half the women i met when i went there. i have never seen so many prostitutes in my life. that right there should tell you its not very easy for an undecucated girl to support herself on her own in dr. another thing...the prositutes i saw didnt look to be on hard drugs like all the prositutes in the states.. their not doing it for drugs..their doing it so they can EAT. not everyone is lucky enough to find a good job they can live on.

...............different girl...same story. Not to be rude but this is like any other "sankie" story, and you sound just like all the rest. I need advice, blah blah blah and then you question any points, and seem "upset" that no one has said "go for it". That is because this is as I said, same old story and no one here will tell you its ok. Live your life and wish you the best of luck as I really think you will need it.

Final thought. If every time you get off the phone a little voice is telling you that all is not as she say's...then somewhere in your head the voice of reason and logic is speaking. You should listen to it.


New member
May 4, 2008
if you dont like what is being discussed then jump to another thread. i didnt ask for your help. i simply wanted people with this same experience to reply. i already know what you all think and i really dont care.


Jan 2, 2002
I, like many others, find it difficult to read such a long post all crammed into "one breath" and I'll even admit to not reading it all, as I got stuck at the above phrase. (in bold)
Does this woman/chica not already live in the DR?
And if so, how and why did you pay for her to go to the DR?

I think he meant doctor, which should be Dr. I had to read that a couple of times too


New member
May 4, 2008
i knew i should have wrote doctor out so some people wouldnt get confused...if you would have read the next line you might have caught it


New member
Mar 5, 2007

if you dont like what is being discussed then jump to another thread. i didnt ask for your help. i simply wanted people with this same experience to reply. i already know what you all think and i really dont care.

I rest my case. If you really don't care why come on here and post? I am begining to wonder if this is a "real" post. I really cannot imagine anyone being that blank.


Apr 4, 2002
I don't understand hieroglyphics.

I think he meant doctor, which should be Dr. I had to read that a couple of times too
Thanks. I would think that anyone who has that much to say and takes the time to write it all out, would want folks to understand, and might make an effort to write it out properly.
Spellcheck is free and available to all, and proofreading only takes a minute or two.
Anyone thinking of accusing me of being the language or spelling police, can just hold onto that thought and not bother mentioning it.
I could care less about a pure stranger's reading or writing skills, however, if a person has enough urge and desire to tell such a long story, would that person not want to be understood?
I ain't gota crystal ball here and I can only rely on the written word.
You don't need a university degree to write properly.
We learn that in the early grade school years.


New member
May 4, 2008
what some of you dont seem to understand is that im not asking for "your" advice.
i strictly care to hear responses from others like me.

dont get me wrong. i dont mind hearing your thoughts and im not upset about it...i completely understand.
but tell me...other than her being a cam girl what are the signs that she is a sankie huh? you dont even know the girl. ive read every post about the subject and i think some of you are just paranoid.
i know most of the post were about obvious sankies but i saw others that were ridiculous... these guys talking about they are in love with this girl and what not but dont want to send her any money or help take care of her?
if she asks for the smallest thing she is automatically labeled a gold digging whore. i wonder if some of these people have even had a girlfriend before.

what would you think if you were barely making enough money to eat everyday and had met a much better off tourists that you fell in love with but he/she would not live there to be with you or help you out in any way financially? yet they claim they love you too....i would feel pretty used and lied to.
oh sure...just drop in the country for a few days when you have time...get you some ass and then roll on out and not give me a thing. im really feeling the love...

arent you supposed to help support your woman? why do these people think they can have a relationship with someone without sacrificing a little.

these guys are on whining and crying cause the girl wants some money for clothes or a cell phone every now and then. get your girl a damn cell phone you cheap bastards.

buy her sick mother who lives in Fing hut some medicine.

let her bring a friend when you go out her friends way.

what is the big deal?

once again. i knowwww that many of the post were obvioulsy people getting used but there were also many that were just plain stupid.


Apr 11, 2004

I have come to the conclusion that this guy is a total fraud trying to stir the pot.

I may be wrong but I doubt it.


New member
Mar 5, 2007
Yuppers Sky

I have come to the conclusion that this guy is a total fraud trying to stir the pot.

I may be wrong but I doubt it.

That is what I said in post #32 as well.;)
Last edited:


Jan 2, 2002
I had enough of the rants. Good luck with your girl, go get some sleep.

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