Trujillo Death and funeral, May 1961.

Aug 6, 2006
This country needs another Trujillo, we have created a culture where every motoconcho is a legend in their own mind who feels worthy of prolific breeding.

Did Trujillo actually have a plan to prevent egotistical motoconchos from overbreeding?
He did unify the country, and much of the money he stole remained in the country in the form of factories, buildings and breweries. In Haiti, the tradition was to send all the stolen money to France and Switzerland.

He seems to have been too little like Ataturk and too much like Stroessner to merit a rerun to me.
Aug 6, 2006
Well, he did spend a lot of his money in the DR, even if he did deposit some of it in Swiss banks. He was of course a tyrant. I am not defending Trujillo.

If ypu feel a need to attack someone, attack those who say they want him back, that say that the country needs la mano dura and the lash.


Jun 26, 2012
Well, he did spend a lot of his money in the DR, even if he did deposit some of it in Swiss banks. He was of course a tyrant. I am not defending Trujillo.

If ypu feel a need to attack someone, attack those who say they want him back, that say that the country needs la mano dura and the lash.

His what?

Ese ladronazo acab? con to', and as much as these DR johnny-come-latelys want to romanticize the motherfcuking cattle thief, Trujillo was a murderer. Too bad there's no hell.

And, yes, the only time you can mention Ataturk and Trujillo in the same post, is to illustrate their dissimilarities.
Mar 1, 2009
Trujillo is dead, he is missed. After Duarte, he is also the father of the country.
He got ****e done.....
Nuff said....
Aug 6, 2006
Trujillo is dead, he is missed. After Duarte, he is also the father of the country.
He got ****e done.....
Nuff said....
Just as Stroessner is missed. He liked to name stuff after himself as well.
Ciudad Alfredo Stroessner is now Ciudad del Este.

After he was gone, Paraguayans, who still venerate other dictators like Dr Francia and Mariscal Antonio Lopez Solano, preferred a cardinal direction over Stroessner. I doubt he will be rewarded in the Pante?n de los H?roes anytime soon. But surely there are those than miss him.


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
This country needs another Trujillo,

Say that to the families of the 20,000 Haitians murdered in the Parsley Massacre; say that to the families of the 50,000 Dominicans he murdered; say that to the countless women and girls he raped; say that to the business owners whose businesses he just took as his own; say that to the government employees who were required to "donate" 10% of their earnings to the national treasury, while he systematically plundered it; say that to anybody who had any dealings with Johnny Abbes or SIM.

You might as well say that Hitler was a pretty good leader because he made the trains run on time.

Just don't say it to me.