Trujillo Vive In The Young


Feb 9, 2009
Well, not only in DR.... some Russians say that their country needs new Stalin, etc. That's just a result of total corruption. Actually, I agree with that. Countries like DR need a dictatorship to prevent chaos.
Mar 1, 2009
Trujillo never went out of vogue. The armed forces revered him and many of his men still held positions of influence. The families that were always struggling with him and had vendettas against him made sure to pass laws that made any activity involving his name a crime. My father says the man that made this country into a country was Trujillo. Plus they kicked out the whole family, brothers, aunts, cousins,'body!!! Some have sneaked back in but the majority are outside of the country. I guess this is turning into one of my rants (sorry MountainAnnie)...but that is wrong, it's almost a violation of human rights? Plus this whole business of not "exalting" Trujillo it's full censorship. That's not right either, France has many monuments about Napoleon. The whole perejil episode an exaggeration I'm sure. Anyway concerning Napoleon he caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands and he has the invalides as a tomb. I say bring back Trujillo to his country.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Trujillo was a terrible person in so many ways, but at the same time he did do many good things for the country as a whole. Mr. AE has told me of the families who sent their daughters out of the country, because he considered the entire female population his personal brothel. And that his brother was even worse, if that's possible. My in-laws were personally was affected when Trujillo wanted their land in SD for La Feria in the 50s.

I think that the people who yearn for him really just want the control he had, the safety in the streets because the criminals feared him too. Mr. AE remembers the little VW Beetles and the fright they invoked.

I think DR does need someone with an iron fist to whip the country back into shape, but not a brutal dictator. I'd be the first one out of there if that happens.
May 12, 2005
Trujillo never went out of vogue. The armed forces revered him and many of his men still held positions of influence. The families that were always struggling with him and had vendettas against him made sure to pass laws that made any activity involving his name a crime. My father says the man that made this country into a country was Trujillo. Plus they kicked out the whole family, brothers, aunts, cousins,'body!!! Some have sneaked back in but the majority are outside of the country. I guess this is turning into one of my rants (sorry MountainAnnie)...but that is wrong, it's almost a violation of human rights? Plus this whole business of not "exalting" Trujillo it's full censorship. That's not right either, France has many monuments about Napoleon. The whole perejil episode an exaggeration I'm sure. Anyway concerning Napoleon he caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands and he has the invalides as a tomb. I say bring back Trujillo to his country.

Exactly. These groups of 20 and 30 somethings have had a lifetime of anti-Trujillo and lots of revisionist history told to them but yet here they are. Trujillo had many faults and was far from a perfect human being. However, he truly loved the nation and worked to make it one of the best in the region. One of his biggest missteps was bringing in Johnny Abbes and giving basically free reign and no oversight. Abbes was a true psychopath. Also he allowed Abbes to influence him on many of his poorer decisions like trying to blow up Romulo Betancourt.

All that said, there seems to be a growing realization amongst the young that the politicians have greatly failed the nation and yearning for a strong leader who can provide safe, clean streets, 24/7 agua y luz, a strong peso, a vibrant economy with jobs for the masses and a better standing and reputation for the country around the world.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Exactly. These groups of 20 and 30 somethings have had a lifetime of anti-Trujillo and lots of revisionist history told to them but yet here they are. Trujillo had many faults and was far from a perfect human being. However, he truly loved the nation and worked to make it one of the best in the region. One of his biggest missteps was bringing in Johnny Abbes and giving basically free reign and no oversight. Abbes was a true psychopath. Also he allowed Abbes to influence him on many of his poorer decisions like trying to blow up Romulo Betancourt.

All that said, there seems to be a growing realization amongst the young that the politicians have greatly failed the nation and yearning for a strong leader who can provide safe, clean streets, 24/7 agua y luz, a strong peso, a vibrant economy with jobs for the masses and a better standing and reputation for the country around the world.

I mostly agree with you Frank.

I say 'mostly' because I think these kids are unaware of the downside of a living under a dictator. They may be romanticizing the image of a safe, clean, prosperous country without considering how it may personally affect their lives.

Here's a surprising page: Mujeres con Trujillo,

The only declared candidate for Dominican presidency that seems to fit the bill is General Rafael Percival, but he's definitely a leftist. He has a lawsuit against Leonel, who he openly calls a traitor, and is very vocal about his beliefs, here's one short video:
Leonel Fernandez traidor | Rafael Percival - YouTube

You could spend untold hours on YouTube watching the videos/programs he's been on:
rafael percival - YouTube


Aug 5, 2007
Frank, there are monsters enough already here. Trujillo like Hitler ("who made the trains run on time") morphed into one of the worst monsters of modern times. Ironically, his assassination was made possible by his own successes: an enlarged middle class and mass education. Better munificent dictators who "time out" after the trains run on time.

His brother Jos? Arismendy (Pet?n) could have been even worse in his personal appetites (seraglios of disfigured, deformed, amputees, etc.). High times indeed!

How about derechista Candelier who's advanced age guarantees a time-out?


Sep 27, 2006
i saw that on kerisa the other day:



Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Trujillo was a terrible person in so many ways, but at the same time he did do many good things for the country as a whole. Mr. AE has told me of the families who sent their daughters out of the country, because he considered the entire female population his personal brothel. And that his brother was even worse, if that's possible. My in-laws were personally was affected when Trujillo wanted their land in SD for La Feria in the 50s.

I think that the people who yearn for him really just want the control he had, the safety in the streets because the criminals feared him too. Mr. AE remembers the little VW Beetles and the fright they invoked.

I think DR does need someone with an iron fist to whip the country back into shape, but not a brutal dictator. I'd be the first one out of there if that happens.

I agree with you on this. The DR does need a leader not with a strong hand but with an iron fist. The only way that Dominicans will abide by the law is through fear. Sad but true.


Sep 27, 2006
i understand the sentiments. i come from an ex-communist country where people still elect leftist governments and remember the communism fondly. the thing is your average citizen has no real interest in politics and such. he has interest in having a full plate for dinner and getting stuff, like education and healthcare free. average citizen does not feel oppressed by the system because he does not fight the system. he goes with the flow.


Apr 15, 2012
Third Reich Germany before the WWII was a wealthy and ordered land, does it mean that it is right to praise Hitler ?

I say that economically they did right and set the right reforms. There was some discipline in that country ( this why they knocked Out so many armies).

Politically speaking Hitler was a mess , you should ask to the German opponents, Ukrainians, Polish, French and many others enslaved in Germany factories when this crazy mofo was waging war all over Europe.

I am not really knowlegeable about Trujillo's era, but it seems to me that he set the country on the right track " economically speaking", However it was his country ( Santo Domingo renamed Ciudad Trujillo) not for his people. Most of the factories belonged to him and his family ( his brother Hector nicknamed " Negro" became also president during this area).

A period of denounciation (Calies) and terror to all his opponents who spent time in jails , exile or worst (Mirabal sisters)

Furthermore Trujillo was a mere little soldier who came to power during USA occupation of 1916. According to Jaime Jesus Dominguez , Trujillo used to hunt down the dominican nationalists who fought against this US Occupation. He was a mere sell out put in place by the US.

According to Alan Cambeira in "Quiqueya La Bella" , US top Officers used to call him " Our SOB"...My guess is that some nationalists like him because of the way he handled the Haitian problem in 1937.

Trujillo, Hitler ( which he admired) , Staline , Napoleon etc all crazy mofos...The balance of their good deeds is overcomed by their bad deeds.
Aug 6, 2006
Hitler did not make the trains run on time. Germans have never had punctuality problems. Mussolini was the one that made the trains run on time, Italians being less punctual than Germans.

Germany was in terrible shape in 1933, by the way, because of the WWI reparations, inflation and constant political violence in the streets. Hitler built the autobahns, started an international dirigible company and brought Germany out of the depression. The downside was that most of the men and a lot of the women were dead or maimed by the time he left power. It is a rather big downside when one's policies kill off the population.

I think Francisco Solano Lopez wrecked Paraguay more than Hitler wrecked Germany, but he still has his face on the money and his remains in the Panteon de los Heroes.
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Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
I hate hearing, or reading positive stuff on hitler ( without a capital h cos he doesnt deserve it ). As said before all "good deeds"are cancelled by who eveil he became. U can hardly say a guy who orded the death and process of 6 million innocents ( jews, poles, russians, political opponents, mentally deffecient.... ) and caused the death of tens of millions others (cf ww2), has anything positive!!!!!
Oh but he helped german economy, yeah great rob naked of possesions and buissness of millions of german citizens ( jews)and than a couple of years later turned them into slave labour, worked to exaustion, recycled their clothes, hair, gold fillings.
Great example for the dr. Thanks a heap.
The only necessary condition for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing. ( or something like that)
Aug 6, 2006
Neither Hitler nor Trujillo is any sort of example for any country, including the DR. Both of them were evil. Hitler, of course, was motivated by a Grand Theory, while Trujillo was motivated by greed, and had a much smaller, poorer country, so the results turned out less evil, but lasted longer (Hitler 12 years, Trujillo over 30). But to understand either entirely, you have to understand the history of the country and the world at the time.


Jun 19, 2009
Trujillo vive in the minds of some DR1 mods... Non-Dominican mods, that is.

I can totally picture myself marrying a hot guy from Argentina, be an expert in Buenos Aires and Tango...then collect everything about Jorge Vileda. Kinda weird :)


New member
May 27, 2013
Furthermore Trujillo was a mere little soldier who came to power during USA occupation of 1916........... He was a mere sell out put in place by the US.

According to Alan Cambeira in "Quiqueya La Bella" , US top Officers used to call him " Our SOB".....

And that's the point - they do not get to choose how the country is run - they never really did - strong man or otherwise - at least not until what the masses want coincides with the purposes of the IMF/WB/US.

Again, flees arguing about who owns the dog.