The Pan Am Games-Is anybody in the world watching?

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New member
Aug 6, 2003
Brazil is watching...

I don't know from where is the person that said the Pam Am Games is useless, but some countries really take this Pan Am Games seriously. I'm talking about Brazil, Cuba, Argentina and some other little countries. Just because USA don't give a shit, it doesn't mean the Pan Am Games suck.
In Brazil, for instance, there are two cable television covering the Games 24 hours a day. In Argentina, the country objective is to struggle with Brazil for the fourth place in the medal table (I don't think they will even get close, but...)
So, don't understimate these Games just because USA don't care. All of the countries of South America do care and the Games are important to help these countries to improve. I don't know if you are aware, but all Latin countries are poor, and sports competitions are very important to them, to give their people some happiness.


The Way Life Should Be...
Jun 23, 2002
The Bangor Daily News

A small paper, had Pan Am coverage in their sports section, second page. Started off with men's basketball, then mentioned 20,000 fans watching USA/DR baseball and only 200 watching USA lose the next one.

Then they mentioned USA softball and how no one ever beats the big girls in this sport.


Feb 3, 2002
I'm currently in Mexico and here they do watch and talk about it all the time. A channel here has an hour special every night about it. They also have reporters reporting live from the DR. My only complaint about the reporting they do here is that they don't show anything about the country, but the guys are just reporting with the national cathedral in the background. I'm with Golo though, as I don't understand what return do we expect for this monumental waste of money that could have been spent on something else. You actually can't fault Hippo too much on this one as it was during the Fernandez administration that we took over the responsiblity for the games.


Jan 5, 2002
Here is the official international news report: from me

Why bother with these games? Of course Brazil and Argentina are more interested in their eternal rivalry than the games itself. Brazil was celebrating big their tarnished gold in basketball. But wait till the pre-olympics when the USA Dream Team has a surprise for them. The USA totally ignored these games sending their very worst. I know one high school(Chicago King) that could have blown away the USA team at the Pan Am games.

Argentina needs all the good news it can get and any medal will satisfy their misery. And Mexico, the country with the greatest inferiority complex in the world follows even the handicapped olympics. I am surprised Vicente Fox is not here with Hippo. I am pushing for Mexico to win the gold in baseball. The Mexicans need it more than we do. Mexicans are so miserable they rather die the hard way(packed in containers). Dominicans prefer being returned to nature thru the teeth of a shark!!!

By the way, the chopo underrated Nicas may win it all in baseball.

Why was Hippo saying that the gold medal by Felix Sanchez was worth the investment? Hippo and the DR did not invest a dime in Felix Sanchez. This kid was good enough to sacrifice himself because his parents asked him to. But although I consider Felix Dominican, because of his family blood, he was trained, groomed, well fed and educated in California. He was a U.S.A team member before and decided at the last minute to go Dominican. So when did Hippo invest anything?

While hundreds got in for free at the basketball and baseball games, other fools who paid as much as $300 a ticket could not get in, because the freebies took their seats and the doors were closed a 9pm. Door ticket salesmen were overcharging for the tickets and pocketing the rest. At the gates, the ticket attendant were now keeping the whole ticket instead of returning the other half and reselling them again. I heard several middle ranking officers were arrested for plotting to abduct Cuban baseball players. Corruption at these games is the gold winner.

While these useless games are going on and electricity is provided for the venues, the entire country is in a 20 hour blackout(except Bavaro). But dont despair, even at the Pan Am Villa power went off. The entire country is militarized to prevent protests. Capotillo, Herrera, and all the city hot spots have armored personnel in all corners.



New member
Sep 4, 2002
please note that the CBC is the host broadcaster for the Pan Am Games which means it covers all the live events and provides this feed to all networks which have right to the Games.

CBC and SRC are the rightsholders for Canada

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Don't blame this on Leonel!!!!

I think that things would have turned out a little different had he still been in charge!The "Over,and Under",passes sure make getting around Santo Domingo a lot faster and easier!That shows Leonels style!
Our current president goes around the world talking about "airplane manufacturing,a train from Haina to Santiago,subway trains,and best of all,a nuclear reactor!!!


New member
Aug 6, 2003
At least one Frenchman taking care of these Games ! Disappointed with the poor coverage on www


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
kagg43 said:
please note that the CBC is the host broadcaster for the Pan Am Games which means it covers all the live events and provides this feed to all networks which have right to the Games.

CBC and SRC are the rightsholders for Canada

Please note, the governemnet didn't honor and are in breach of their contract with CBC. This is why we are seeing reduced coverage.


New member
May 27, 2003
Golo, I agree you in some of your point and I think they are very valid, but the only thing I'm against you... is your reference to the Mexicans, I'm 100% against anybody trying to put down any other culture or nationality just because you are furious with your government or its mediocre atlethes. I don't defend anybody, I just point out that this action is just NOT right.
I'm not Mexican or Dominican, and I have many friends from different countries, including yours. I visit your country four times a year, and my friends complaint and discuss the very same issues, I'm not an expert but I'm not ignorant to the these issues eather.
Just cool off, nobody is perfect.... not even you or me. Mexico for you might be full of Mayan or Aztec Indians, but I'm pretty sure for them the DR is full of blacks slaves. Just ignorants would have the courage to say that, because Mexico and other countries in Latin America (including the Caribbean) have more to offer than you think... and for the Gringos we are nothing but welfare collectors and blood suckers of the USA.... and many of us have money and business that pay taxes and make this great nation even better. Words like yours are not fare to the rest.




New member
Dec 5, 2002
Greetings ALL;

Jorge, I fully agreed with you and your post.
The Moderator of this Forum should not allow this belligerency.

This Golo sounds like he enjoys the sounds of his voice, keyboard.
Narrow minded, stereorotyped opinions like his should be deleted.

He exhibits the same behaviour of a mediocre.
Making points by blaming and flaming someone.

But as usual the one who knows less about something, is the one who speaks the most.

That ignorant might have never been out of the USA, and the DR.
That is as big as his shell is.

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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Well Said",Garlic Breath!!!!!!!!

Just what ,exactly,does your post have to do with the PanAm Games??????????You post nothing more than a personal attack on someone wwho's opinion you disagree with! I have noticed a string of ssimilar "Non-Posts" by you all over DR1! If you have "Nothing Worthwhile" to say,why must you continue to prove it???????


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
ajicaribe - Golo is one of the most read posters and offers a very unique insight into DR life.

And you have what to offer?

Ummm, you can hear a pin drop?


New member
Dec 5, 2002
OK, you win

Criss, you win, so does Golo et all.

If this Golo is one the most read poster in this site, then I am out of here, and his posts are consiredered to provide a, "Unique Insight.
thanks for chance to participate.

Enjoy you noses.


*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Enjoy my nose?

Someone's been visiting Babel Fish again, haven't we!? Hmmm? Well I spit on you with the tongues of my shoes!

Maybe we could ask KeithR? "Bem dito, Vellinho!" Portugese? Wow! Hosted two Brazillian kids back in the US for a year and never thought I'd hear that again! Way to go, dude!


New member
Dec 5, 2002

Chris, I want mean with this is:

" Enjoy picking your noses as read/write this post"
You know in the fingers up to the mufflers maybe one can gust out the brains looking for insight in this " Unique Insight post" from a master of Historia del Arte y la Cultura Dominicana.



*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002

ajicaribe said:
Chris, I want mean with this is: "Enjoy picking your noses as read/write this post" You know in the fingers up to the mufflers maybe one can gust out the brains looking for insight in this " Unique Insight post" from a master of Historia del Arte y la Cultura Dominicana.

Thank you for clearing that up. Now it's all crystal clear.

(What'd he say?) :confused:

ROTFLMAO! And I thought my Spanish could use improvement!
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