E-Mail vs. Private message ( and a note to that guy who e-mailed me)


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
The PM function is blind and can only be seen here in the forum right? (And mercifully limited to 1000 characters as well), while the e-mail button sends me an e-mail to my registered e-mail address. And if I reply either directly or via the link to form, my e-mail address goes back to the writer.

Thus that guy in Toronto who e-mailed me will be waiting about 1,000,000,000,000 google-years for a reply due to the whole secret identity thing. (Anna: Mum's the word, I was not thinking clearly when I replied)

So attention to that guy (geoffry or clifford or some name like that) : send a PM or forget the reply. No e-mail address mining .

So user tip #83: Use the PM function first and wait, if you want a reply from someone who may not be keen on giving up their e-mail.