Permanent Residency - Big Deal? No!


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
trying to renew permanent residency through the web site checked to make sure the user Id and email is not in use. then try to register. fill in all the information, then it wants me to determine if the user name and email id are available??? stops there. am I doing something in the wrong sequence. surly some one else has renewed permanent? the only good thing is I found that I may not have to do the medical as my residence is older than 1996

I can register prior to the 30 days to get this done?


Jan 7, 2016
Yes...after your perm for two years you can apply for citizenship. I am on my 3rd perm (9 years here when the rules were easy...not married to a Dominican) and it is good for 4 years. I have about 1.5 years left to get my butt going on the citizenship. No more BS after that. That said...I have always felt that if we have an interest in living here, like owning a home.....they should just give the darn thing to us! Here you go....have fun and thanks for shopping in the Dominican Republic!!!! Respectfully.

How many thousands of dollars have you spent on the whole drive for legality? That is why I gave up. Too much money needed. I was told that from where I was as in filling out the paperwork for the regularization it would cost me about $2500 to get the actual residency. Not worth it to this old fart.
Der Fish

Hector L

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Way too complicated.  I gave up.  I will just pay the overstay fee when I leave each time.


Jun 7, 2008
Update...checked again with Guzman firm and confirmed that permanent is only good for one year first time...then four years. But they also said I have to do the whole medical exam again with with each permanent residency renewal. I just don't understand the logic behind the government's making the residency process so difficult and why it takes so long. I had assumed it was to prevent Haitians from easily obtaining residency but with the whole regularization process, that no longer makes sense. Other than fees for the government, which it seems would barely cover the cost of the bureaucracy, and the fees to the lawyers, who obviously have a vested interest in making it difficult, what is the point. Nothing has changed for me since I first applied. In fact, I haven't left the country or anything else. I would just like to understand the point. Any insights?

Easy, the more often you have to renew, the more money Gub and the lawyers make off of you. It's the usual money grab here. Logic? there is none. They change the rules by the month! I dont believe anyone here knows what the word "permamente" even means.


Sep 27, 2006
the only good thing is I found that I may not have to do the medical as my residence is older than 1996

I can register prior to the 30 days to get this done?

you can register but you cannot start renovation process prior to 30 day rule.
if you want to "miss" the medical i suggest applying for residencia definitiva.
let us know how that goes...
Jan 17, 2009
Since when is the first permanent residency good for just one year?  I got mine in September 2016 and is good until September 2018.


New member
Sep 10, 2015
You can go now.... I initiated in July 2008....and am good to go.

No more waiting if you don't want to.... I have a specialist 

Could elaborate on how you could help me please??. My current 4 year (four) residencia is due for renewal.
My lawyer is quoting $$$$$ for the passport/citizenship.

if I used your specialist how much would it cost me?

Do you still have to answer those 10 questions about the DR



Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
you can register but you cannot start renovation process prior to 30 day rule.
if you want to "miss" the medical i suggest applying for residencia definitiva.
let us know how that goes...

that's the problem I can't get through the registration page. not really worried about the medical, but would like to complete the create ID page an get registered. Have a friend that is in the same position as for registration, cant get beyond the create id page


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
use Internet Explorer with it. other browsers wont work

Tried Edge as windows 10 does not have explorer.
still received
comprobar la dispoinibiliad de un nombre de usuario y correo electrónico. Normally from a site you would receive an email with a temp verification number pero nada.
both are not used in their system. My 30 day window does not open until July 7th but still think I would be able to register,

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I ahve Windows 10 and use Explorer.
They prompt me all the time to try Edge and I refuse.

This is a new laptop from Best Buy - HP Pavilion.

I played with Explorere and the whole thing messed up enough I had to return to Geek Squad for a Reset.

I asked about Windows 10 and the Geek said - stay away , just use Google Chrome.
I also use Firefox.

But things like the US gov't sites are so old , they work better with Windows (said the Geek)
My NEXUS renewal worked best/on;y with Explorer and Firefox.

I have had some banks tell me to not use Chrome for their websites but it's getting better.

I can't keep it all straight but Explorer is my least visited browser