DR's drug problem. are we the next Mexico or Colombia ?

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New member
Jan 22, 2010
watching the Dominican channels and news on the Internet I see that the DR has a big drug problem. 20 years ago here in NY we were known as progressive thinkers. Dominicans who came here were hard working motivated into success. now all were known for is drugs, gangs, racing and partying. do you know how many times people have came to my restaurant and ask me if I sell drugs. I havnt been in DR for over 3 years but the last time I was there crime has skyrocket. is the DR gonna face similar problems.

and when will people understand that war on drugs will never be defeated. legalization now all this has only fueled the market, prohibition drives the cost up.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
There is to much money being spent at the government level to legalize! Look at the DEA Budget now and when Nixon started the supposed war on drugs. It is probably safer to live in New York now.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
safer to live in NY? you must listen to the news. I live here in NYC and crime is exploding here. that's my point to much money spent, the Feds have no business in this and should be left to the states to regulate.

now back to topic drugs look like it has damage the status of DR


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Drugdealing in NY goes from Dominican drugdealers, who are arested, imprisoned and then deported back home to Sosua and Puerto Plata. Every month hunderds of Dominican ex-convicts are deported to DR from NY.

Like this one yesterday.

Ex polic?a dominicano enfrenta 30 a?os por narcotr?ficoFiscales piden cancelarle una pensi?n por invalidez de US $1.8 millones
NUEVA YORK._ Emmanuel Tav?rez, un ex polic?a dominicano acusado por los fiscales federales de ser parte de una poderosa banda de narcotraficantes que es dedicaba a atracar y "tumbar" puntos a otros distribuidores de drogas, con lo que lleg? a acumular m?s de $1 mill?n de d?lares, se enfrenta a una condena de 30 a?os en la c?rcel, mientras la fiscal?a pide que se le cancele de por vida una pensi?n que le fue aprobada por invalidez.

El ex oficial logr? que su solicitud de pensi?n le fuera aprobada por la junta encargada del proceso y la petici?n la hizo antes de ser arrestado y procesado judicialmente en la Corte Federal del Distrito Este en Brooklyn.

La junta le aprob? fondos por $1.8 millones de d?lares debido a que durante la persecuci?n de un atracador, sufri? la rotura de una rodilla. El panel de m?dicos que examin? su condici?n le otorg? el beneficio a pesar de que se encuentra recluido en el Centro Metropolitano de Correcci?n (c?rcel federal de Brooklyn) a la espera de un juicio o de ser sentenciado.

Tav?rez est? acusado de utilizar su posici?n de polic?a local e incluso para pedir apoyo log?stico de la uniformada como chalecos anti balas y otras herramientas de trabajo policial que suministraba a sus compa?eros de la banda.

El prop?sito de los equipos era para que los narcotraficantes que junto daban los "tumbes", parecieran polic?as reales cuando asaltaban a los otros. Su abogada, Lisa Scolari, record? que Tav?rez fue herido cuando persegu?a al atracador en una bicicleta, pero que despu?s del incidente decidi? no retirarse de la uniformada.

El ex polic?a dominicano llevaba unos nueve a?os en el departamento cuando fue arrestado. Luego volvi? a lesionarse la misma rodilla. La pensi?n buscada por Tav?rez ser?a libre de impuestos.

La jurista dijo que el acusado hab?a sido un atleta "fenomenal" y fue hasta evaluado por equipos de b?isbol de las Grandes Ligas.

El juez Robert Levy refrend? la decisi?n del panel m?dico, pero el fiscal auxiliar federal, Stephen Mayer, aleg? que Tav?rez podr?a huir a la Rep?blica Dominicana, porque enfrenta entre 30 a?os a cadena perpetua por las acusaciones si es hallado culpable de los cargos.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
safer to live in NY? you must listen to the news. I live here in NYC and crime is exploding here.

My friend, you do NOT know what you are talking about. NY is one of the safest cities to live in.

Chicago is another story!!!!!
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Nov 17, 2004
Safer to live in NY? You must listen to the news. I live here in NYC and crime is exploding here.

It's always the people who have the least to worry about who feel the most paranoid about crime, not only here in NYC but anywhere. I have no idea where you got this from, but nothing could be further from the truth. Are you getting mugged, raped and pillaged on a daily basis? Is the block you live on under siege? Are your neighbors pirates?

But this is not your only incorrect statement. Here is another gem-

Watching the Dominican channels and news on the Internet I see that the DR has a big drug problem. 20 years ago here in NY we were known as progressive thinkers. Dominicans who came here were hard working motivated into success. Now all were known for is drugs, gangs, racing and partying.

Dominicans have been key players in the drug game on the street-level retail end for more than 25 years. They've been knee-deep in it and evolved a pipeline that ran from Florida all the way to Maine back when crack was wack in the 1980's*.

(*I will make the obligatory statement that the Dominicans I'm referring to represent a but tiny fraction of all honest, decent and hard-working Dominicans here in the states, for those of you who need your serving of politically correct boilerplate text served on a bed of lettuce and mangu.)

Also, the car thing is also from back in the day, more than 20 years ago in fact. That did not start yesterday. The Honda civic hatchbacks and the "maildito turbo" engines I recall distinctly from the late 80's, when I was but a wee lad.


Mar 22, 2006
I believe the OP has some kind of agenda going on...Nobody who lives in NY would say what he wrote in his first statement. Coupled with 5 threads opened pursuing some kind of agenda I must ask: be4unvme which are your intentions, where are you leading with this?
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Jan 3, 2007
My friend, you do NOT know what you are talking about. NY is one of the safest cities to live in.

Chicago is another story!!!!!

In 2008 the Dominican Republic (roughly the population of NYC) had 1440 murders. NYC had about 597 murders during the same period. Chicago (1/3 the population of both) had 598 murders during that period as well.

The meteoric rise in the violent crime rate in the DR is reminiscent of the crack war (New Jack City) days when murders in NYC topped 2,000 every uear for a decade.

This has got to stop. The government has got to stop stealing long enough to stop the killings. Cutting off alcohol sales at midnight didn't do squat. It's DRUGS and DRUG WARS that are killing people there but the pol's are too busy being complicit and going for their cut to care that their people are dying.

The Dominican Republic needs a death penalty and a bunch of pit bull reformers to clean it up. Today's DR Government is a joke.


Nov 22, 2009
It's always the people who have the least to worry about who feel the most paranoid about crime, not only here in NYC but anywhere. I have no idea where you got this from, but nothing could be further from the truth. Are you getting mugged, raped and pillaged on a daily basis? Is the block you live on under siege? Are your neighbors pirates?

But this is not your only incorrect statement. Here is another gem-

Dominicans have been key players in the drug game on the street-level retail end for more than 25 years. They've been knee-deep in it and evolved a pipeline that ran from Florida all the way to Maine back when crack was wack in the 1980's*.

(*I will make the obligatory statement that the Dominicans I'm referring to represent a but tiny fraction of all honest, decent and hard-working Dominicans here in the states, for those of you who need your serving of politically correct boilerplate text served on a bed of lettuce and mangu.)

Also, the car thing is also from back in the day, more than 20 years ago in fact. That did not start yesterday. The Honda civic hatchbacks and the "maildito turbo" engines I recall distinctly from the late 80's, when I was but a wee lad.

More on this...
a. I dont know where you live in NYC but its safe to me, for a large city? Man, you gotta watch the news in other cities, Memphis, Dallas, Miami, Philadelphia.

b. I will not deny that Dominicans have been hard working since they came to the USA. BUT this massive Dominicans running the drug game nonsense is a ruse and a false flag.
Remember back in the late 80s when it was the Jamaicans and their drug "posses" which ran the drug game? Why cant it be that when people are looking for a way to get rich that illicit activities become a source of interest? Some dumbasss tried to tell me that they actually grow cocaine in DR. And I asked him, why you hate those people so much? You need someone to blame so what happens is you pick the people who dont have the resources to challenge your assertions. And in our world, refusal to counter an assertion must mean that it is true, dont it?
Cocaine cannot grow in DR and if anything it is more point of money laundering and/or transfer of the product. But all that is a joke. The US government has its fingers involved in the drug trade bigger than any fake leather mocassin, tight stone wash jean Dominican could ever conceive.

c. when I was younger it was the Porto Ricans putting Chevy small blocks in Toyota Corollas and Datsun 210s that was the big thing.

And be4unvme, I think you may be under the spell of some pro-gun lobby or something. You re Chicken Little-ing here...and Berzin, when I read that sentence I thought you said "is your block under siege and are you neighbors doing PILATES?"


New member
Jan 22, 2010
you wanna know if crime is riding just ask a cop, in my restaurant they're telling me the city is not reporting its crimes to keep the illusion of a safer city. and I am pro gun. gun control doenst solve crimes it solve the stress from criminals knowing if your armed or not.

crime in DR from what I'm told from family and friends is that crime in DR is out of control, they tell me that the criminals deported that are in the DR are doing what they know best, crime

in just worried about DR and repeating history. the Hispanics and blacks have always had a hard and I'm sure its on purpose


Aug 22, 2008
you wanna know if crime is riding just ask a cop, in my restaurant they're telling me the city is not reporting its crimes to keep the illusion of a safer city. and I am pro gun. gun control doenst solve crimes it solve the stress from criminals knowing if your armed or not.

crime in DR from what I'm told from family and friends is that crime in DR is out of control, they tell me that the criminals deported that are in the DR are doing what they know best, crime

in just worried about DR and repeating history. the Hispanics and blacks have always had a hard and I'm sure its on purpose

You are all doom and gloom, son.

Cheer up for god's sake.

Your next thread will probably be about 2012 and how we are all ****ed anyway.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
It's always the people who have the least to worry about who feel the most paranoid about crime, not only here in NYC but anywhere. I have no idea where you got this from, but nothing could be further from the truth. Are you getting mugged, raped and pillaged on a daily basis? Is the block you live on under siege? Are your neighbors pirates?
I don't know about crime 'exploding' in NYC, but there is something very real that maybe the OP was trying to say:

Of Rising Crime and Car Bombs :surprised

Maybe he lives in a neighborhood directly affected by this 'boom.'


New member
Jan 22, 2010
You are all doom and gloom, son.

Cheer up for god's sake.

Your next thread will probably be about 2012 and how we are all ****ed anyway.

lol i dont believe in any of that bull. if your driving towards a cliff and you dont see it and i warn you are you gonna say that im negative. i got more important thing to worry about than most of the **** my friends do. i want to be somewhere and be somebody i have a dream. who knows maybe ill start a company soon where you can work at

im actually a very funny person, im very imature some people think that im 14 cuz im short and look very young. i have a good life but wont have it if i dont worry about the future that we are inheriting

And he is only 19 !!!!!!! Pretty scary :ermm:

yes im only 19 is there a problem with worrying about problems we are facing. what you want me to be ignorant and let them walk over me like they want to.

i guess that is this drug problem leads to collapse of DR people wont care we just want to go out and dance and party cuz thats all dominicans are good for



Aug 22, 2008
B4unvne1- bu,

look kidda,

As a renowned and well published retired forensic psychologist of 40 years in the front line of serious, despicable and violent crime (CSI Toledo), I have analysed your posts.
These are my findings;

You are not 19, you are 15.
It is your uncle's restaurant, not yours.
You are a virgin - this is soon to change.
You just read Catcher in the Rye.
You are brighter than most but your grades suck - your school is failing you.
Your audience does not appreciate your talent - they are failing you also.

None of this is insurmountable, however.

Just cheer up, for pity's sake.
Oh, and NEVER accept prescription drugs.


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
watching the Dominican channels and news on the Internet I see that the DR has a big drug problem. 20 years ago here in NY we were known as progressive thinkers. Dominicans who came here were hard working motivated into success. now all were known for is drugs, gangs, racing and partying. do you know how many times people have came to my restaurant and ask me if I sell drugs. I havnt been in DR for over 3 years but the last time I was there crime has skyrocket. is the DR gonna face similar problems.

and when will people understand that war on drugs will never be defeated. legalization now all this has only fueled the market, prohibition drives the cost up.

One day in class the teacher brought a bag full of fruit. "Now class, I'm going to reach into the bag and describe a piece of fruit, and you tell what fruit I'm talking about. Okay, first: it's round, plump and red."

Of course, Juancito, a Dominican kid raised his hand high, but the teacher, wisely ignored him and picked a German girl, who promptly answered "An apple." The teacher replied, "No Deborah, it's a beet, but I like your thinking." Now for the second. It's soft, fuzzy, and colored red and brownish."

Well, Juancito is hopping up and down in his seat trying to get the teacher to call on him. But she skips him again and calls on Billy, the kid from England. "Is it a peach?" Billy asks. "No, Billy, I'm afraid it's a potato. But I like your thinking," the teacher replies. Here's another: it's long, yellow, and fairly hard."

By now Juancito is about to explode as he waves his hand frantically. The teacher skips him again and calls on Sally, the girl from Belgium. "A banana," she says. "No," the teacher replies, "it's a squash, but I like your thinking."

Juancito is kind of irritated now, so he speaks up loudly. "Hey, I've got one for you teacher; let me put my hand in my pocket. Okay, I've got it: it's round, hard, and it got a head on it." "JUANCITO!!!!" she cries. "That's disgusting!" "Nope," answers Juancito, "it's a quarter, but I like your thinking!"​

This is more probably the thinking Dominicans were known back in those days. 20 years ago was 1990, just 2-3 years away from one of the biggest drug bust in Washington Heights history, when tens of DEA agents surrounded 163rd Ave. disguised as UPS workers. Many Dominicans drug dealers were caught making their way back into the buildings, confronted by agents previously positioned in halls and key spots.

These were the times of the Kiko Garcia fiasco, when Dominicans took the streets protesting the death of a low life drug dealer who tried to kill a narcotic agent, who killed him instead. (New York Magazine - Google Books)


In those days we behave so stupidly that some Dominicans were shooting at the fire dept. building, probably incited by drug dealers (or they were drug dealers themselves) who in turn were mad because the police used to watch them from the roof of said building.

By 1990, Dominicans in the island had been 10 years already watching waves after waves of Dominican-york drug dealers, coming back to DR, flashing their "cordones" and fancy cars. That's when the stampede, the "New York fever" really took off. Everybody wanted to go to the big city.

20 years ago Dominicans weren't known as "progressive thinkers". By that time New York city had enough and the construction of the 33rd precinct in Amsterdam Ave. corner 170th. St. was about to start.


Mar 4, 2004
im actually a very funny person, im very imature some people think that im 14 cuz im short and look very young.

Is that what the problem is? Do you have many friends of your own age? Most 19 year olds (& 15 year olds) I know discuss the things that concern them with their buddies, do you have this opportunity?


New member
Jan 22, 2010
B4unvne1- bu,

look kidda,

As a renowned and well published retired forensic psychologist of 40 years in the front line of serious, despicable and violent crime (CSI Toledo), I have analysed your posts.
These are my findings;

You are not 19, you are 15.

lol i wish i was 15

It is your uncle's restaurant, not yours.

not mines but again family restaurant. my father opened it with one of his friends. he then bought his share. my father past away and me and my mother took over. i would of taken over if i was older but at the time i was very young and couldn't leave school

You are a virgin - this is soon to change.

im not, i have a girl but never been through a lot of girls just never had time was shy

You just read Catcher in the Rye.

i had to google to know what is this

You are brighter than most but your grades suck - your school is failing you.

i am very smart. i try to use common sense. and yes i always had a hard time in school not because i was dumb just because i really didnt need it. i never even graduated i dropped out at 16 and i dont regret it. my mother always wanted me to take over the restaurant because that was my fathers idea. so he would retire and leave it to me.

Your audience does not appreciate your talent - they are failing you also.

audience like as in my family and friends. actually my friends always joke around saying that when they save money they're gonna give it to me so i can invest it. my mother has a lot of trust in me. i been talking to my mom about this since i was about 15 and before she used to laugh at me but now that i been correct she takes me very seriously.

None of this is insurmountable, however.

Just cheer up, for pity's sake.
Oh, and NEVER accept prescription drugs.

the only drugs that i use but not too often is marijuana, i would do it more often but i just dont got time for it.

ok just because your a psychologist doesn't mean your gonna know me entirely. when i was 15 the only forums i was in was b20vtec.com and hondatech.com. what is it weird for a young man to be worry about future conditions that are reaching upon us. why are people saying that im miserable and all i worry about is the world coming to an end. i just got a few questions about DR that's all. what you think hyperinflation isn't coming actually i dont want you to believe it, why? cuz its less competition for me to find silver and gold. i have a pretty large stockpile of it and im just waiting on it. i cant wait until gold reaches $10000 **** that i cant wait till its 1 trillion. maybe ill buy your entire block.

im interested in DR because that's where i want to live and die. i don't want to live in a failed state. i don't hear any haitians saying i cant wait till i retire in haiti. if DR is just a matter of time than ill go to PR that's where my girl is from Catano, PR who i might go with this summer if we can. is there any problem being a person who wants some info on his country and is worried about it.

listen, i feel like i have a great life i got 1 younger brother and little sister and a mother who i love. i don't want them to work as hard as i have and i sacrificed a lot for them. i thank god everyday for giving me the best life ever. i always have had money on my pockets, have a great big house, and i have a 2007 accord which i bought in 2 years ago. i want to be a leader in life i dont ever wait for someone else to give me orders. now if you have a hard time accepting me for what i am. well what can i say, nothing but just be me.

and im a leo :p
The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo. They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as being certain that they will get whatever they are after. Their followers know where they are with Leonians. Leonians think and act bigger than others would normally dare; the ambitiousness of their schemes and idealism sometimes daunt their followers, their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight to the heart of any problem reassures those who depend on them. If Leonians meet with setbacks they thrive on the adversity.

On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind. Those who are devout may become very obstinate in upholding traditional beliefs and will cling tenaciously, but with complete sincerity, to practices and doctrines which liberal thinkers regard as absurdly out-of-date. These will be found as the 'lions' of industries, and in the forefront of the cutting edge of technologies.

Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. If jealously suspicious of rivals, they will not hesitate to use cunning, lies and trickery to discredit them. Self-centeredness, greed for flattery, boastfulness, and bombast, pomposity, snobbish superiority, and overbearing, and intolerant disdain of underlings; to whom they will nevertheless delegate the carrying out of minor details in their grandiose schemes, and from whom they are not above borrowing immoderately if an occasion necessitates it. Any of these can be characteristic of Leo.
Add to them a passion for luxury, a lust for power, unlimited sexual lust, and emotional indulgence, and a character emerges that no one would want to know either in public life or private. But their pride may go before a fall, as uncontrolled impetuosity is likely to bring them low. Fortunately it is rare that a Leo is so undisciplined as to give way thoroughly to this list of vices, and their tendencies to them are usually balanced by an innate wisdom. Those who are afflicted with them also have the intelligence it takes to consciously and actively overcome them.

In professional life they do well at any vocation at which there is room at the top. As politicians they are content with nothing less than a powerful position in government. In business they may be the chairman of their company's board, or at least directors or managers. They are excellent organizers and overseers, often laying the groundwork for new projects. If from the artisan ranks of society they will aspire to become the boss, partly because they are ambitious by nature, partly because they dislike manual labor, preferring to take charge of others doing it. If artistic, Leos can become stars of stage or screen (their bent is serious rather than light drama), maestros as musicians where they will gravitate toward the grand instruments or activities, such as the organ or conducting of orchestras and as painters; anything grand in conception and scale appeals to them. Leo women make exceptionally good welfare workers.

In his or her relations with others the Leo type is open, sincere, genuine and trusting. Outgoing, spontaneously warm hearted and plain spoken, though never lacking in kindliness, Leos are more disillusioned than the average if let down by those they trust. They are not good judges of character and are inclined to favoritism and an exaggerated faith in their followers which too often ends in disappointment. They have a strong sex drive and are so attracted to the opposite sex that they find it hard to be constant; they can be so intensely sexual as to become dissolute. They may have numerous love affairs for their love of pleasure and beauty is liable to drive them from one attractive partner to another. They are very much inclined to deceive. Their marriages may fail for the same reason, yet they are sincere and generous to their lovers while love lasts, and will remain attached to their homes so long as it is run for their benefit. They demand service but are incapable of giving it.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Is that what the problem is? Do you have many friends of your own age? Most 19 year olds (& 15 year olds) I know discuss the things that concern them with their buddies, do you have this opportunity?

i guess that i just worked to much of my life that i miss my childhood. i wake up early in the morning to watch tom and jerry. just put yourself in my shoes. your 12 years old and you see the neighborhood kids playing meanwhile i had to go to work. i miss my childhood and early teenage years because i barely had one. i have alot of friends but have 4 real good friends who i call cousins because they will always be there for me. no matter if i ran out of gas at 4 am. im just a funny man i love laughing thats all. i describe my self as a real warm hearted person good person.
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