prison cells for infants at garden school


New member
May 23, 2009
I wanted to share my experience at International school in Sosua as I think the parents need to see what is happening with their 3 yearolds!

Not more than 10 square meter sauna cell, REALLY dark, the kids sit on the floor with hair covered with sweat!!!!:mad: OMG I screamed at the supervisor, help those kids, look at them, they are about to faint!! And of course the the excuses came that they were going to install an AC to that room very soon!!!!! Metal and stone, sharp corners everywhere just to make the situation worse!! NO WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not kidding here, PARENTS, where are you?!!!! Drinking away your laziness? Why did you put your kids to prison?
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Feb 22, 2010
Who are you, what is your connection with the school?

Sharp edges and whatever are just things kids need to learn to live with, some of the schools are not financed or prioritized like the cotton wool schools of the developed world. I kind of agree, let them make a mistake once and learn from it.
As far as keeping kids in a dark small room with inadequate air systems or at least fans is unacceptable. Can you tell me why you broadcast this on here and have not confronted the parents as they collect the kids, inform them would be the way to go. I think a website woud be the last point of call for me if I genuinesly felt kids were being mistreated.


New member
May 23, 2009
I wanted to enroll my daughter to that misery today and now I am ready to broadcast this for the whole world to stay clear from that school. I talked to one parent who was covering a bottle in in paper bag. He said, well where else to go? And, what do you think, it's hot in Dominican Republic!
I do want those parents who consider themselves human to go and see what's up at that school, especially that dark room! I am talking about a preliminary grade with 3 year old kids. Anastacio, you should see the kids faces.


New member
May 23, 2009
They also need to learn how to survive in a prison cell without a window and with a dim electric saving bulb! Who knows what the future holds for them! I remember an article discussed here how a prisoner died in a cell in Puerto Plata because of such conditions!


Feb 22, 2010
Interesting, I woud have thought the parents would have been and inspected before hand. Like I said, hard objects and sharp edges are everywhere and I don't think it should be compulsory for every edge to be foam wrapped or kids end up throwing themselves into hard objects expecting them to be soft and so in the long run over shielding can probably have its negative sides. It does depend what you mean by sharp edges though, knives sticking out of walls and nails protruding is not good. Where as the corner of a table is sharp but not something I'd expect to be worried about.
It might have been better to take a few pics so people knew what you meant by all this. Seems a bit dramatic though.
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Aug 21, 2007
I do volunteer work with ISS. I am a retired school district administrator volunteering my services. I don't know where the original poster is coming from. Perhaps he/she expected a school similar to an elite private school in a developed country. If that is what is wanted, then sadly, the poster must return to their home country to get this type of schooling.

Oh, yeah. The OP must also spend thousands of dollars more.....

ISS isn't perfect. However, they are the best the North Coast has to offer. And they work hard to be better. Every day.

I know. I have been on their Strategic Improvement Committee (Volunteer) for 5 years.

Mar 2, 2008
ISS is one of the most respected schools on the north coast, and these parents here are not an easy audience. I would have to see some more convincing evidence than what has been subjectively and unconvincingly presented so far by miozio to change my positive option of this fine school.

One unhappy mom sitting uncomfortably up in Miami just isn't going to cut the credibility test for me.


New member
May 23, 2009
OK now. Let's face the facts and those who know the school well - I would like to hear the answers:
I will talk about the room the children were in at the time of our visit.

1. The fact is, there are no windows in the classrooms!
2. The space used for up to 15 kids is very limited (as my wife stated above "Not more than 10 square meter sauna cell")
3. The room in question has a small lamp and it was really dark there (we all know how it influences kids eyes)
3. Hot conditions - really stuffy, children sweating even though there was a fan.
4. Ceiling paint ready to fall in small pieces.

These are the main 4 points that disturbed us but I can continue with other details if requests follow.

I received a PM from a person with 0 posts who is willing to meet up and discuss things. I am not sure who that is but he is stating of being the director of ISS.
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New member
May 23, 2009
Is there a difference between ISS and Garden Kids International School? This post is about the second one!

I just realized we might have bashed the wrong guys!


New member
May 23, 2009
We are really confused! My wife started out by mentioning "International school in Sosua" which everyone understood as ISS. I want to fix everything and clean up ISS!! And move over to discuss Garden Kids International School!


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Wow! There is a difference. What you have described does not sound like Sosua International School. Its too bad that you didn't have your facts straight. I've been to the latter, Garden Kids, and the building does have a lot to be desired. I found it totally unsafe and wondered how parents allowed allowed their kids, especially the small ones to attend there. The fact that it is DR does not mean that it's ok for schools to be unsafe, especially where parents pay good money to send their kids. I've visited many beautiful, safe, good schools in DR.
Aug 21, 2007
Let the OP's mistake be a lesson to us all.

We should never ever post something unless we have our facts straight and know what we are talking about. Much harm can be done by posting wrong information or half-facts. Many others read this board from outside the country, looking for reliable information. Many inside the country log on to help them make decisions as well.

When mistakes such as this happen, we all pay the price.

(Did I miss the apology from the OP to the International School of Sosua?)



Feb 22, 2010
Hmmm, quite an error to make, but we all make mistakes, just be sure in future as I expect you will be now.

So the OP still points to a concerning issue and that is an unsafe and unacceptable toddlers group or the likes. I know of ISS (hence my thoughts that things may have been dramatized) but I am not familiar with the place in question, so in general is it expats leaving kids there or what? Either way I doubt they are unaware of the conditions, surely parents will check these things out before allowing a child to attend, infact surely it is compulsory. Certain things are a given difference, but outright dangerous is concerning.


Nov 22, 2007
Come on people....

To err is human...

I do believe that the OP should write am apology to the offended school but still harping on the mistake does what? Make you feel good?



New member
May 23, 2009
My last post was at 10AM, I don't know which time zone DR1 works in but it was something like 2AM when I sent my apologies to Mr. Craig Selig. I would also want to apologize here and ask the mods to let me change the first post and the title. Not many parents know about Garden Kids International School in Sosua and many of us do confuse them with ISS. There is a branding conflict here. Try driving towards ISS from Playero you will see a sign that resembles ISS logo, just one block before the turn to La Mulata.
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New member
May 23, 2009
I am really sorry for this misunderstanding and would like to say that the biggest punishment for us was not being able to fall asleep last night. My husband refuses to talk to me but we use this DR1 profile together representing one family.