Travel Visa for a friend to visit the US


New member
Sep 2, 2006
Hi there I have traveled to the DR 5 times since June of last year. I have visited SD and POP. I met this young lady in POP and we really like each other. there is a language barrier but I am willing to work with that. She is 23 yrs. old with 2 children which is not a problem for me. The problem is she has little to no money and no status. She has lived there all her life and her parents still live there. I would love to bring her to the US for a week or two to stay with me. I have several other friends from the states that have the same intrest. Is there any way possible for us to get them a travel visa. If anyone has any information please let me know.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Travel Visa

Getting her a visa to visit is next to impossible........

If she is rich and has lots of connections, then it may be possible.

Getting married to her, it might be possible after a couple years or so to get her an immigration visa.

Don - SantiagoDR
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