The President Danilo Medina cabinet 2012-2016


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros

Josefina Pimentel, Minister of Education (incumbent)


  • Candidata a Doctorado en Psicolog?a Educativa y Desarrollo Humano
Universidad de Valencia – Universidad Aut?noma de Santo Domingo

• Master en Alta Direcci?n P?blica
Instituto Ortega y Gasset, adscrito a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid & a la Universidad
Alcal? de Henares y la FUNGLODE

• Maestr?a en Administraci?n y Planificaci?n de la Educaci?n. Pontificia Universidad
Cat?lica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) y el Instituto Internacional de Planificaci?n de la
Educaci?n (IIPE) de la UNESCO. Paris, Francia, 2001

• Maestr?a en Educaci?n con ?nfasis en Planeamiento Educativo, Becaria de la OEA.
Universidad de Brasilia, Brasil, 1984

Graduate studies:

• Licenciada en Psicolog?a.
Universidad Aut?noma de Santo Domingo –UASD, 1976

• Licenciada en Educaci?n Menci?n Orientaci?n Escolar (Cum Laude)
Universidad Aut?noma de Santo Domingo –UASD, 1974


• Workshop: Methods of the Harvard Negotiation Proyect, -CMI International Group,
Conducted at Gutman Conference Center, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1999

• Advance Negotiation Workshop, CMI International Group, LLC.

Pound Hall, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Marzo 27-31 del 2000

• Curso de Especializaci?n en Consejer?a en Desarrollo Humano, Educaci?n Sexual y Vida
Familiar, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala, 1978.

• Curso de Especializaci?n en Educaci?n No Formal y Liderazgo Juvenil, Centro de
Estudios Cooperativos y Laborales para Am?rica Latina, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1989


• Ministry of Education. Actual

• Directora General del INFOTEP. 2007

• Sub-Secretaria de Estado de Educaci?n para asuntos T?cnicos Pedag?gicos
2004 – 2007

• Sub-Secretaria de Estado de Educaci?n para Asuntos Docentes

• Coordinadora del Programa de Capacitaci?n Maestros Bachilleres en Servicio, SEEBACBID,

• Participaci?n en Procesos de Gesti?n del Sistema Educativo como Directora del
Departamento de Orientaci?n de la SEEBAC; 1975-1979

• Miembro destacado del Equipo de Coordinaci?n de Plan Educativo.

• Coordinadora de ?rea en la Consulta Externa del Plan Decenal (1991-1992)

• Coordinadora ?rea de Contexto de la Consulta Nacional del Plan Decenal de Educaci?n.
SEEBAC 1990-1992

• Miembro destacado del Equipo Gestor del Plan Decenal de Educaci?n


• Profesora Universitaria en el ?rea Psicopedag?gica a nivel de Grado y Post-Grado desde
1977 hasta fecha.

• Directora Dpto. de Pedagog?a de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad
Aut?noma de Santo Domingo UASD, 1987-1990.

• Especialista en Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos, SEEBAC-BID, Coordinadora Programa
de Profesionalizaci?n Maestros Bachilleres en Servicio. SEEBAC-BID , 1992-1996

• Profesora de Maestr?a: “Altos Estudios para la Defensa y Seguridad Nacional”,
Secretar?a de Estado de las Fuerzas Armadas y Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica Madre y
Maestra”; • “Educaci?n Superior”, (UASD), Maestr?a en Educaci?n (INTEC); “Maestr?a
en Orientaci?n Educativa e Intervenci?n Psicopedag?gica” (UASD).

• Coordinadora del Post-grado en Orientaci?n Educativa e Intervenci?n Psicopedag?gicas –
UASD, CURSA, Santiago, 2002- Actual.

• Asesora en las ?reas de Educaci?n y Psicolog?a, de la Universidad de la Tercera Edad,
UTE 1989-2004.

• Directora de Programas de la Fundaci?n Juan Bosch, 2001-2004.

• Coordinadora C?tedra Orientaci?n, Departamento de Pedagog?a UASD 1985-1987

• Profesora del Centro Universitario Regional del Nordeste, CURNE, UASD 1980-1981

• Profesora del Centro Regional Universitario del Suroeste, CURSO UASD, 1979-1980

• Orientadora Escolar, Liceo Experimental Amelia Ricart, UASD, 1977-1982

• Profesora Universitaria Depto. Pedagog?a UASD, desde el 1977- Hasta la Fecha

• Orientadora de la Direcci?n de Orientaci?n Profesional , UASD 1984-1985, Profesora del
CURNE, UASD 1981-1986

• Profesora Departamento de Psicolog?a, UASD 1980-1986 Reingreso a partir del a?o

• Delegada Profesoral ante el Sub-Consejo T?cnico del Departamento de Pedagog?a, 1980-

• Profesora de Educaci?n B?sica en el Colegio Loyola, 4to. Grado. 1970-1974.


• Voluntaria en Alfabetizaci?n de Adultos (4 a?os) 1966-1970

• En Educaci?n Primaria (4 a?os) 1970-1974

• En Educaci?n Media (5 a?os) 1977-1982

• En Educaci?n Universitaria (30 a?os) desde 1977


• Miembro del Consejo de Directores del Instituto Nacional de Formaci?n T?cnico
Profesional (INFOTEP), en representaci?n de la Secretaria de Estado de Educaci?n.

• Miembro del Consejo de la Secretar?a de Estado de Educaci?n Superior Ciencia y
Tecnolog?a, SEESCYT, en representaci?n de la Secretaria de Estado de Educaci?n. 2004-

• Miembro del Consejo Nacional de Educaci?n, de la Secretar?a de Estado de Educaci?n.
Per?odos 1996-2000 y 2000-Actual.

• Miembro del Consejo Directivo de la Asociaci?n Dominicana para el Autoestudio y la
Acreditaci?n (ADAAC), 2001-2004.

• Miembro del Consejo Nacional de Educaci?n Superior (CONES) en representaci?n de la
Secretar?a de Estado de Educaci?n y Cultura. 1996-2000.

• Miembro de la Red de Sindicalismo Magisterial auspiciado por PREAL y FLACSO,
Argentina, desde su fundaci?n en 1999.

• Miembro de FLACSO –PREAL, Rep. Dom., 1995-2000

• Miembro del Comit? de Selecci?n de Propuestas del Proyecto para el Apoyo a Iniciativas
Democr?ticas, PUCMM- PID- USAID, 1990-2000

• Miembro Activo de “Plan Educativo”, 1989-1995.

• Miembro del Consejo Directivo de la Fundaci?n de Cr?dito Educativo (FUNDAPEC), en
representaci?n de la Secretaria de Estado de Educaci?n. 1996 – 2000

• Presidenta de la Asociaci?n Dominicana de Profesionales de la Orientaci?n (ADOPO),
1980-1982, Actual Asesora de la misma.

• Asesora de la Universidad de la Tercera Edad y Miembro del Consejo Acad?mico de la
misma. 1989-2004.

• Vice-Presidenta del Consejo Directivo de Mujeres en Desarrollo Dominicano, Inc. (MUDE).
1994-1996 y miembro de su Consejo Directivo desde 1990.

• Miembro del Banco de Docentes de la Asociaci?n Pro-Bienestar de la Familia, 1977-1980

• Miembro Activo de la Asociaci?n Dominicana de Psicolog?a, ADOPSI. Desde 1980


• “The Challenges and Opportunities Facing Institutions of Higher Education in the
Dominican Republic”. Publicado en el Libro “The Challenges of Public Higher Education
in the Hispanic Caribbean”, Canino, Mar?a J., Torres-Saillant, Silvio –Editors-Markus
Wiener Publishers, Princeton, Centro de Estudios Puertorrique?os, Hunter College City
University of New York, 2004.-

• Renovation and Reform in Dominican Higher Education- ACADEME. Bulletin of the
American Association of University Professors - Globalization and University -May-June

• Hacia una Cuarta Revoluci?n Educacional: De la Cultura Oral y el Texto Impreso a una
Cultura del Icono, Coautora – Revista Hispanoamericana de Desarrollo Humano y
Pensamiento CRECEMOS, a?o 5, No. 9. 2001

• La Experiencia de Evaluaci?n a Medio T?rmino del Plan Decenal de Educaci?n en
Rep?blica Dominicana. Congreso Pedagog?a’99, La Habana, Cuba.1999.

• Perspectivas de la Educaci?n en Am?rica Latina y Rep?blica Dominicana. Di?logos
Educativos #2, FLACSO, PREAL. Josefina Pimentel y Daniel Filmus. 1998

• Concepciones, Procesos y Estructuras Educativas. Coautora FLACSO Plan Educativo,

• Una Experiencia de Evaluaci?n Procesual y Cualitativa “La Evaluaci?n en el ?mbito del
Programa de Profesionalizaci?n de Maestros Bachilleres en Servicio”. 1er. Seminario

Internacional de Educaci?n. EDUCA. Coautora 1995.

• Profesionalizaci?n de Maestros Bachilleres en Servicio. Plan Decenal de Educaci?n,
Programa SEEBAC-BID, 1993

• “Nuevos Retos al Sindicalismo Magisterial Dominicano”. La Revista de Educaci?n, A?o I,
#2, 1993, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom

• “Actores del Proceso Educativo”. Exposici?n Central, Congreso Nacional de Educaci?n,
Plan Decenal de Educaci?n, 1992.

• “El Impacto del Contexto Social y Econ?mico sobre los Principales Sujetos de
Educaci?n”, Peri?dico Consenso #1, Plan Decenal de Educaci?n. 1992.

• Hacia una Definici?n Conceptual de la Educaci?n Dominicana, Plan Decenal de Educaci?n,
Coautora, 1992.

• “Diagn?stico sobre la Situaci?n del Magisterio Nacional” Area de Contexto, Plan Decenal
de Educaci?n, 1991. Coautora

• “Una Pedagog?a para el Desarrollo”. Plan Educativo, 1989.

• Hacia una Propuesta del Sistema Nacional de Formaci?n de Maestros del Nivel B?sico.
Coautora 1993.

• Fundamentaci?n Te?rica de la Orientaci?n, Coautora, Revista Depto. De Pedagog?a,
UASD, Octubre 1990.

• La Formaci?n del Maestro del Nivel Medio de Hoy y el Futuro, 1er. Congreso Nacional
sobre la Problem?tica de la Educaci?n Media, (SEEBAC-ADP), 1987.

• Diagn?stico de la Educaci?n Superior en Rep?blica Dominicana, CONES, 1985, Coautora.

• Perspectivas y Proyecciones de la Psicolog?a Educativa en Am?rica Latina. Simposio
Latinoamericano de Psicolog?a, 1980.

• El Papel del Psic?logo como parte del Programa de Orientaci?n Escolar de la Escuela
Secundaria. –I Simposio Dominicano de Psicolog?a Educativa- Adopsi abril 29 y 30 y 1ro.
Mayo 1977.

• Historia de la Orientaci?n Escolar en la Rep?blica Dominicana, UASD, 1986


• Evaluaci?n del Impacto del Plan Piloto del Diplomado en Relaciones Laborares. Informe
de Investigaci?n OIT- Proyecto Libertad Sindical, Negociaci?n Colectiva y Relaciones del
Trabajo en Centroam?rica (RELACENTRO) febrero 2003.

• Proyecto para la Universalizaci?n de la Obligatoriedad del Grado Preprimario del Nivel
Inicial, PUCMM-SEEC, 2001,

• Estudio Evaluativo de los Programas de Educaci?n Sexual y Vida Familiar,
PROFAMILIA, Coautora. 1991

• Diagn?stico sobre la Situaci?n del Magisterio Nacional, ?rea Contexto, Plan Decenal de
Educaci?n, Coautora. 1991

• Los Proyectos de Clases y el Papel del Estado en la Universidad Dominicana, 1961-1983,
Brasilia, 1984.

• Una Alternativa Metodol?gica de Ense?anza para una Universidad de Masas, Febrero
1980, UASD.

• Aspectos Psicosociales de la Menarqu?a. Estudio de un Municipio Depto. Psicolog?a UASD,

• Control de Conductas Inadecuadas en el Sal?n de Clases, a trav?s de Reforzamiento
Positivo, UASD, 1974.


• Designaci?n como Profesora Titular de la Universidad Aut?noma de Santo Domingo –
UASD, designada por el Honorable Consejo Universitario, 2005.

• Medalla de Honor al M?rito del Servidor P?blico, otorgada por la Oficina Nacional de
Administraci?n Personal, ONAP, por una trayectoria de 25 a?os al servicio de la
Administraci?n P?blica, 2005.

• Placa de Reconocimiento por “su Dedicada Participaci?n en nuestra Junta de Directores,
durante el per?odo 1996-2000”. Fundaci?n APEC de Cr?dito Educativo- FUNDAPEC- 3
de agosto, 2000

• Placa de Reconocimiento por sus aportes sostenidos a los Programas de Formaci?n en el
pa?s, especial al Programa de Profesionalizaci?n de Maestros Bachilleres en Servicio.
UASD- Julio 1998.

• Placa de Reconocimiento por su Dedicaci?n, Entusiasmo y Entrega en el Desarrollo del
“Programa de Mejoramiento de la Educaci?n B?sica”.SEEBAC-BID- Septiembre 1998.

• Pergamino de Reconocimiento por su “Valiosa y Ardua labor en beneficio de la Educaci?n
Dominicana”, otorgado por la Secretar?a de Estado de Educaci?n, (SEEBAC) y el Fondo
de las Naciones Unidas por la Infancia (UNICEF), 1994.

• Pergamino de Reconocimiento a la “Ardua, eficiente y fruct?fera labor desarrollada como
Directora del Departamento de Pedagog?a”, durante el per?odo 1987-1990, otorgado por
el personal administrativo y acad?mico del Departamento de Pedagog?a de la UASD,
Marzo 1990.

• Estatuilla de Reconocimiento “Coordinadora del a?o 2003-2004 de Programas de
Postgrado” del Centro Universitario Regional de Santiago (CURSA), _UASD, 2004.

• Placa de Reconocimiento por ser “Cultivadora de Sue?os Orientadora de Siempre,
Luchadora Incansable de Altos Principios a favor de la Orientaci?n”, Dpto. De Orientaci?n
y Psicolog?a- SEEBAC- Sto. Dgo. 24 DE JUNIO DE 1997

• Placa de Reconocimiento por “Su Incondicional Apoyo como parte del Equipo Fundador
de esta Instituci?n Acad?mica”, Universidad de la Tercera Edad (UTE), Abril de 2001

• Placa de Reconocimiento: “Para llegar se necesita Firmeza y Equilibrio, gracias por ser
nuestra Balanza”, Universidad Aut?noma de Santo Domingo, Asociaci?n de Estudiantes de
la Carrera de Orientaci?n, San Francisco de Macor?s, 1995.

• Diploma de Reconocimiento por la “Labor y el Esfuerzo en Pro del desarrollo de la
Orientaci?n Escolar Dominicana”, otorgado por la Asociaci?n Dominicana de
Profesionales de la Educaci?n (ADOPO) 22 de Mayo de 1987.

• Placa de Reconocimiento por su “Ardua Labor como Profesora, Amiga y Colaboradora
desde la C?tedra de la Orientaci?n” otorgada por la Asociaci?n de Estudiantes de la
Orientaci?n de la UASD, 1987.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Do anyone know who is the director for PROVOFEX. Glad that chio was out as agricultural minister. How good the new incumbent?


Dec 11, 2009
Finally that old dirty bastard Castillo is gone, DR. FIDIAS F. ARISTY is now the president of the national drugs counsel.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
The DNCD is getting prepared with the right tools and vetted by the DEA...


Canceled and put into forced retirement 28 policemen, including senior officers
Ten captains, 13 lieutenants, three sergeants major, two sergeants and a corporal

Santo Domingo
The police chief, Major General Jose Armando Polanco Gomez, reported today that the Superior Police Council ordered the cancellation and commissioning forced retirement of 28 officers, including ten captains, 13 lieutenants, three sergeants major, two sergeants and a corporal.

The first batch to go after DEA and DHS vetting...

Cleaning the house as we speak...

The order was given to start from Captains down to corporals, then Top Brass and finally grunts...

Why the middle first getting vetted? Once Top Brass gets vetted and cleaned, there will be a need to promote lower ranks to those positions and the need to go up the chain will be instant. Best to have that next in line vetted first than later.

The forced retirements and cancellations were signed by Medina first hour in the morning!

Told you a large group of DEA and DHS were busy, busy, busy at San Isidro arriving...

Operation "Deworming" is underway...


May 12, 2005
Canceled and put into forced retirement 28 policemen, including senior officers
Ten captains, 13 lieutenants, three sergeants major, two sergeants and a corporal

Santo Domingo
The police chief, Major General Jose Armando Polanco Gomez, reported today that the Superior Police Council ordered the cancellation and commissioning forced retirement of 28 officers, including ten captains, 13 lieutenants, three sergeants major, two sergeants and a corporal.

Cancelan y colocan en retiro forzoso a 28 polic?as y oficiales -

The first batch to go after DEA and DHS vetting...

Cleaning the house as we speak...

The order was given to start from Captains down to corporals, then Top Brass and finally grunts...

Why the middle first getting vetted? Once Top Brass gets vetted and cleaned, there will be a need to promote lower ranks to those positions and the need to go up the chain will be instant. Best to have that next in line vetted first than later.

The forced retirements and cancellations were signed by Medina first hour in the morning!

Told you a large group of DEA and DHS were busy, busy, busy at San Isidro arriving...

Operation "Deworming" is underway...


Hopefully this program works and it is not just a 1 time deal. It would be great if this vetting was done annually or at random intervals.


May 18, 2002
If there is no better pay for the normal policemen, then this will just not work. Did you know that the guys have to give half of their pay to their superiors in order not to loose the job?


Dec 14, 2008
New Worms

The forced retirements and cancellations were signed by Medina first hour in the morning!

1. This kind of cleansing has been going on for years.
The problem is that they cannot fire them as quickly as new crooks take their places. :rolleyes:

2. "El informe de la Polic?a explica que la reuni?n del Consejo fue celebrada el pasado 9 de agosto y d?as despu?s el Poder Ejecutivo acogi? las recomendaciones."
The recommendations were made before DM came into office by the 'Consejo Superior Policial'.
DM just signed the list as LF always did.
Nothing had ever changed the system then, nothing will change now.

3. The 'cancelados' are put into retirement, it is not a dishonourable discharge, neither were they court-martialled.
They'll reappear as businessmen, security experts or worse.

Operation "Deworming" is underway...

Sure, the new 'worms' are hungry and waiting to get their bite. :classic:



One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
It will be a permanent clean house!

The above was ONLY the first batch trained and certified on the system, more to come and better tech from DHS was "loaned" so to speak from their contacts with the C.I.A. and the Treasury...

They can't not only detect when you lie and are involved or hiding something during checks, but also SEE your lies on your face and body!


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
1. This kind of cleansing has been going on for years.
The problem is that they cannot fire them as quickly as new crooks take their places. :rolleyes:

Nope! Only vetted officers are promoted once a superior is cancelled or put into forced retirement!

That's why they started at the Captain to Corporal level first! The smart way!

2. "El informe de la Polic?a explica que la reuni?n del Consejo fue celebrada el pasado 9 de agosto y d?as despu?s el Poder Ejecutivo acogi? las recomendaciones."
The recommendations were made before DM came into office by the 'Consejo Superior Policial'.
DM just signed the list as LF always did.
Nothing had ever changed the system then, nothing will change now.

Nope! If you had any knowledge of background into Law enforcement, then you wold know what was that handled that way!

3. The 'cancelados' are put into retirement, it is not a dishonourable discharge, neither were they court-martialled.
They'll reappear as businessmen, security experts or worse.

Nope! Cancelled officers get NO retirement benefits at all! 0% and no severance pay of any type or amount! They just get cancelled after admitting criminal conduct while in uniform against the code of their service. They admit and sign a cancellation "contract" in order to avoid getting further prosecution based on their personal admissions of violations from the institution. Officers that get forced retirement, are those that flunked on important parts of the tests and questionings, beyond the doubt that they are dirty, but admit to none as the others.

These officers are ordered into forced retirement with only the minimum basics of their early retirement benefits approved by the executive power. There's no evidence of their violations to the code of conduct or criminal acts, other than an officer that's not trusted due to failing to pass the minimum required levels of tests of the vetting process.

As part of their unique executive ordered cancellation or forced retirements, the individuals can't perform security state or private duties, or carry out a type of business like banking, financial or other character where personal conduct is related as needed for their operations. They are pretty much branded!

As for those that "nombramientos or ranks" were conceded as part of their duties but failed in some aspects of their tests, will get their appointments vacated and their ranks frozen as well as their positions within their units restricted. Pretty much a dead duck for their entire career without any opportunity of advancement one step up.

Sure, the new 'worms' are hungry and waiting to get their bite. :classic:


The new worms will not get pass the vetting! It's that simple!

That's why it was started in the middle, to then filter the top brass and later the grunts below.

Considering the size of the state's L&O institutions, it will take sometime before all is deworming takes place!


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
1. This kind of cleansing has been going on for years.


And to clear this part:

No it has not! They had carried out vetting to partial units alone before, not a widespread vetting like now, which requires a lot of manpower, trained and certified investigators and overall equipment to carry it out without faults.

Before what was done at the time, was to carry out a vetting of say, a unit of the DNCD to hunt for certain groups or infiltrate cartels working in the DR. The problem was that unit members are not perpetual and they always got new blood from other units or below ranks, with the needed vetting officers and equipment long gone back to the US it was impossible to keep the unit's clean aspect.

That also took place when the police got vetted on the top brass, resulting that when lower ranks came up the promotional path, the vetting was not permanent and the actions got lost on all that effort.

The solution was to implement a permanent local vetting unit with local individuals trained and certified from the best out there. Also equipment that was able to keep with the times and vetting needs was needed.

The D.H.S. and D.E.A. came about full circle and offered a final solution with Obama's plan for our country with a lil' help from the C.I.A. as well.

Which brings us to now and today!



Dec 14, 2008
A Shame!

So, in your consideration all Dominicans are drug dealers, pimps, putas and sankies?

Hmm, who said that?
Can you quote, please?

I was referring to your detection of liars.
The people you mentioned above probably lie less than 'functionarios' and 'politicos' in this country and that's a shame.



One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros

Jean Alain Rodriguez to CEI-RD

A 37-year old lawyer, Jean Alain Rodriguez has been appointed director of the Center for Exports and Investment of the Dominican Republic (CEI-RD). Rodriguez is an expert in trade and foreign investment. At the time of his appointment he was manager and legal advisor at the Domicem cement company. He has also worked as ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Relations and as commissioner with the Regulatory Commission for Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Measures under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

  • Graduated in law from the PUCMM in Santo Domingo in 1997.

  • Master's in law from the Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, in Italy (Dottore in Giurisprudenza).

  • Post graduate degree in Civil Responsibility and Consumer Law, with distinction, 1998, (Scuola Superiore Di Administrazione Pubblica F. Degli Enti Locali, Rome).

  • LL.M. in Public Administration Criminal Law, with distinction, 1998, (L'Universite de Droit, Economie el de Sciences Sociales, Paris II, La Sorbonne (D.S.U. Commercial Law, 1999).

  • Completed a management study for lawyers at Yale University.

He has certificates in conflict resolution from CEPREC in the Dominican Republic and has attended several courses on trade and law.

Since 1999, he worked as legal counsel at the Russin, Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti firm, a leader in the promotion of foreign investment in the Dominican Republic.

He has been a member of the collegiate board of arbiters at INDOTEL.

Teaches business law at PUCMM and UNIBE universities.

Served as the secretary of the board of directors of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Dominican Republic.

Served as legal advisor to the Department of Customs on matters related to the World Trade Organization.

Worked as assistant to the National District Prosecutor.

Legal advisor to the Dominican ambassador in Italy.

Member of the Dominican Bar Association.

Member of the Inter-American Bar Association.

Member of the Association Henri Capitani des Amis de la Culture Juridique Francaise.

Fluent in Spanish, English, Italian and French.


Jun 17, 2005
So, in your consideration all Dominicans are drug dealers, pimps, putas and sankies?

Tells a lot about where you mind is!

....this statement show a high level of paranoia, I did not get that from his post. I read corrupt and lying politicians. you really believe that the top can clean the bottom so quickly and that it is just so easy? I think this will turn out to be a long, drawn out has to continue over many changes in seems kind of unlikely no matter how much it is wanted/needed. I hope it is the start to the long road.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros

Candida Montilla de Medina
First Lady

Director-founder of the Program for Human Development and Family Integration at the Central Bank since 2004 - 2012)(
Programa de Desarrollo Humano e Integraci?n Familiar (PDHIF)

Graduate in clinical psychology, specializing in family and sex therapy,(Catholic University of Santo Domingo).

Post studies on Human Development and Organizational Change Management at the INCAE Business School (Alajuela, Costa Rica).

Post studies on Human Resources Management (The Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, Pennsylvania, U.S.).

Vice President of Renaserc foundation (Red Nacional de Servicios comunitarios), a social foundation that promotes the community individuals to participate in developing programs within their areas.

She has been married to Danilo Medina for 25 years and they have three daughters, Candy Sibeli, Vanessa Daniela and Ana Paula.

Candy Sibeli is a graduate in Economy from the PUCMM with a master's in Finance from the University of Rochester, in New York. She is doing a second masters in Development Finance at the University of London, UK.

Vanessa Daniela is a graduate in law from PUCMM and is studying for a master's in Environmental Law at the Universidad de Palermo, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Ana Paula is studying medicine at the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE).