Overall Stats on Dominicans in the United States


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Goin' back atcha Cobraboy. It is not race-based. I no longer post on main boards,specifically bc of yinze. but on this you are wrong. Back to Ladies Only.
Hit and run and retreat to a "safe space?" How courageous. I don't know what "yinze" meant, so I looked it up. Urban Dictionary says it means "awesome", as in "I am yinze," i.e. "I am awesome." So I guess a Thank You is in order. :D

My statement is absolutely, 100% correct, Meems. Raw numbers do NOT tell the actual story as far as showing propensity of a group that engages in some behavior.

You are Jewish so I'll make this an example: Jews are 0.19% of the earth's population, yet have won 20% of all Nobel Prizes.

Using your analogy Jews are losers since non-Jews win 80% of the prizes.

To regular people such a tiny group winning such a high % of those prizes represents a huge propensity of Jews to achieve such distinctions.
Sep 4, 2012
A-Rod is Dominican?  Who knew. I always thought he was From PR.  Obvo I’m not a sports fan.  Usually I follow athletes after they date a Kardashian.  

There are exceptions to every rule. These are the 1% of the 1% of their specific profession. 

A-Rod humble?  That’s a laugh. 

Some people need statistics and ESPN, both to stay informed, yes, Alex is a Dominican out of Miami and yes, also, a humble dude.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Welfare Demographics Percent Total Number
Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % 11,405,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % 26,884,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic 21.2 % 14,392,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are Asian or Pacific Islander 18 % 12,220,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are Other / Mixed 4.4 % 2,987,000 Numbers September 2nd 2016


Jul 10, 2004
NY is a beautiful and one of the greatest state the union has to offer, however; the problem is the further east one travels within NY, the nastiest and poorer the state becomes.

I would have said the further north, not further east. If you go east from NY City, you have Long Island. If you go north you get to Albany . Anything east and west of Albany from the border of Massachusetts to Buffalo is so beaten down that even Dominicans don't want to be there. North of Albany and you are in the lake and mountain areas approaching Canada. It is beautiful up there, but too cold and too far away from colmados for Dominicans to even think about living.


Jul 10, 2004
Some people need statistics and ESPN, both to stay informed, yes, Alex is a Dominican out of Miami and yes, also, a humble dude.

AROD is an American of Dominican descent. Born in Washington Heights in New York City. The very place Dominicans are now leaving because of the rents being increased.

Alex Rodriguez Born: July 27, 1975 (age 42), Washington Heights, New York City, New York, United States


Jul 10, 2004
Sep 4, 2012
AROD is an American of Dominican descent. Born in Washington Heights in New York City. The very place Dominicans are now leaving because of the rents being increased.

Alex Rodriguez Born: July 27, 1975 (age 42), Washington Heights, New York City, New York, United States

May want to look further, although born in NYC, Alex made his life out of FL FYI.
Sep 4, 2012
I would have said the further north, not further east. If you go east from NY City, you have Long Island. If you go north you get to Albany . Anything east and west of Albany from the border of Massachusetts to Buffalo is so beaten down that even Dominicans don't want to be there. North of Albany and you are in the lake and mountain areas approaching Canada. It is beautiful up there, but too cold and too far away from colmados for Dominicans to even think about living.

East of Albany was my original thought.