DR VISA for South African Citizen


New member
Feb 25, 2002

I would like to know WHO can I approach to apply for a DR VISA, as I am a South African Citizen (or if I require a VISA)
Here in South Africa, or even anywhere in Africa, there is no Embassy for DR, yet I want to travel to the DR in October/November.

I have contacted the DR Embassy in Washington DC, but have not gotten any reply from them, and I am desparate to know wether I need a VISA or not...


Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
South African citizens need a visa to enter the Dominican Republic. Visas are issued at the nearest Dominican Consulate. E-mail the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (website: http://serex.gov.do/) for details.

I am copying below the latest list of entry requirements by country from the Ministry website. The names of the countries are in Spanish (I'm just copying and pasting).

Citizens of the following countries can enter the D.R. without a visa and without a tourist card :

Argentina, Chile, Corea del Sur, Ecuador, Islandia, Israel, Jap?n, Per?, Liechtenstein y Uruguay.

With a tourist card :

Albania, Antigua y Bermuda, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, B?lgica, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canad?, Croacia, Curazao, Dinamarca, Dominica, Eslovenia, Espa?a, Estados Unidos de Am?rica (incluye Puerto rico, Islas V?rgenes, Saint Thomas, Saint Croix, Saint Jhon, Hawai), Finlandia, Francia (incluye Guadalupe, Martinica, San Mart?n, Reuni?n, Saint Kirts), Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo, Grecia, Guyana, Hungr?a, Irlanda del Norte, Isla Turcas y Caicos, Italia, Jamaica, M?xico, M?naco, Pa?ses Bajos(incluye Curazao y Saint Maarten), Paraguay, Polonia, Portugal, Principado de Andorra, Reino Unido de Gran Breta?a, Reino de Noruega, Rep?blica Checa, Rep?blica Federal de Alemania, Rep?blica de Lituania, Rep?blica de Macedonia, Rumania, Rusia, San Kitts & Nevis, San Marino, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Santa Luc?a, Suecia, Suiza, Surinam, Trinidad y Tobago, Ucrania, Venezuela, y Yugoslavia.

The rest need visas.
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