Duty and Customs Charges


New member
Dec 31, 2007
I am from Canada, living here in the D.R. I recently made application for my "Residency", however have to add some additional documents to my lawyer. She has started the process, I went for the medical, etc, but until I submit the additional info to her she cannot issue me a proof of residency application.

She has given me a receipt where I paid her to initiate the residency process.

I am wondering if I can give the go-ahead to my moving company to ship my personal belongings.

The moving company is Premiere Van Lines, a very reputable company in Canada, and I wonder if they will have any problems with my goods at Customs and I will have to pay money because I do not actually have my residency yet or certificate of application.

Any comments would be appreciated.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
You don't mention whether you alone are applying for residency or if you have a partner.

If there are two of you, learn from my mistake and file for residency at two different times.
Each applicant is allowed a vehicle and personal effects.

We found that our first (and only) shipment was fine but........ a year later we were much more knowledgable and wished we could do it again.
Its virtually impossible to make a complete list the first time.

as to your question, I would not ship until I had the residency paperwork in my hand.

Your laywer or a good freight importer will give you a definitive answer.
Who will do your customs clearing? Ask them.

Good luck


Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Although the law states that the exemption is for persons who have just obtained their residences, for many years the Customs Department has been flexible and allowed residency applicants to bring in their household goods without paying duty, provided that they file a certification from the Immigration Department stating that their application is in process.