How much of a jerk are you? (man test)


New member
Apr 28, 2003
See how much of a jerk you are. Then post up your results, if you like.

Sorry ladies, this is strictly for men.


To the Jerk Test

Something went horribly wrong I scored a 40
And it states: While you're not yet up in the ranks of Andrew Dice Clay, you're getting dangerously close. Some of your answers were, to say the least, not very gentlemanly. In some situations, you showed a sense of common decency and respect. In others, however, you were one lowdown snake in the grass. Either you have a bad boy streak that flares up from time to time or you've now outgrown your ungentlemanly ways and evolved into a decent, respectful guy. If your nasty behavior is a present day phenomena, however, a word of caution; you're playing with fire! What goes around comes around.


New member
Apr 18, 2002
Hmmm, 50 here too

Well in honesty I have postponed plans with a woman because of her time of the month and if I take a woman out for an expensive date I kinda expect sex, Geez I think I am very normal. Anyone who scores under 20 probably is a gentle, mama's boy who likes blow up dolls (and/or) probably listens to Judy Garland's Over the Rainbow and tries on women's panties and are scheduling a major sexual operation. My two cents.
dale7(Howard) Proud to be normal;)


New member
Oct 13, 2002

While you're not yet up in the ranks of Andrew Dice Clay, you're getting dangerously close. Some of your answers were, to say the least, not very gentlemanly. In some situations, you showed a sense of common decency and respect. In others, however, you were one lowdown snake in the grass. Either you have a bad boy streak that flares up from time to time or you've now outgrown your ungentlemanly ways and evolved into a decent, respectful guy. If your nasty behavior is a present day phenomena, however, a word of caution; you're playing with fire! What goes around comes around.

I can live with that.. :)

On Wedensday I was talking to a Colombian girl about marrying
her when Celtic equalised. She was in the middle of a sentence
when I lept up and ran upstairs to catch the replay. Walking
back down I somehow suspected that she might have taken some sort of offence ( ..women... ). By the time I had apologised
sufficiently, assured her I'd never do it ever again, and she had
started over, Celtic scored again. When I came back down she was gone. :)

As if that wasn't enough, Celtic eventually lost the game and that really killed the evening.


New member
Mar 6, 2003
jerk test

OMG, you guys are jerks holy shit!! I wanted to see what this test was about (im female of course) and going by what I think I would do I got 10!! you guys are pathetic getting scores from 40-60!!!


New member
Oct 13, 2002
Re: jerk test

crazy_4_u said:
OMG, you guys are jerks holy shit!! I wanted to see what this test was about (im female of course) and going by what I think I would do I got 10!! you guys are pathetic getting scores from 40-60!!!

Come again?? Can you rephrase that?? :)

*Thinks long and hard for a sufficiently masculine, face-saving
response.*: Rather a bottle in front of me, than a frontal
lobotomy!!! Woof, woof!!!

I'd like to second the above: "Anyone who scores under 20 probably is a gentle, mama's boy who likes blow up dolls (and/or) probably listens to Judy Garland's Over the Rainbow and tries on women's panties and are scheduling a major sexual operation. My two cents." And such a person is probably unable to carry two
pints of beers while scratching one's groin at the same time as

My female friends should have seen my score. When I try to
convince them I'm a bad ass they come over, smile, tell me how
sweet I am and hug me. Hugs, which are as manly as food that
isn't shot... Then they go out with a bastard horsebrained hunk, leaving me behind. :)

Pathetic but happy is the way to be. Ok.. back to "export trade
as an instrument of growth".. Long live UNCTAD! Implement
Doha now!


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Do you know why God made women?????????

Because sheep don't do housework!!!!!!!!!!Not Baaaaaaaaaad,huh?Don't take yourselves to seriously ladies,there are lots of sheep out there ready to take your place!CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


Jan 2, 2002
You all have the right to be as big a jerk as you like but please don't be a jerk here.
