Hotel Franc?s collapsed in Zona Colonial


Feb 3, 2009
I have great memories of this beautiful building,and i am a little angry.
Zona Colonia can be a great place,maybe start with the wild dogs crapping in the middle of El Conde.That **** has got to stop.

The dogs are part of the character of any such town area. How do you suggest you stop dogs crapping in ghier own back yards? Much more important things to take care of than the odd dog turd!

The solution is getting the lazy Dominican street ckeaners to do thier jobs early morning and not scoop around the sh1t, as they do. But getting a Dominican to do his job properly is like getting a dog to stop ****ting in his own back yard. Whachagunnado?


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
They were probably in a hurry. Many deadlines were set that couldn't be met (remember that the first phase was suppose to take 8 months!)

Then earlier this year Danilo himself went for a guided tour of the work in progress with Arq. Maribel Villalona (the manager of this project) and its very clear in the official video that Danilo pressures her to speed up the work.



Jul 4, 2012
Well i'm shure Maribel will make a good Tour guide [If the tour guides let her join the sindicado ] She does not look to be under pressure all her bag men are in good moods happy.
One thing that should be expressed here is that greed and incompetence can not be put in front of safety and responsibility. Do to the Attentive Woman manager of the hotel loss of life was averted. This could have been a very sad event for many.


Jul 4, 2012
Well i'm shure Maribel will make a good Tour guide [If the tour guides let her join the sindicado ] She does not look to be under pressure all her bag men are in good moods happy.
One thing that should be expressed here is that greed and incompetence can not be put in front of safety and responsibility. Do to the Attentive Woman manager of the hotel loss of life was averted. This could have been a very sad event for many.

Just watch their next move. [ I'm getting to know how they think now] They will haul all the fallen material off to a dump site to be forgotten forever.Then put blue tarplin sheeting around the site whare the hotel used to be. [Cover it up ignore it as if it never happened] They will then build a mini blue mall store on the corner. In a fue years no one will know what was their before. If they are lucky the Banco of reservas will not fall down and they will have a place for their ill gotten gains.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Accor Hotels is going to rebuild the Hotel Franc?s and they will recuperate the original 16th century pieces, even "the [colonial] dust."

Foreign experts on 16th century Spanish architecture are going to be consulted.


Jul 4, 2012
Well it now seems that the person in charge Maribel Villalona says the hotel will be rebuilt with moneys of the Government She also said they will do an extensive investigation of the cause. Her next statement was they had done a survey of all buildings and found no cracks in any. This sounds strange as i asked all the residents from el conde to C\luperon if anyone had done any inspections. All replied no none. So she is fast covering her tracks. She caused this and many more will fall with the stupid streets being at the same level as the foundations of the buildings. Ill say no more for now but when all the damage is done By BY tourists By By business By By residents of a once historic city. But don't worry she will not be replaced she will lie her way out of any blaim. d .


Jul 4, 2012
The one that felled the hotel should pay for its rebuilding. That is the only way these kind of disasters can be averted. If not she will continue with the biggest smile. i


Mar 14, 2002
This is so sad. The Nuria Piera piece about it danced around the subject of real estate speculation. This is the sort of tragic event that supersedes the cause. I loved that building. I agree the location will probably become a tacky retail establishment aimed at tourists.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Yesterday's DR1 News: [seems most of you don't read it!]

Hotel Frances to be rebuilt
The Ministry of Tourism has started the process for rebuilding the Hotel Frances in Santo Domingo's Colonial City after a large part collapsed on Saturday, 2 May 2015 for reasons not yet established by the authorities.

In a press release issued yesterday, Tuesday 12 May 2015, the Ministry said that a High Level Committee to Rescue the Hotel Frances is working on obtaining archeological information from national heritage specialists to begin work to strengthen and stabilize the part of the building that is still standing. In addition, a structural engineer from Mexico, Roberto Sanchez has been hired to work with Meli Piralla who is a specialist in historical buildings and make the recommendations for reconstructing and saving the building.

The note also mentions that there will be an archeological process of checking through the rubble to rescue parts of the building that could be used in the reconstruction and to help analyze the previous structural elements.

Several entities are involved in the reconstruction committee, including the Ministry of Public Works, the National Building Heritage Agency (DNPM), the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors (CODIA), the National District Municipality (ADN), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the Santo Domingo Fire Brigade, the company working to redevelop the streets, EPSA LABCO, the Santo Domingo Technological Institute (INTEC University) Structural Laboratory and the Dominican Seismology and Seismic Engineering Society (SODOSISMICA).

Ministerio de Turismo inicia procedimientos para la reconstrucci?n del Hotel Franc?s -


New member
Jan 30, 2011
water flowing downhill is too logical a thought. I went into the new bathrooms of a nice restaurant in the Zona a while back. The whole upstairs had been closed for about 3 months for this remodelling, and finding more money to complete it. On entering the new 'lavish' toilets I went into one of the stalls to see that the door could not be closed behind me, the toilet had been installed while the door was open backover, and just left. I looked at the other, both the same. Been there so long I didn't even find it surprising! Anywhere else I would have gone back to my seat, made a joke about it etc. Only on reflection of the place as a whole can I ponder......... hopeless!

And no one employed there had the brains or the inspiration to dismantle the doors from the hinges and re install them?? that speaks volumes,

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Yesterday's DR1 News: [seems most of you don't read it!]

Hotel Frances to be rebuilt
The Ministry of Tourism has started the process for rebuilding the Hotel Frances in Santo Domingo's Colonial City after a large part collapsed on Saturday, 2 May 2015 for reasons not yet established by the authorities.

In a press release issued yesterday, Tuesday 12 May 2015, the Ministry said that a High Level Committee to Rescue the Hotel Frances is working on obtaining archeological information from national heritage specialists to begin work to strengthen and stabilize the part of the building that is still standing. In addition, a structural engineer from Mexico, Roberto Sanchez has been hired to work with Meli Piralla who is a specialist in historical buildings and make the recommendations for reconstructing and saving the building.

The note also mentions that there will be an archeological process of checking through the rubble to rescue parts of the building that could be used in the reconstruction and to help analyze the previous structural elements.

Several entities are involved in the reconstruction committee, including the Ministry of Public Works, the National Building Heritage Agency (DNPM), the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors (CODIA), the National District Municipality (ADN), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the Santo Domingo Fire Brigade, the company working to redevelop the streets, EPSA LABCO, the Santo Domingo Technological Institute (INTEC University) Structural Laboratory and the Dominican Seismology and Seismic Engineering Society (SODOSISMICA).

Ministerio de Turismo inicia procedimientos para la reconstrucci?n del Hotel Franc?s -

That,..."AE" is called "Locking the barn door after the horse is gone"!!!!!!!!!
You STILL believing what the "Politicos" say after, EVERY disaster takes place.