Help for 3 girls left as orphans after father killed their mother :(


Active member
Mar 24, 2008
Hi! I am not sure if the news story was posted here but a few days before Christmas, in the town of Rio San Juan, on the North Coast, a lady was stabbed and murdered by her ex-husband and father of her 3 daughters (news story: The girls and their mother had been living in the tin house pictured on the GoFundMe page, but since their mother left and they were left with no one, they have been taken in by my good friend who is a local Dominican lady here in Cabrera, living on Dominican wages cleaning houses. At the moment the girls are in a lot of financial support in order to cover the lawyer costs to get and keep the dad in jail, phycologist costs (which of course is necessary after what they went through, but also is required by the rules of CONANI as part of my friend's role as a sort of foster parent, and of course all of the expenses my friend is taking on by having 3 additional children in her home, such as food, clothing (the girls came with almost nothing and what they had was old and in very bad shape), bedding, etc.

I have started a GoFundMe page to help out with all of this, so if you can help, that would be amazing. If you can share, that would also be amazing.


Thank you all so much for your support in advance.
Jan 9, 2004
Having visited and donated to orphanages from San Cristobal to Santiago, the humblest, stable, nurturing, and caring home is far and away a better option for these girls than an orphanage.

The goal of $3,000 is extremely modest................and extremely doable. Half of the money has already been raised.

If everyone who read the OP's post here donated $10.00................the goal would be met.

DR1 helped raise over $13,000 in less than one week in the "Canuck in need of help" thread in the Community Support Forum, so getting this done for the New Year is very doable.

A long time DR1 member (2008) has asked for our support, we can again show the power of 1+1+1 and help 3 orphaned girls in the process.

Jan 9, 2004
Slightly over 3/4 of the way to the goal. $700 more to reach the $3,000.

It is no longer a matter of if...............but when;

Which one of you will help take this over the top?

Thanks JDJ.

Jan 9, 2004
$589.00 away from the goal of $3,000.00.

The OP posted this at 9:38 PM last evening.

Can we get there within 24 hours of that post?

Sure we can.

Make a donation in your screen name, a loved one's name, anonymous or as DR1...................

However small............................Just do it for those three little girls.

Many thanks to those who have already stepped up.

Jan 9, 2004
Almost there.................83% of the way.......slightly less than $500.00 to go.

The kindness and generosity of the many on DR1 are to be celebrated and congratulated.........but those girls need more help.

Who's next?



Active member
Mar 24, 2008
Thank you all so much for your wonderful support so far! It was truly so nice to come back on here tonight and check back on this thread to see your lovely support for these three beautiful girls. I agree with what was mentioned above that keeping the GoFundMe open would be a great way to keep giving the girls continual support as they grow and have more and different needs, and also to provide updates (I will also post updates here). A friend of mine also asked this evening about keeping it open because she can't donate a lot right now but she would be able to give several little donations over time which works too! For example, even if she just did $10 each month, it all makes a difference. Yesterday I had them over for a day of swimming and art with my own two daughters, then this evening, a friend of mine took them pizzas for dinner and ended up staying and having a 'pizza party' with them which they absolutely loved, so there are many ways we can make differences in their lives right now and put smiles on their faces, which is so so important right now. Thank you all so much again to every one of you who has helped out by donating or spreading the word or who plans to donate when you can.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Thank you all so much for your wonderful support so far! It was truly so nice to come back on here tonight and check back on this thread to see your lovely support for these three beautiful girls. I agree with what was mentioned above that keeping the GoFundMe open would be a great way to keep giving the girls continual support as they grow and have more and different needs, and also to provide updates (I will also post updates here). A friend of mine also asked this evening about keeping it open because she can't donate a lot right now but she would be able to give several little donations over time which works too! For example, even if she just did $10 each month, it all makes a difference. Yesterday I had them over for a day of swimming and art with my own two daughters, then this evening, a friend of mine took them pizzas for dinner and ended up staying and having a 'pizza party' with them which they absolutely loved, so there are many ways we can make differences in their lives right now and put smiles on their faces, which is so so important right now. Thank you all so much again to every one of you who has helped out by donating or spreading the word or who plans to donate when you can.
Holy cow! With all of these pizza parties and such is there anyway you can adopt me?:ROFLMAO:


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
Thank you all so much for your wonderful support so far! It was truly so nice to come back on here tonight and check back on this thread to see your lovely support for these three beautiful girls. I agree with what was mentioned above that keeping the GoFundMe open would be a great way to keep giving the girls continual support as they grow and have more and different needs, and also to provide updates (I will also post updates here). A friend of mine also asked this evening about keeping it open because she can't donate a lot right now but she would be able to give several little donations over time which works too! For example, even if she just did $10 each month, it all makes a difference. Yesterday I had them over for a day of swimming and art with my own two daughters, then this evening, a friend of mine took them pizzas for dinner and ended up staying and having a 'pizza party' with them which they absolutely loved, so there are many ways we can make differences in their lives right now and put smiles on their faces, which is so so important right now. Thank you all so much again to every one of you who has helped out by donating or spreading the word or who plans to donate when you can.

This is great. But I strongly believe to keep the GoFundMe page open along with this thread. Things tend to fade from memory and these girls will need help for 15 years. I know that's daunting but those of us whom God has blessed really need to step up.
Jan 9, 2004
We are $324.00 from the goal.

Thanks to all who have given.

The post has had 604 views so far.

If everyone who viewed it gave an additional dollar...............we would be there and more.

If you have ever been to an orphanage in the DR, you understand why keeping these young girls in a stable and nurturing home is so important.

With your help we can get this done today and ring in a brighter New Year for these young girls.

And to help get us there by midnight, I will match/double your donation that helps get to the goal of $3,000.00 by those young girls now only need your donations totaling $162.00................that I will then match.

Step right up............don't be shy.

Thank You in advance.

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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
This is great. But I strongly believe to keep the GoFundMe page open along with this thread. Things tend to fade from memory and these girls will need help for 15 years. I know that's daunting but those of us whom God has blessed really need to step up.

I agree. When I first joined DR1, there was a Canadian member named Juanita who was appalled at the living conditions of a small orphanage in Santo Domingo. No gofundme in those days, just DR1. Grass roots. She began by asking us to help her buy bed pillows for the girls. We did. Then personalized pillowcases. It grew into donations to replace their beds, and so on. I remember delivering a shopping bag full of hair accessories to her home. A few years later, she returned to Canada, all those little girls are grown women now, but I bet they all remember her.

One person, like Juanita or TravelHippo, can make a difference.

These little girls will need different things in the coming months and years. Clothing, school books/supplies, etc. , expensive for them but inexpensive for us to donate a bit. Keep the thread and gofundme open, post updates and photos..........

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
We are $324.00 from the goal.

Thanks to all who have given.

The post has had 604 views so far.

If everyone who viewed it gave an additional dollar...............we would be there and more.

If you have ever been to an orphanage in the DR, you understand why keeping these young girls in a stable and nurturing home is so important.

With your help we can get this done today and ring in a brighter New Year for these young girls.

And to help get us there by midnight, I will match/double your donation that helps get to the goal of $3,000.00 by those young girls now only need your donations totaling $162.00................that I will then match.

Step right up............don't be shy.

Thank You in advance.

Well, since you insist. let's get it done! Now it's up to you to take it to the goal!!
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Jan 9, 2004
Well, since you insist. let's get it done! Now you can take it in for the goal!!
I do/I did..................................Done.........................Goal reached..........................and Thanks for your quick response to my offer.....................and Thanks to all those who donated.
