Relationships with Dominicans can be difficult

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New member
Apr 18, 2002
I congratulate anyone who actually has a working relationship/marriage to a Dominican that has endured through the good times and the bad.
I don't post about my situation anymore because it went south. I cancelled paperwork, lost substancial amount of money and time with what I thought was going to be a future. I thought I was too smart and worldwise to be deceived but I wasn't. Never wear blinders when entering any type of relationship pretty soon you may start hearing lies and catching them in their lies because they can't remember them all, been robbed 3 times in last few months and need more money, read their emails from their hotmail account because you found out their password and see emails to others that are intimate and it floors you. You call and hear a man's voice in the background and upon asking who is that: one time it is a cousin the next time it is a friend,etc and it is for definite the same voice you hear. Many told me this would happen and others wished the best. I won't talk about this anymore because now I have to take trips to the DR to see my son, who is very precious to me, and a product of someone you thought you cared about and who you thought loved you. So for all you finding love in the DR and think you can read people and are sure of their love and sincerity, check again. Dominican people are great and many have had solid relationships with them but most don't last. Don't leave your mind at home when you exit that airplane. I don't really want to talk about this anymore, will never come up again, and wasn't going to share this but maybe someone won't make the same mistake as me. "Once bitten...twice shy."


Jan 1, 2002
Sorry to hear about your situation. There is a reason for everything. We have difficult relationships with many different nationalities. Maybe it seems that the percentage of Dominicans is high, is because this IS on DR1.
Don't forget the boy. Remember to contribute to the good name of fathers.
Good luck.


Feb 3, 2002

Here's something I posted on another thread a while back...

Dale: Come on give the girl a break...Aren't you trying to get YOUR dominican girlfriend to the US? Who's to say she's not playing you? Girls are as much or even more of a player than guys are... They will promise you and give anything for a chance at a visa...But no one should judge, because every case is different.

and your response to me was...

mama didn't raise no fool here. I have had numerous of relationships with women and I can smell a con artist a mile away. I have met several women like that in the DR. I am ruthless, and can manipulate to get what I want, sad but true. Yesenia is a good woman and I LOVE my son, and will grow to love her.

On the bright side, if Yesenia can outsmart me, lol, and she gets to the US and does her own thing, she will be heading back to the DR alone without a son in her custody

I was probably a little harsh but most men are dogs. I am a dog and have lied and manipulated women so that they thought I loved them, did I, he.l no. It is hard to turn over a new leaf, I work on that constantly.


Not posting this to rub it in or anything, actually I'm really sorry to hear things didn't work out, specially since there's a kid involved. Let's this be a lesson to anyone who thinks they can go to the DR and try to outsmart these girls. Understand that:

First of all people who are desperate to get out of poverty will do anything (even pretend that they really love someone) - Just look at some of these girls going out with these old guys. They're probably disgusted to have to go to bed with these guys, but they do it anyways, because it's their only hope (I'm not talking about you Dale...I know you're not an old guy). BTW I don't fault anyone for doing this. You do what you have to do to get ahead...

Secondly, long term relationships very rarely work...So if you have a dominican girl/guy who you're serious about you are going to have to take trips very frequently to the DR. Monthly is almost a minimum.

Thirdly, understand that unless you have your own friends and family in the DR you will be completely uninformed of whatever that person is doing behing your back. His/her family will go to extraordinary lengths to help him/her hide the 'forbidden' relationship.

Dale: If you plan to pay child support (which I think you should, after you get a paternity test and determine that it is your child), 150-200 USD per month should be more than enough. Don't get taken to the cleaners there either.

Lastly, I hope it was all a mistake (that she wasn't cheating on you) and that you guys do get back together, for the sake of your son. If she did have an affair, then forget it, no matter if she begs you. I also think you SHOULD talk about it in here. We're all your friends, even if we don't know you personally. It may prove to be good therapy.

Good luck to you!


Jun 24, 2003
Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch...

I am sorry to hear of your situation. There are that type of women in all nationalities I am sure. Just make sure your son gets good care and you keep in his life no matter what you feel for her..Believe me it will not be easy all the time but time does heal and you will be a better man for it. Remember your son does not know what goes on just that his dad is important to him...Been there done that with my ex who dropped his son as quickly as he found a new woman and his son suffered due to that fact. I hope you will take care of the boy and forget about her...she will end up wishing she had stayed with you! :) Cheer up! Pam
OK After reading what you wrote and is a few posts up from this one...about the fact that you could learn to love her...Maybe you did love her but thought you were in some game...Just make sure the Boy is your biological son first then take care of him..Quit playing women Howard...and try to be sincere. People in Poverty can PLAY THE GAME better than the average person so just be careful in the future and get a paternity test ASAP to protect yourself in the future.
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Jan 2, 2002
I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you won't forget about your son. Do talk to her about it when you go there. Emails? Do they really tell what is in her heart for you?


New member
Apr 18, 2002
You were right, I guess you are allowed to say I told you so and whoever else I argued with/wouldn't listen to: you were right, I was wrong. Paternity has all ready been done, he's mine and I currently send 200US a month for support. I will never forget him and leave him without a father regardless of the situation with his mother. I'll be one of those people I despise, a man who has a child but only sees him every so often and misses out on their life. I was starting to look forward to the family thing and all and believed I would be a good dad and husband. In past, I have been a dog, played women, etc and what comes around goes around, I guess I reaped what I have sown, but I was trying so hard to be a different person and be faithful and turn into a new type of man, turn over a new leaf so to speak, that also stings. This posting was just to let people know to be careful because I read all these stories of women/men saying they have a Dominican who is different from the rest and I thought the same thing, you may but you may not.

Anna, anytime you want to close the thread you can, am kicking myself for posting the thread.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
And a reminder for all you horny folks....

1. Cover your stump before you hump
2. Before you attack her, wrap your whacker
3. Don't be silly, protect your willy
4. When in doubt, shroud your spout
5. Don't be a loner, cover your boner
6. You can't go wrong if you shield your dong
7. If you're not going to sack it, go home and whack it
8. If you think she's spunky, cover your monkey
9. If you slip between her thighs, be sure to condomize
10. It will be sweeter if you wrap your peter
11. She won't get sick if you wrap your dick
12. If you go into heat, package your meat
13. While you're undressing venus, dress up your penis
14. When you take off her pants and blouse, slip up your
trouser mouse
15. Especially in December, gift wrap your member
16. Never, never deck her with an unwrapped pecker
17. Don't be a fool, vulcanize your tool
18. The right selection will protect your erection
19. Wrap it in foil before checking her oil
20. A crank with armor will never harm her
21. No glove, no love!


Jan 2, 2002
And on that note I'll close this thread.

I hope it's all a misunderstanding Howard and you still can work it out.
I'm a hopeless romantic who still believes in love.
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