Track cars on the cities roads?


Feb 22, 2010
What a crazy night, we had track cars heading down the malecon full speed causing mahem, along with daddies sports cars racing the stretch it was an accident waiting to happen. I lived on lincoln and so am used to seeing high speed late night idiots flying down there, but the speeds these guys were hitting along the Malecon after midnight was much quicker. Flashing lights after performance muffles engines, ambulances and police heading down after them (I'm presuming there was a couple of crashes up the road). It was more like Silverstone than Malecon. I went out to see what was going on after this went on for about 2 hours and there were track cars on the road until about 4am, a few sleeping speedbumps might make a difference, but then I expect the emergency services couldn't get anywhere in a rush.
I did notice heavy fireworks around 2am going off, but not sure if related and we had some event going on I was unaware of.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I love it :)

Presidente Music Festival (largest in the DR) was going on at Olympico, hence the fireworks.


Apr 15, 2008
ferrari split into two pieces, "won't happen to me", doesn't anybody learn anything?

No, never.

Do public car drivers check their gas tanks after one of their colleagues cars explodes to make sure it doesn't happen to them?

Do guagua drivers slow down after they attend their friend's funeral after flying off the road and killing innocent people?

Do the coach drivers in the east ever think that one severe accident while they are overtaking on a blind bend could put the economy of that whole area at risk?

Do motoconchistas, after coming within inches of death at the front end of your car, ride more carefully? or flail their arms at you as if it was your fault that they didn't see your indicators, brake lights etc...?

Do you think they're out inspecting all the refuse contractors trucks and drivers after the incident at Villas Agr?colas this week?

I could go on forever, but I'll stop.......Its really sad, but unfortunately I don't see that changing any time soon....